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Everything posted by MHS831

  1. There is proof, for those of you who do not read articles about it. Brady refused to share his texts, but the ball boys did. They were in dialogue about the air pressure. Like every other argument, the word "proof" suggests a legal process where the proof has to be undeniable to stick. Not the case here. If there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest that the normal and expected adherence to NFL rules and policy are being compromised, nuff said.
  2. This should be a contract we redo before the year starts.
  3. The worst part of it is, they copy one another's comments. People here do not like Mayock because he is wrong a good bit, but he puts it out there and he does not care what the others are saying. Clemmings, for example--he had as the top OT, even after he stunk up the SR bowl. I noticed that other "experts" elevated their opinions of Clemmings to a late first rounder. These guys, for the most part, are former players or writers. Some are GMs, but unemployed GMs (who are usually reluctant to rate players). I can tell you this, I was a former player (college) when I was hired to be an assistant coach. None of the staff played in college--some not even in high school. They schooled me on football--3 state titles later, I realized how much I learned from them. Later I got a call from an old friend who played with the Steelers who had just been hired to coach a struggling team in the area. They hired him because he had NFL experience. He wanted me to come help him. He also hired Dwight Hollier, a LB who played with the Dolphins and Colts for a decade. I care a lot about those guys, but it was amazing how little they knew about COACHING football. My point is this: Morons like us tend to assume people who played or are sports writers understand talent evaluation. They really don't. Each team has a system that requires certain skill sets at each position. Our definition of a LT is not the same as the Broncos, for example.
  4. Clean cut, intelligent, no tats. I wonder if JR had any say so in the matter.
  5. I played a hybrid DE/SS/OLB in high school, but never on purpose. Seriously, I was going to post something to the effect of his position's complexity, but I see you guys are all over it.
  6. I don't think so, but you never know. I am guessing the LBs will be as follows-- TDavis, Kuechly, Thompson Glanton, Mayo, Klein Blechen (my dark-horse candidate), Trusnik I doubt they keep 8 LBs, but they could keep 7. Blechen probably goes to PS, but if he does well, you could see Klein getting cut or traded. I see a three-way competition for 2 positions (Blechen, Glanton, Klein), assuming Trusnik makes it, and I expect that he will. Since we should no longer have Reddick and Jacobs as backups, you have to know we got stronger at LB this offseason.
  7. Yes, I would not read anything into it. In June 2007, I was new to this lowly forum, and I started a thread based on the 2007 rookies I saw at OTAs. Understand that it was one of the last days of OTAs, so you want to see who is clicking and who is not. I was very disappointed to report that Dwayne Jarrett was lost. He was jogging in routes, looking around as if he was lost. Steve Smith ripped him repeatedly. Jarrett just stood there with his hands on his hips, as if Smitty wasn't there. Beason looked great. I was watching him in a goal line drill right in front of me. I was behind the defense. He repeatedly beat the back to the hole. For the first time, I realized how instinctive and technically sound you really have to be to play LB. It would be hard enough if all you had to worry about was the run. He was small, but I thought he would be great. Back to Jarrett. I hoped he would get better, but that never really happened. If Shaq is having the same confusion at the end of OTAs, there might be reason for concern; however, I doubt Hurney put the players through the white board test like Gettlemen does.
  8. Thompson and Benwikere met to study the playbook Thursday night. So, that would suggest to me that he is a bit lost for the moment. It also suggests that Benwikere is awesome. “I was up pretty late with (cornerback) Bené (Benwikere) last night going over the playbook, just trying to get everything in so I can play fast,” (Black and Blue Review)
  9. Please refrain from using any form of my address in the future if posting without my consent.
  10. I was talking to a guy from Dallas yesterday at UNC. He said that the Panthers are winning 8 games this year, because they play in the south (not that the Skins, Giants,and birdiies are better). He said that Cam is inconsistent and has no protection and weapons, so the offense is going to be terrible again. After I made a few "Longest Yard" jokes (Asking him if Adam Sandler or Burt Reynolds is going the be their qb), I explained to him that the offense is what we are getting excited about. He said the Cowboys are winning 12 games and going to the SB. He said this: 1. Jonathan Stewart is all we have at RB, and he is injury prone. Cam is inconsistent. (Good point, for an outsider. However, we also have a new #34, Whittaker, Toddman, and Tolbert--oh, and Thompson if we need him, I might guess). 2, Oher sucks. (Turning that perception around is the key to the season. I feel confident we can get him to average, which is huge). 3. You have no WRs, except Benjamin. (He didn't watch the draft and has not been watching free agency. I really think Funchess will be an instant hit. The wildcard is Hill. If he turns the corner, the NFL is on notice. Ginn/Brown/Byrd/etc. could become threats as well. Here was my rebuttle: 1. Romo has won 2 playoff games in his career. Cam has 1. Cam has 9 seasons to catch Romo. So shut up about consistency. You know not what it means. About Stewart/#34/Whittaker---how is your committee of RBs better? 2. Oher and Matsko will get it back in gear. Besides, your line is great because it has to be for Romo to play well. He is a pudgy, immobile choker. Send the house after Cam and see what happens. 3. Dallas Day Care seems ok with burping players and tailing them to parties, restricting their social media etc. because they think they can win with idiots, junkies, and retards. At the end of 2015, Panther WRs will be better than Dallas'. Bottom line--Our defense is going to be better and we have been top 5 for past 2 seasons. You need help getting to the middle of the NFL. Our special teams were terrible last year, mostly due to injuries. This year, with Todman, Ginn, and the slew of depth we got with special teams ace distinctions,. we will have the BEST special teams in the NFL. And the offense is what everyone is waiting to see. Cam is healthy and will know his WRs. The OL will not have rookie G's this year, and our OTs are going to be better. The WRs are now dangerous and a matchup problem. We will have 8 wins before the Dallas game.
  11. He is a smart point guard of a qb, but not a guy who carries the team. He plays the humble, modest qb, but lets face it, he is believing the hype. And that is all it is. Put him in Jax, NY, Buffalo, etc. and he is average or below average. Seattle should play hard ball, and go shopping for another game manager. Next year should be a good one. But if you want to keep your Shermans and your Chancellors and your Beast modes, you can't overpay for a game manager.
  12. If I were a GM, I would try to draft a DL and an OL every year.
  13. CJ will be 29 in July. (Hard to believe, isn't it?)
  14. Great question. Here is how I see it--not in 2015, but maybe in 2016. 4-3 DEs take time to develop. The best DEs we have ever drafted took 2-3 years to develop. Hardy and Johnson took 3 years each. Rucker was kinda quiet until year 3. Peppers was a special athlete, but he grew in years 2-3. So what do we have on the roster now? CJohnson: Not worth the contract, but solid. Alexander: Entering year 4; if you count last season as year 3. The point is, he has joined a church, matured, and he is a beast at 270 lbs. I hope he steps up at RDE. Ealy: Entering year 2. The most promising thing I saw was his play during the last 4-5 games last season. However, we were not playing teams with terrific tackles. I don't think he becomes a stud in 2015, but I think he and Alexander can man the position. Both have shown they cam move inside and pressure the passer. Addison: What he has given us is what he is-pass-rushing specialist. Horton: Another wildcard. Horton is entering his third season, but expectations are low, probably because he was an UDFA. However, he could turn the corner in 2015. I think they will develop that kid from Southern U. on the PS for a season. He has the tools--we shall see. I doubt there are many 4-3 teams with a better group of DEs, but this team thrives on pressure. Was there a pass-rushing DE in this draft who will make us special? Not where we were picking. I doubt Johnson is with the team in 2016. That is why it is so important to keep Alexander drug free and focused. He, Ealy, Addison, Horton, and a rookie could be the DEs next season. That may scare you now, but maybe by December you will feel better about it.
  15. Here is how I think it happened: First, New England was at home. So they knew the camera angles from where the balls were checked to the sideline. I said this at the time and don't know if it has been said since, but the ball boy went into the bathroom for 90 seconds and re-emerged with the balls. Many said, "That is not enough time to deflate 18 footballs." Duh. They switched the footballs in the bathroom. I might even suggest that the ceiling tile popped out and there was a bag of footballs waiting to be switched. The other thing that should be investigated is this: If everyone seems to know that QBs are particular about their footballs, wouldn't BB have known that the balls were deflated like the ones Brady likes? Even if he had no knowledge of Brady's involvement,. he would have known after the accusation. He still denied knowing anything, but some say he "threw Brady under the bus." I think he knew Brady did it then, but did not disclose that during the press conference. Did he coach Brady to lie? Brady is part of a culture of cheating in Foxboro. They seem to always be looking to bend or break the rules to gain an unfair advantage. The eligible WR reporting, the filming of opponents, etc. I don't doubt they are the kings of tampering. I suggest that Brady is suspended for six games under the provision that he addresses the media for the purpose of full disclosure and ownership of his role in the process. A refusal to do so, or any fabrications during that conference will result in the suspension being extended to 8 games. The NFL will not do this--they do not want to publicly tarnish the shield by having the league's golden boy exposed on television, but that would make for an interesting consequence. He needs to take the responsibility for this and not have the ball boys fall on the sword for him. I also suggest that the Patriots forfeit their voice and vote on the rules committee for 3 years.
  16. Until now. If you are counting the points they scored while cheating to verify the fact that they did not need to cheat, THAT might be the dumbest story ever.
  17. The only thing properly inflated in New England is Bill Belechick's date. Sorry, but the receiver reporting as ineligible, spy gate, etc. The patriots are always trying to find some way to bend the rules in plain view or break them behind the scenes. How sweet is that Super Bowl trophy now?
  18. There are drills you can do to work on hands. Most of the problem is mental--concentration lapses or bad timing and technique. Hands have to get "in shape". Not that everyone can catch a Cam Newton fastball, but a lot of people think hands are a God-given talent--and they are partially right, but not completely.
  19. Think about this: I am going to guess about this, but I am pretty sure- Our top 2 WRs wore #1 when we drafted them--the same number worn by our QB. (eerie? wait, there is more)' Funchess has the widest difference in jersey numbers from college to pros in the history of the NFL. Devin Garner wore #98, Cam wears #1.
  20. I read an article that said Cam had more unforced errors than Ryan and Brees combined, so if you are going to attack an opinion's logic, do so with fairness. Yes, he has been under pressure. Yes, his WR corps is not strong. Yes, his OC calls plays that are too conservative and you would have called something different. I got that. However, when the WR is open and he has time, he can be inconsistent. His mechanics--even when not pressured--are not good. He is a great athlete and can become a great QB, but if you think he is great now, brace yourselves--he is not. Cam now has his weapons. He should have a lot better protection. He should have a better run game behind him , better special teams (field position) and even a better defense. If he is great and has been brought down by his supporting cast in the past, he no longer has that to deal with. 2015 is what we have been trying to build for Cam, so he now has the tools to win. Its on Cam now--not the OL, not the WRs, not the OC. This is Cam's year, and I think he will have a great year. He will have a summer to prepare (he has missed 2 summers) and he is not injured. He is mature now, and he seems to get it. All the pieces are in place. I expect him to take it to a new level, but the process has taken time. So enough with the excuses on both sides. Let's support Cam and hope for the best and lets not crown him until he becomes the best.
  21. He was a player at WF before transferring, FWIW. If I were him, I would be working on G/C skills.
  22. I think there are 2 players who have a real shot-- Blechan, but I wish they would keep him at SS. He is a smart, aggressive player. Peters has the length and experience to play our D--and has a chance considering we didn't address the position.
  23. Frankly I am almost as excited about the UDFAs as I am the drafted players.
  24. Maybe Turner knows him well enough to get him here. You have to like the OT situation.
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