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  1. the draft capital is whats expensive
  2. shoooot…doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy, but i do think hes jumped mingo on the depth chart
  3. panthers polos - a black and a white one..in rotation..to the office nearly every friday year round where my team consists of a saints, (2) cowboys, a ravens, a bengals, & a steelers fan.. witness my fandom
  4. lol came here to say same thing lol what a jackassssss
  5. so we loose, so we can win? just trying to make sure I'm understanding your proposal..
  6. this was my time frame as well
  7. I get the joke - I mean thats a cute thing to say but, the reality is there will indeed be fans in the stands and I think they might quickly turn into an absolute frothing mob. tbh i just thought this would be more like a week 6-8 situation. But if the boos come down from the home crowd, thats is a WRAP
  8. This escalated quickly…But if the home crowd rains boos on Bryce this week, that is the end. Huddle sentiment is one thing but a week 2 home crowd booing is another animal.
  9. this is. but will also say he is not retiring today. a “legacy making” season may be right around the corner. If hes at the helm when we make a miracle run this year I think his legacy is different than if he retired yesterday.
  10. Looks like you've been appropriately super-poo’d but…. shhheeeeeeet maan Can we get through the preseason before we start this?
  11. I think building culture is big for us rn - look at derek browns attitude after being made, Horn is guy to build around. Pay him and move on
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