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Everything posted by frankw

  1. 31st ranked oline last year two QB's already injured this year behind our "depth" yet still some fans haven't learned. It's fascinating really.
  2. "BUT HE'S A REALLY GOOD RB" Yet I've seen this offense fall right back on their ass more times than I can count with McCaffrey running the ball in the redzone. The 4th down plays in particular stick out. Has the OL been bad? Sure. But the fact some homers just don't want to grapple with is CMC is not built to be an every down back and he is not built to carry the offense on his own. We need a bruiser.
  3. So the Ron Rivera blueprint. Genius.
  4. I'll begin to believe it when we are the ones outcoaching teams instead of the other way around. Until then we go as far as Rhule can muster on gamedays.
  5. Are you this lonely on a Friday bub? It's been established that after 25 years old many RB's begin to break down physically and get bogged down with nagging injuries. There have been some notable exceptions but most of them are from previous eras. You get so angry when presented with the realities of the very real trends related to the running back position the last several years. Yeah I hope McCaffrey miraculously goes on to never miss a game for the next 5 seasons and has a hall of fame career and a Super Bowl MVP with us. But I also want to hit the Powerball so the odds of both are about the same.
  6. You're the one offering up walls of text to stick your neck out for a billionaire who will never see or acknowledge your attempts at defending his honor. But I'm triggered? We both know what you're really about anyways BB and this is 100% on brand for you.
  7. Absolutely given the changes in our division. But our head coach will have to pull a 180 and become much more efficient in gameday situations and at making adjustments in general.
  8. Yes the billionaire who has made bad decision after bad decision is the real victim here and Roaring Riot is the enemy. Brooklyn Bully sucking off Tepper is one of the least surprising things I've ever read here.
  9. I understand it's easier to cope with one of the worst trades in recent memory by acting as if Fitterer was an errand boy but he was definitely very involved in the process. By the time the Baker trade went down very few teams were interested and Cleveland had lost significant leverage. It also helped we learned a few things from the fallout of the Darnold acquisition.
  10. TBD and that is being generous after the Darnold trade which is one of the worst in many years for any team. If Scott is the evaluator some here claim him to be he should have been talking Rhule out of that trade until he was out of breath. To field such an abysmal OL on top of that would get many front office executives led to the nearest exit. We need to see some big time results out of the roster this season. There really is no excuse not to with how the division is shaping up. We have a window open now. Time to capitalize.
  11. Out of touch but not surprising. Even less surprising is the usual sycophants making excuses. PanthersBigD is Smithers IRL.
  12. Didn't he have the lowest rated single game grade out of all olinemen last season by PFF? Shouldn't be that tough to replace. Maybe even a tackling dummy would suffice.
  13. He's had an impressive preseason no doubt. But he'll be running like that in the regular season until someone lays the wood. Remember when #14 was referred to as "Sam Newton" around here for a bit last season? The Falcons put an end to that pretty quick.
  14. So of course someone here is like sure let's kick the tires.
  15. Sam needs to either go to IR asap or just hand him his walking papers.
  16. Why you saw it live right? It was bad. They weren’t going to the trouble of working out two kickers just to need them for maybe a month. They were looking for a guy for the season.
  17. So we cut Deonte and Tecklenburg but kept Jordan? lol alrighty then
  18. I know you're salty and looking to settle a score but you've actually attempted to make that comparison before. If Rhule can turn this roster around and have us that competitive in our division and the rest of the conference I'll be the first to eat crow and congratulate him.
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