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Everything posted by DamnItJake!

  1. where u at refs?? whistle..whistle?? what what.. what u mean football!! Get em Luke!!
  2. NIce another great run.. get that crap going Stewart!
  3. Olsen..is that the first receiving catch for Carolina?
  4. Wow..that FG is just a sign of things to come.. going to be one of those games!!
  5. so ESPN, NFL etc will be allover NO pecker knobs tomorrow saying the division is theirs without giving us a blink :)
  6. let him live in the moment.. denial is a drug!!! :) Tell him ur team is so awesome until we beat them down again!!
  7. haha..suddenly the announcers aren't sucking ATL's dick!!
  8. sack ihs ass.. hell this is looking good for Carolina..Atl = overrated
  9. Hey PU here is the time to pull for the Saints!!
  10. just kick the ball..where it stops is where the Refs place it
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