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Davidson Deac II

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Everything posted by Davidson Deac II

  1. You might be right, but I haven't seen them stop many runs today regardless of the side. Fwiw, early in the game, the issue was runs up the gut.
  2. Didn't defend him. He is playing poorly. But the team as a whole is playing horribly. I realize fans obsess over the QB, but no point in singling out any one player.
  3. Why single out PJ? I mean if you are pulling guys for playing poorly, no one should come out of the dressing room for the second half.
  4. At least its a team effort. Offense and defense are equally bad.
  5. I am not a pro tanker, but I see no advantage to be gained by firing Wilks. At this point, just keep him until the end of the season, and start next year by drafting a qb, keeping Corral and PJ and let them all three compete for starter and backup positions. Revamp the offense, draft another defensive end, and let the new coach put together his own team and staff.
  6. Got to actually throw the ball to him. Maybe even run a play for him.
  7. He could be the greatest defensive end in the history of the NFL, and today it wouldn't matter. If the guys around him are playing bad, then he is going to look bad.
  8. People keep singling out Burns, but its the entire defense, left side, right side, up the middle over the top, getting abused.
  9. We can't run it, and can't stop the run. That's how you end up down 14 and probably 17 or 21 soon.
  10. Ironically, PJ has passed the ball pretty well, even if he hasn't thrown anything deep. If our receivers could catch, we might have a few points on the board.
  11. Well, it was a fumble, might not have been his fault. He could still turn out to be a good qb eventually, but certainly isn't looking good so far.
  12. Atlanta dominating the Chargers so far. Trevor Lawrence with another turnover.
  13. No Clemson or Alabama in the Playoffs this year. If we can get Ohio State out, it might actually be moderately interesting this year.
  14. The parking numbers are ludicrous. I haven't paid 80 bucks to park for the last four games I have attended combined. Are they only taking into account team owned parking? Even so, it's not that expensive.
  15. At this point, its all just conjecture. In the end, the value of the trade depends on how CMC does vs what we do with the picks.
  16. The Bengals invested heavily in their offensive line in the offseason. Just hasn't paid off for them.
  17. People said the same thing about the Panthers in 2015 as well. Of course, the eagles could fall off, but as Bill Parcells says, you are what your record says you are.
  18. If all those draft picks that the Texans got for Watson pay off, they could put a decent team around Mills.
  19. Fwiw, most fan bases don't know what they are talking about.
  20. Agreed, can't cut him just because he has a bad game. Now if he starts consistently missing, then that is different. That being said, there is a part of me that wishes we had signed Nick Sciba. Under fifty, the guy doesn't miss. He does struggle with anything over 50 though.
  21. Better yet, if they get a penalty, off with their heads.
  22. He had a pass rusher in his face. IMO, at that point, he should have taken the sack, or tried to run out of it.
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