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Everything posted by frankw

  1. I wouldn't be livid about it in a trade down scenario but it depends on what we do at QB. Either way there is and will always be value picks for this position in the mid rounds.
  2. Part of me is interested to see what he could do with this offense and DJ Moore but he really doesn't seem like his heart is in it anymore.
  3. Yeah in fairness to the other guy he was on this news first. Though it was reasonable to be cautious given some of the source claims here over the years. Richardson did bring football here no matter how I may have felt about some of his decisions over the years. RIP.
  4. I would be on board with rolling the dice on AR. But let's please stop trying to compare him to Newton. If he ends up being the pick it's unfair to put that level of expectation on him out of the gate. He's going to need development and patience.
  5. Source? Rumors like this are more and more common now with the internet. If true condolences to his family.
  6. Now let's drag Dan Marino into the Carr debate. The cope knows no bounds.
  7. For sure the Raiders are a mess and have been for years. But there's a good chance they come away looking better at QB than us when it's all said and done even if it's a small upgrade. We laughed at the Jets and took Sam off their hands. Their QB room looked better than ours. We laughed at the Browns and took Baker off their hands. We lost to them led by Jacoby Brissett. At some point we have to learn some level of a lesson from these swings we keep making.
  8. There it is! Didn't we do this "blame everyone else" spiel with Darnold and Mayfield too?
  9. Oh for sure McDaniels is a well known abysmal head coach. But Carr has troubling tendencies that have translated through what about 5 head coaches? By that I mean his glaring penchant for turning the ball over. 179 combined interceptions and fumbles since 2014 in 142 games. That's a high number. I think we could compete with him but those turnovers aren't going anywhere. At soon to be 33 that's who he is now he isn’t just going to suddenly change. The question is can this staff minimize those turnovers and maximize his effectiveness. Maybe. But it's not a risk worth taking for 35 million a year IMO.
  10. It's fun reading posts saying let's build around Carr and give him weapons. Like he had nobody last year
  11. Darnold will be 35 and some people will still be arguing he's still got a few years to put it all together. I've just never seen this with anyone else. When compared to the years of whining from a significant number of Panthers fans about Cam Newton in his prime and people saying things like he'd never have a game winning drive it's even more cringe.
  12. Drink more water and take some colace bud.
  13. Derek Carr or Sam Darnold... How about neither.
  14. That's true but in this case it's a matter of trying something different. With the arguments in favor of him being applied here why not consider PJ Walker too? Better is a matter of perspective
  15. Wins eh? Remind me how he looked without a huge showing from his run game and when he had to pass the ball? He was outperformed in the final game of the season by Andy Dalton. And please don't give me any of this nonsense about how the game didn't matter.
  16. Looking through this list there are multiple better options available. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/free-agents/quarterback/?ref=trending-pages
  17. Based on the premise in the OP Sam would still be starting for an undetermined amount of time until one of the other young QB's is ready. Even one game of Sam Darnold is too many to me
  18. If the coaching staff actually believes reclamation project redux is going to turn this franchise around I'll instantly lose any of the confidence built over these last several weeks. But I just don't see it. It's easy to sit on the internet and say you'd roll the dice on a Sam Darnold when it's not your job at stake.
  19. Sam Darnold wishes he was Jared Goff. Stop the insanity. He is who he is and that's not a good starting QB but a serviceable backup. Move on!
  20. You know the Bears have been waiting to get back at us for that Greg Olsen trade. If we want their pick they're gonna ask for everything short of the fountain of youth and some magic beans
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