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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. That's because it was. We're teetering on Cowboys fan teritory with threads like this.
  2. Who is this Wilkes guy five or so of you keep mentioning?
  3. Yeah, pretty sure Danny Crossman could've outperformed Rhule.
  4. Hey, man, if you think Wilks is an 11 or 12 game a season coach if he's on a very good team ... cool for you. Let's see if it pans out next time he gets a HC gig.
  5. We don't say Wilks didn't do better because of Sam, Baker, and PJ? Pretty sure we have said that. You have to judge a coach on something. If we sit here and say the best coaches have the best teams ... well duh. So all you can go on is what their stats say. Had Wilks gone 12-0 (hell, even 9-3) instead of 6-6, he'd be our coach. If you want to call Reich and Wilks dead even in terms of skill and ability ... cool. I'm fine with that. So at that point you ask what did the team want. The answer was an offensive minded coach. That's not Wilks. End of story.
  6. If only there were professionals who deal with dirty clothing.
  7. I'm trying to grasp what you're arguing here. Do you think every coach should be kept around until he gets a good QB ... and then get evaluated? Does this mean that QB play directly ties to the record a coach will have? If so, does that mean the QB is the real reason a team has success and a coach is just some guy? If so, why even have coaches? Coaches have to be able to do well with good and bad QBs. He did not do well in AZ and he was average at best here. If you think that deserves him sticking around, ok. That's your take. Most others here do not share that philosophy though. Also curious as to how long you would've given Rhule if you were Tepper. His QBs were nothing to write home about.
  8. Race relations/tension are such a messy thing in this world of ours. It's a shame. It will never stop though. 500 years from now, it will still be there turning heads. The easiest thing to do is just make all coaches in the NFL and NBA POC. And if any whites complain, tell them to go play some damn golf, get into banking, join a cornhole league, surf, or do real estate. But yeah, don't see that happening. It's all an unsolvable situation because for whatever reason, our society has deemed skin color to actually hold some sort of difference in the way we act as people ... no matter which "skin color" you ask. So stupid. If aliens ever land here and ask what we're like, someone should say: we're idiots ... you might want to leave.
  9. Well he's not going to ATL as DC. They hired someone else.
  10. I mean, IF he can keep it up (many can't), give it a go. You have to have fan favorites, team HOFers, legends, etc. Next thing you know we'll be doing it to WRs too. Sometimes players deserve to stay around, even if it costs us.
  11. Sure you can. We have to give up #9 and a future 1st. Not ideal, and I wouldn't do it, but no one wants the 9ers picks.
  12. I said we ARE a better team with him. As in, right now. If we get a QB, with Reich at the helm, plus CMC? Daaaaamn. But again, the ship has sailed. We have two standard power RBs.
  13. Seriously? Etienne is on his rookie contract. Get back to me when he agrees to play for that much when he signs his big boy contract.
  14. We're a better team with him. He's better than whomever we will draft with the 49ers picks. That's all that needs to be said. But, it's over. He's gone. Life goes on.
  15. Jesus. Some of you make Wilks out to be some lost soul, downtrodden from multiple reasons, unable to stand on his own two feet like he's some poor beggar. Stop feeling SORRY for him. He has a lot of money, has coached in the NCAA and the NFL, and lives a nice life. The man is going to be just fine.
  16. I was wondering who was going to make the first Germany joke.
  17. As much as I'm meh on Reich, here's hoping Moore, TMJ, the O-line, any returning RB, and the TEs are ready to put in WORK on a completely new playbook.
  18. Four year deal? Sounds like a good deal.
  19. From what I'e gathered ... 1. He's local 2. He's a respectable man 3. Players like him 4. He was better than Rhule 5. He can lead That's it. NOTHING about how he's a great coach, defensive wizard, offensive juggernaut, out thinks other coaches, gameplans better than most, etc. Nah ... it's that he's a GOOD GUY.
  20. Damn. I was afraid of this. Wilks needs to squash this before it snowballs. I'm not on FB and haven't looked on IG, but if what people are in here are saying is true ... sigh. I mean, if very proud and intelligent Huddlers like Frank and Jawny are OK with this ... then that says it. Do the right thing, Wilks. Oh, fug all lawyers.
  21. Hopefully if and when Wilks responds to this day, he does it in a professional way, and doesn't try to point things out like he did in the past. I don't think this situation is like his past ones. Though I do wonder if that's why Tre Boston tweeted what he did. That said, a big ol MEH to Reich. He's like the offensive version of Fox and Rivera. I don't see us getting more than nine wins with him unless we score big with a QB. It will be nice to see an actual offense philosophy though.
  22. Nine wins will be better than the usual I guess.
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