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Everything posted by amcoolio

  1. That play by Jones, that just isn’t something Darnold can do. He doesn’t have the mental awareness
  2. We can’t run the ball if NYG knows we can’t complete a pass past 10 yards
  3. Who should they have chosen? Fields has been pretty bad as well and Mac Jones is clearly limited Just saying that plan A was Watson and B was Stafford, pretty clear they chose them first
  4. He turned the leagues worst defense into a very good one within a season and half you are only as good as your QB and unfortunately we have an average backup as one we’d be in great shape had Stafford chose us
  5. Daniel Jones is better than Darnold and I’m not sure it’s close
  6. Nice, see wha happens when Darnold moves around and isn’t panicking in the pocket
  7. Notice how the giants have trouble blocking as well but Jones is moving around in the pocket and throwing the ball quicker
  8. Sam had two people open and plenty of time and forced it into triple coverage but yeah it’s Brady’s fault
  9. DJ Moore, Robbie Anderson, Shi Smith Sam just has to get the ball there on time and not throw it behind or ahead of them
  10. Jesus Christ there are tons of quarterbacks getting rushed within a second, but they at least have the balls to throw or run. Pay attention to Jones in this very game Sam had room to run there as well. He just can’t process and makes terrible decisions.
  11. It is… get rid of the damn ball, sam throws it way too late for a stupid 3 yard pass
  12. It wouldn’t be a first down anyway, checkdown Darnold is back. Where tf is the downfield passing?
  13. Actually they picked Watson, couldn't get him, then picked Stafford, and he said no to Carolina even though we had the better trade offer for Detroit
  14. This is year 4 and Darnold has never been considered a top 25 NFL QB, and his stats this season suggest the same. He is definitely gone if he doesn't turn it around by midseason, no way they go into next offseason with this. You have to be kidding yourself if you think the best coaches in the league could turn Darnold into an elite QB and that this is a coordinator/coaching problem. McVay would have shipped Darnold out faster than he did Goff. I honestly think Darnold would be inaccurate if he played opposing defenses with no d-lineman on the field, he is very skiddish and not confident in his throws at all. It's a shame because he has size and phyiscal talent. His brain needs replaced maybe Drew Brees can lend him his.
  15. So they publicly went after Watson and Stafford, and correctly passed on Fields and Jones.. who were they supposed to bring in?
  16. Again any coach is going to look bad with a bottom 5 QB, it is ridiculously difficult to win with one. Do you think McVay, Belichick, or Reid would be better with this team?
  17. They are both below average QB's, the waves with Darnold are just way choppier whereas Bridgewater is a stale pool of water on the road. In the end it will net us the same result. Team will be aggressive in the offseason to upgrade the position
  18. Any deep ball for one. He has been very inaccurate on throws going longer than 30 yards. Brady and Rhule are screaming for more downfield passing since they got here since we have the WR's for it and they still can't get it. Physically he can throw them, but he has horrible timing and can't hit receivers in stride
  19. Sam is too inconsistent to have drives like that regularly, I wouldn't get your hopes up. This is his fourth year and he still makes dumb throws like the first throw of the game
  20. Darnold can't throw all the passes they want him to and it's super concerning, it's going to be a long season
  21. He does both. No narrative here, sorry your boy just doesn't have it
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