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  1. This. Whoever we draft, we'll just ruin with our ineptitude. Zero hope.
  2. I don't. I hate that song with a burning passion. My blood boils and I cringe when I hear it. That being said, I'll begrudgingly endure it for a win.
  3. I'd like to say I'm surprised Ian Thomas is still on this team, but I'm not. I don't know what this guy has done to still be on this roster. Why? Why is this franchise like this? And cutting Jordan Matthews... idiots.
  4. I'll admit though, as horrible as I think we'll be, there is a morbid curiosity to see just how worse it can possibly get from last season. And how many weeks until the "Fire Canales" posts start happening. I correctly predicted it for Reich last year. Let's see how long this lasts.
  5. You just nailed it. All of it. My thinking to a T
  6. My power was out all day since 4:30 am. I'm sure that was a more enjoyable experience.
  7. Maybe when we're garbage again this season, the coach won't get the blame again.
  8. As much as I hate to lose an NFL team, it's probably for the best if the team relocated somewhere where the fans actually will support them. Too many transplant here for any team to survive. Just let us have our college sports. And take the Hornets too while you're at it.
  9. For the team, zero. For football in general to come back. I'm ready as soon as the season ends.
  10. I hope more businesses do this. Maybe then he'll see what an embarrassment he is around the league. Or not... I hate this clown with a passion.
  11. The front office after seeing this:
  12. This draft was so godawful, I'm going to the Greek alphabet for this one. Φ-
  13. Absolutely, 100%, yes. No hesitation.
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