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Jon Snow

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Everything posted by Jon Snow

  1. No sir, you can take your blind eyes somewhere else. fug David Tepper and Deshaun Watson.
  2. Nice try but no cigar. You've obviously missed the entire premise of the book and the character from the tv series I chose for my avater. Does that character represent everything about me? Hell no! But keep trying to justify it. As you obviously have no moral convictions about who represents the team you follow I can only imagine how you dismiss this actions of the people around you.
  3. It's a make believe tv show, seriously? And thanks for proving how most can justify or dismiss such behavior because they happen to like the offender.
  4. Riddick has been MIA since mid season last year. He's another one trick pony that is a LB pretending to be a DE. But he's fast so there's that.
  5. Since this is mostly directed at me let me be the one to set the record straight. The Panthers could win the next 10 SB's and I still would not be a fan or watch a single game if Watson is on the team. Is that clear enough for you?
  6. I know enough to know that I do not want any part of Deshaun Watson.
  7. Keep trying to justify turning a blind eye. If I know someone is evil i avoid them like the plague. I do not go out and befriend them and invite them into my home. But that's just me.
  8. He's absolutely guilty of most if not all of it. Just because it's a he said she (20+) said with the he being rich and famous we should discount it? I am flabbergasted by the number of you who dismiss this as nothing. But I shouldn't be I suppose.
  9. I do. I only watch the Panthers. Looks like I will not watch any games now.
  10. I would not brush it off. If the company knew and ignored it I would be looking for another job.
  11. I am a Panther fan until the second they make this trade. I've been here much longer than you so take a seat.
  12. I neither follow or cheer for any of those teams or players. The league turns a blind eye to this stuff and it's hypocritical of them to pretend they do.
  13. You can't be serious. The mailman? I have a mail lady by the way. The grocery clerks? Yeah I am responsible for going to the grocery store and cheering them on for their winning in the bagging of my groceries. And I do background checks on who I hire. I know assault victims, have a sister and daughter who both were sexually assaulted and beaten within an inch of their lives. Both got away with it because they and their family bought their way out of it with crooked DA's. If those scumbags can get away with it Watson surely can. So fug you and anyone who thinks that way
  14. I despise any rich a famous person using that to get away with assault on women. I also despise those that condone it in the name of "winning".
  15. You honestly believe he's innocent of all 20+ plus accusations? I guess you believe Epstien was wrongly accused as well. Being rich and famous doesn't allow you to treat anyone like he did. And yes, he's a sexual predator whether he buys his way out of it or not.
  16. Because that's what we do. It is the way.
  17. Being an colossal scumbag and idiot that this team shouldn't even be interested in. Let's start with that.
  18. Put it this way, the only time I will watch a game is if I have nothing else to do and the game on has the Panthers playing someone. That someone is who I will actively cheer for, if I even watch the game at all.
  19. I'm getting livid at the thought of it. Anyone advocating for this I pray you don't have daughters. If you are OK with this then you are no better a human being than the man who committed the assaults. That is not the type of person or team I can follow and cheer for.
  20. Nope. It is hypocritical of the league to allow this. A sexual predator is always one and much more so if they have money to get away with it. No sir, I'm out if that is the type of owner we have.
  21. I hope he does. Fvck David Tepper and Deshaun Watson and most of all, Fvck the Carolina Panthers.
  22. Not I. I would actively cheer against the Panthers. I hope the fans boo Tepper and Deshaun out of the stadium.
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