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Everything posted by panthers55

  1. I love KK. He is like Warren Sapp was for Tampa and Oakland years ago. It is hard to find a DT with speed and strength. Hard choice between the 3 people though.
  2. I dont think New York can put up 24 on us. We have never scored less than 24. I dont see this as a blowout by any means given they are playing at home but I truly believe Cam and the offense will score whatever they need to in order to win. I hope we have a big enough lead to rest some starters like last week. If you jump on Eli early and often he tends to have a bad game. If they score points and get rolling he is much much tougher. Looking forward to seeing how the secondary plays going forward.
  3. I wouldnt be surprised if Josh plays man on OBJ and follows him all over the field especially if we he scores an early TD. After we shut down the run and make them have to catch us as we score 21 on them in the first half, they will be be dimensional and that is when the defense feasts. Unless this game is close at half, I think we are resting starters in the 4th. This Giants team is not the giant killers they were when they knocked off undefeated teams in the past. If we lose it will be our fault and not due to them playing that great.
  4. I would apologize to him if he returned the 5 million we paid him to play for Baltimore in 2014. Otherwise why bring back a guy who was a locker room problem to a team where all the players rave about how cohesive the locker room is at this point. He is a great player and fierce competitor but not a great person or locker room presence. Did we ever go 6-0 with Smitty?
  5. Smitty wouldn't come back at this point except to retire. He knows we moved on from him and he cemented his future in the hall of fame by playing for Baltimore and getting the publicity he never got in Carolina. Plus we already paid him something like 5 million of his salary in 2014. I doubt gettleman would have him back.
  6. This is great football. No matter who loses it helps us. And I don't like either of them. It is a matter of who I am hating more.Right now I want Atlanta to get exposed losing to a 1-4 team. I just don't know if the crappy Saints can win at home.
  7. If I ever had a desire to take the bus on a long trip, this has totally cured me of that idea.
  8. Don't really feel sorry at all. They didn't feel sorry for us in 2010 when we were awful. Most of us have been saying that with all the free agent big money spending, they were mortgaging the future to win now. Well the mortgage payment is due and this is what they did to themselves. Screw em....
  9. Jacksonville stacked the box because the strength of their defense is the secondary. And even with that we left at 14 points on the board with drops and penalties. Houston's secondary is not as good as ours right now and not as good as Jacksonville's watch our offense trow more effectively on Sunday.
  10. Lets keep in mind we crushed a Jacksonville team in their house. We are always better at home than away. Houston last year was 4-4 on the road. Of their 4 wins one was Oakland, Jacksonville was another, Tennessee was a third and Cleveland was the 4th. They lost every game on the road against a winning team. They lost to the Cowboys, Pittsburgh, Indy and the Giants.( who didn't have a winning season). They are not a good team anymore and their defense is overrated while the offense is largely nonexistent.
  11. None of the defenses they faced will be half as tough as what they will see Sunday. They are going to lean what we already know which is our defense is going to be nasty this year. And we will score 24 a game. I think it will be low scoring but I like Newton to drive late and Gano to win it with his foot..
  12. Not sure the O line will be improved this game although I think for the season they will be. Kalil is out and Remmers is going to play some center tonight for the first time in the NFL. Williams will get more snaps and he is a rookie with no NFL experience. Not sure how they will do tonight. I hope that Boykin gets work with the 1s. Honestly he and Ginn have looked the best so far. I hope Funchess gets work if he is healthy. He needs the work and has looked good in minimal play so far.as well I will be interested in how many times we blitz or pressure Brady versus sit back in a zone shell and keep everything in front of us as Brady nickels and dimes us down the field. Finally if Belicheck is gameplanning he will skew the defense to take something away from the offense which will likely be the run game by loading the box and daring Cam to throw the ball. So I expect the passing game to look better than the running game honestly..
  13. With kalil out and Remmers playing his first snaps as a center, I don't know if we can expect a real power run game. The chemistry is brand new with Remmers playing center and Williams at right tackle. But you can expect Belicheck to take something away so they can make us 1 dimensional. With Benjamin out it would be the running game. Contain the running game including Cam and make him beat you through the air. That is what I would do until he showed he could beat it.
  14. Maybe it is just me but receivers seem to be getting open this year and the line is holding. However guys like Brown are just dropping passes when they need to be stepping up. Ginn looks good so far as does Boykin and even Byrd.
  15. I was told by my grandfather not to argue with a fool because people may not be able to distinguish the difference between you.. So I will take his advice and not argue with you.
  16. No you make no sense. If he gameplanned and took things seriously last year and we got beat so badly, then what is different this year that justifies an article stating that we are taking it seriously or doing something different this year which is the tone of your article. If it is different than last year then clearly there wasnt a big effort to gameplan last year and the result shouldnt be related to how we finished. If is isnt different then your article and its conclusions are totally wrong and overblown since we are doing no different than last year. You are either backtracking saying we gameplanned last year when we didnt, or we did last year then this year is no different and we arent treating it any different. You can't have it both ways. As for my defense of Shula, there are several threads criticizing him and I havent weighed in on them because it is just a waste of time. My comments wont change the feeling here which you do everything you can to foment and that just wastes my time. I come here to discuss but that implies others have an open mind. Most here like you are not open to anything that tries to shake what you decided a decade ago about him.
  17. Dont need one when you have a well developed vocabulary. I can dumb it down if that would help......
  18. And I think you just chicken little everything like you did with Oher to get everyone in a panic and create controversy whether justified or not.
  19. So when Indy would sit Peyton every year in the preseason and go 0-4 and then put him in during the record season somehow the momentum carried over even though they did much better in the regular season and rested him to limit the chance of injury. Likewise if we continue to rest Funchess, Star and Charles Johnson among others this game, somehow the momentum will carry over to the regular season even though we dont have all the starters playing? Got it....... Why not do a comparison of preseason results and regular season results and see if one predicts the other. I havent done it but I would assume there is a correlation but not one you mentioned. I would think doing well in the preseason means our 2nd and 3rd stringers may be better than other teams which also means our depth is better. So in the cases of injuries with improved depth we may fare better in the regular season. Any other conclusion appears to be very tenuous at best.
  20. So if I follow this storyline, last year we didnt gameplan or take the Patriots seriously in the third game and got blown out so that was a harbinger of the future and what would happen in the regular season when we actually did gameplan and take each one seriously?????? And because of that loss last year we are taking them seriously this year and by gameplanning and playing better, it will somehow help us do better when the regular season starts this year?? That makes absolutely no sense at all unless the goal might be to better be able to predict how we will do early in the regular season based on this game. While that is still a tenuous conclusion, assuming the result of last years game had anything to do with how we finished last year or that doing better this year will make this year more successful seems to be a huge nonsequitur..
  21. Even with youth peppered throughout the roster there are still veterans in every positional grouping. I am not sure that we will wholesale let go of some proven veterans who are not impressing this season for guys that have never done anything period, but have shown flashes. But in either case we should field a better team than last year from a talent point of view. I don't know that we would ever let age be the deciding factor unless all other things were equal. I would think it comes down to who can help the team more this year not 3 years down the road. But some of these new guys are playing so well that it is making roster choices very difficult.
  22. I guess no one else besides the huddle cares about that kind of thing.
  23. first of all Harper was fine against the run but not against the pass. That has been the case for years. His veteran leadership is more than being on the field. It is teaching the young guys how to be a veteran, how to read film, how to react when things go good or bad. That happens every day not just in games. I love how folks like you think that you can instantly insert a rookie into the lineup and have them perform that well in this defense. If you know what we run then you also know that there are multiple responsibilities and reads for everyone on the defense on every play. It takes time to learn it. Guys were put in when they were ready. If as you say they were put in due to injury or bad play that just meant that Rivera and his staff had to cram that much more into days instead of weeks due to an immediate need. They weren't ready but it was the next man up and they would have to do the best they could. The fact the rookies played as well as they did is a testament to Rivera and his defensive staff. Not something to criticize them for because they didn't do it sooner. Rivera has shown as has Gettleman that they put out who they think is the best option at the time and if it doesn't work out will make adjustments.
  24. Then why did they not sign him back and look elsewhere? Maybe the same reason we shouldn't be barking up that tree either.
  25. That is ridiculous. Harper isnt a free safety and wont be playing that position. He is a liability in coverage and everyone knows that. He is a thumper and a strong safety. Rivera played 7 rookies in the playoffs last year and has shown he will play the best players. If Harper is starting he will be the best we have at that position hands down. That is plain to anyone but people with a story and preconceived agenda.
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