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Everything posted by falconlynx

  1. As a diehard Tarheel football fan, Trubisky is awful. Worse than huddle perception of Darnold awful. I never get what people saw in him. Marquise Williams was so much better than him at UNC.
  2. Yeah, just not enough sample size. Crazy how few reps Matt and PJ get compared to the first two. I bet our best chance to see Matt is going to be late in preseason games. I’d love to see him get a shot with the starters….
  3. Thank you Captain Morgan. Hadn’t done this for us before, but it was quite fun. Will be at Fanfest as well, but I’ll likely be more engaged with the family that night.
  4. Devils advocate: What if it’s because he’s actually playing to his potential and he legit beats out Baker/Matt and doesn’t crumble after 4 weeks like last year?
  5. I thought Sam looked fine for where he is (former top 5 pick, awful past team/coaching, with the panthers for just over a year). I still think he has potential. Baker was largely bad, but I attribute that to being so new with the Panthers and having so much catch up to do. He obviously oozes with escapability, gamebreaker talent and a live arm, but his decision making needs a lot of work. Didn’t see enough of Matt to get a read. His ball flies with zip like Darnold/Mayfield’s. PJ definitely had the best day. Had the least reps, but the most successful outcomes.
  6. There definitely was a lot of pressure brought by the D today. Was fun to watch.
  7. Thanks top dawg. One of the best things about being there was $2.50 mango cart and pernicious. Wish I hadn’t had to drive us back to CLT. Girls ended up having a good time too.
  8. That whole play was a bit off with the flag being thrown right away. Definitely something the offense needs to work on more to play through distraction.
  9. D made a great stand against Baker and company. Baker pressure to throw early at middle mesh Tremble and he wasn’t ready for it.
  10. Another thing to note about Baker. He loves to scramble after initial reads aren’t open and then look back to his primary read to see if they got open. That can buy TDs.
  11. I forgot to note there was a lot of offensive confusion before that 4th and 3. Had to take a TO.
  12. Baker converts to CMC on 4th and 3 on a nice Texas route and quick read.
  13. Baker just threw a nice long ball left to Robby that was broken up with a nice deflection.
  14. I’ve missed a lot, but I saw PJ throw the best long ball today on a TD up the inside seam during redzone work.
  15. Looks like were in a lull or could be over. Sorry guys, but battery dying and girls need food. I’ll have to let someone know else take it from here. Was glad to be here.
  16. I missed details on what looked like a good pass left result by Corral.
  17. Corral back in. Wanted to go deep, was pressured, then missed the check down.
  18. Missed quick pass left by Darnold. Had some good blocking set up.
  19. Darnold went through 3 reads and then scrambled big up center.
  20. Strong pressure to Darnold’s right, avoids and finds open flat dumpoff for a good gain.
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