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Everything posted by 1usctrojan

  1. I know. You can have one or two star players on the offensive line...but all it takes is one defensive player to break through a weak link and put a QB on his back, or worse. I may just be a CFB fan, but I’ve seen several great OL men play up close....Munoz, Boselli, Ron Yary, Bruce Matthews, Tyron Smith and many more pro bowl players, we have a traditional of great OL...but they must play as a cohesive unit. Hoping for the best.
  2. Your offensive line is better than the line he had in NY, all three years he played there. His mobility should help, so one less excuse others can make for him.
  3. What gives me hope is the praise from very good NFL defensive players (Sherman, JJ Watt, Clooney,etc) who played against him. Your HC stated that the defensive coaches went to him regarding Sam. In college, our first team defense raved to anyone who’d listen, about Sam on the scout team. QBs play against defenses, for me, their praise means more than a QBs offensive teammates’ praise. They just want the damn ball (Keyshawn reference here), defenses want to destroy the opposing QB.
  4. I know for a fact Sam is tired of losing. I believe in him, but I’ve seen him make some amazing, wow plays....then I witnessed the USC coaches ineptness after the Rose Bowl by completely changing the offensive scheme to one that did not suit his style of play, his style that won games. They were fired the next year, the entire offensive coaching staff. Then the triply inept Jets. All that is in the past, he has another chance. If the coaches and the players believe in him, he can be that guy that was so much fun to watch. No one is stopping us from seeing the potential.
  5. It’s not as if Sam’s shown enough to warrant hope, sometimes as a fan, you’re tired of not being in contention, and you’ve been disappointed too many times. I hope Sam is the answer, not just for him, but for Panther fans.
  6. Hope you don’t mind the edit.
  7. The coaches have shown confidence in Sam, he looks happy and confident....everything else like message board chatter is just noise. The Panthers organization has already shown they believe in him, rest is up to him. Happy Birthday today, Sammy. Fight On!
  8. You S.U.C.K.! You’re right, for once though, no skill player is going to bad mouth the guy who will “Just Give Me the Damn Ball”. You still suck
  9. With that member name, your one redeeming quality seems to be self awareness. You simply don’t give a crap behind your keyboard.
  10. Never, never try to hurt a Latinas’ babies.....the furry mama bear lost that one.
  11. The Jets improved the GM position, coaching staff and finally drafted the big dogs on the line.....all of that was subpar crap when they drafted Sam. They are rebuilding the right way now, they set up the BYU kid to succeed, minus the inevitable growing pains. What pisses me off is, they had no business drafting a young QB in 2018, Sam or anyone, after not drafting quality linemen in the first three rounds in 10 years. What kind of of professional football organization is that inept? Then they draft a young, raw QB with the least experience in the position in the last three drafts. Joe Douglas is doing it right this time, but Sam was the casualty of wasting his rookie contract surrounded with nothing. They need every draft pick and money they can get. I don’t think this is the same old Jets, unless the idiotic owners get involved.
  12. It’s typical of sports message boards - college or pro, every time a man accuses a woman of being irrational, whiny, quoting unsubstantiated rumors as truth and beating a dead horse to a pulp...I point to message boards with a snarky eye roll. it can be very satisfying and enjoyable.
  13. All 11 pages of speculation should be answered by mid season.
  14. I can also understand the lack of faith, Sam has not show anything at the pro level, but one thing he has shown, is he’s a competitor...and I get a little irritated when people don’t give him credit for one of his strengths. I think he is judged by his laid back demeanor. Sam was a late offer by the USC coaches, a bonus QB offer. There was a returning starter that wasn’t going to lose his job ahead of him, a former 5* Gatorade Player of the Year who was waiting his turn, and a 5* who was already committed in his class. Sam was standing on the sidelines of practice when he was offered, he turned to the HC and asked “does the best player win the starting job?”, he immediately committed when the HC assured him the best player plays. True freshman year, our first string defense and the coaches were raving about the kid running the scout team, and what a gamer he was. He ended up the cause for the *5 in his class to transfer, and he unseated the Gatorade Player of the Year as the starter. I doubt what happened in NY broke him.
  15. Yeah, was going to say...you can be a fanboy of a particular player, and not be a fan of his college team. Stands to reason plenty of nfl fans would be big fans of a USC player, or any other player not out of your college. Historically, USC has sent more players to the NFL, and the most PLAYERS in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. I was a huge Joe Montana fan, but you dare accuse me of being a Domer, I’d swing at you with my purse!
  16. I like this thinking....working with the public and crisis management all my life, my expectations are always moderate, that way I’m never disappointed by our humanness.
  17. I love defense, my favorite players of all time are defensive players...Seau, Lott and Polamalu. Nothing helps your offensive like a good defense.
  18. This thread has been very insightful. Very different from college rivalries, but passionate nonetheless.
  19. Here is the link: https://theathletic.com/checkout/?plan_id=48&pc=plpintro6&source=googlesearchads&ad_id=475538575406&gclid=CjwKCAjwqcKFBhAhEiwAfEr7zSB7KdVAdaJTcU-Cs73sJGAJkoqNYIlo-XNlxMxVrA7DO0JFoNiGrhoCE24QAvD_BwE
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