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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. People who are lazy and given everything based on size or god-given talent really dont get the concept of working for it. Making the team is one thing, but knowing your teammate has the motor to dig deep into the parts of his mind and body he did not know existed and pull effort from that vault and take that extra step, extra effort, extra push--lazy people are not getting there. Based on the fact that it is true, I have worked with several players who had a ton of talent, and they are great until that talent level is equaled. Then, they become average, and the only way to rise above mediocrity is to work harder than others. Yet there are some who reached mediocrity by busting their asses, and they will never be great. I go to war with those guys if it is my choice. As much as I hate to call him out, I used to get into TA McClendon's ear every day in high school. He would come to practice in street clothes--a headache one day, sore hamstring the next---he was LAZY but could dominate being lazy-so he did. He later told me that he was working hard at NC State, but he admitted that he was not going to classes his last semester because he was going pro early. He was not drafted--shocked by that, actually, because people had always given him what he wanted and praised him--except me. So he was always trying to get me to understand him, instead of him understanding what I was telling him. He was an undrafted free agent, took the $40K bonus or whatever it was, and a bunch of his street buddies went to Atlanta for OTAs. They partied all night, TA was sleeping during film sessions, and lasted a week. An assistant coach for Atlanta told a friend of mine that he had never seen a lazier player---you can't win with lazy. Greg is better than that, I hope, and all people are different, but how many lazy people do you know who suddenly because ambitious?
  2. That is what my Chicago friends tell me. I would rather have Scott. You can't keep burying your talent to bring in the next quick fix/rental. It is demoralizing and breaks up the chemistry you need to develop as a group. Make your linemen better--let them get to know each other, and they will be good. Dont care how nice the new tire is, if it is not balanced or has different tread, you may not get the improved ride you thought.
  3. When we drafted KK and Star, they had that low-key demeanor. I did not get the feeling that they loved the game, and I really did not get the feeling that they were happy to be here. I think Star even said something like, "This is where I am going to be for four or five years...." It seemed a bit odd. This guy has love for the game written all over him. His demeaner reminds me of Gerald McCoy as a rookie a bit. I think he will become a leader. I am pumped, and glad it was not drugs/weed, because that labels you.
  4. I am a bit confused--this guy is average, and we have Scott, who was pretty average and probably would be this year. We have Irving, and he is what he is--probably a notch below average, and we have a developing LT we hope to start asap. At what point does bringing in another LT hurt your development in that area? I know we do not have Joe Thomas on the left side, but we have a blocking TE/FB/HB, as many as 5 WRs who can ball, a TE who can catch, and we get CMC back. It got better, and we need to develop Christensen, not extend average careers. I see where people are calling Irving trash--not accurate. He has been shuffled around at every position on the OL, played in different systems. OL is a chemistry experiment, so often when the LG looks bad, it is because the C missed a call or the LT did not squeeze down. Or the LT looks bad because the LG doubled down on the nose, thought the MLB was blitzing, etc. and did not cover the DE's inside move. We have to fire our bullets before we reload the gun. Let's see how this pans out. Yes, there is talent out there would take in a minute, but this guy aint it.
  5. Part of me wonders if he was not upset about not getting the job Morgan is interviewing for? I realize that he has not paid his dues in the front office...you never know.
  6. They said he used to go there a lot. I was teaching at Gardner-Webb and he was dating or engaged to a student there--I saw him from a distance at her graduation---so he was in that general area.
  7. I bumped into Luke twice fishing at South Mountain state park. Very quiet, private, polite--I did not bother him, just waved and he returned the wave--seemed to want to be alone. I mean, you don't go trout fishing to rub elbows with fans--I never try to invade privacy no matter who it is--except Tua. I am going to invade his worst nightmares so hard he wakes up in a cold sweat every day screaming, "Joe Person is in MY HEAD--he knows why.
  8. I think Shi Smith is going to be the sleeper, but I could throw in Tremble, Nixon--or Christensen.
  9. By the way, my dumbass looking Joe Person pic is because I lost a bet with Fua. He did this to me---he is to blame. I will return to normal form when my Back to the future hair restoration glitter gel runs out.
  10. Working is not something you have to do--and when football is over, go find something else to focus on--more to life than football. Personally, after college football, everyone (including myself) thought I would love coaching high school football. I hated it. Lasted about 3 years and became the best dang sidewalk vendor on Freedom Drive.
  11. The joke is on you, Fua. Since I changed this, I got an endorsement for hair restoring glitter spike gel for men over 40. Lifetime supply.
  12. Thanks Stirs. But the bar is pretty low.
  13. He tries to act like one of us, but he obviously serves the man.
  14. Every time I think I could not love this draft any more....
  15. THey had him standing some--which is weird--moved him around the DL a bit---maybe that is it? He had some trouble and was suspended back in 2019--drugs, I think? going from memory, so verify.
  16. Zod knows that some mistakes are permanent and cannot be erased. If we could erase mistakes at any time in the future, Trainwreck would have been aborted at age 25. Don't mean that in a negative way---just illustrating a point, that's all.
  17. Its OK--everyone knew who you meant. The person bashing you has ruined the last 2 batches of fries at Wendy's, but now points fingers.
  18. May I suggest anti-fungal cortisone cream? Heard it from a friend.
  19. I lost to Fua of all the low-life pos people to bet with. He has yet to provide my pic. I hope it is something that reflects my virtue and honor.
  20. In my mock, excluding the picks that were wrong, I nailed it.
  21. Washington became the draft's bitch. Picking at 19, they wanted a QB and let it be known they would trade up. Rivera, used to a Cam Newton-style QB, watched Fields pass us AND Denver. Instead, Marty sits there and watches Fields go to the Bears (20 to 11). Were they afraid to trade with rivals Dallas and Philly, picking right after the Broncos? Could they have offered Dallas their first 2 picks and a first in 2022 to move up 9 spots? Instead, Hurney did not see the Bears with Dalton moving up. He did not see NE moving up (for some reason) so he sat there, watching the Bears eat his lunch. So now he has a roster with a 38-year old journeyman at QB and 2 undrafted castoffs from Carolina running the show. Thank God he is gone. However, in an interview for the Washington Post, Rivera seemed to talk as if he was picking the team. Folks--Rivera is not that smart. So they drafted what he knows--a LB. He will be fired this year.
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