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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. lmao me too wife has open house she is a teacher. I have a 1 year old daughter i am watching.
  2. its Corral for me as well i want a true controversy. like both Baker and Corral lighting it up get Sam the fug out its just cringe. he really is a nice guy and i feel for him but that just makes it even more cringe hes here because of a bad contract. hes the 3rd wheel no doubt.
  3. i live in SW virginia im guessing im SOL
  4. well i used to work in an old folks home this lady with dementia and other psych issues ate her rings and jewelry. we had to catch all her poo and look through it via request from the fam. if i had to work that day id be tempted to just take a turd and put it in a baggy and stuff that in my back pocket to inspect at a later time
  5. McVay aint worth a piece of sshit
  6. just put him in the slot with occasional handoffs like deboo samuel he would still be an elite weapon
  7. these big ass dudes but with pencil legs that bend inward give me the heebee geebies like bro what the fug is wrong with your legs
  8. practice threads used to be 50 pages long a pop. between Zod and Tepper thats long into the past. shame.
  9. Get this bullsshit outa here ZOD this place is 1/4th of what it was a decade ago and its sad
  10. yall are making me hate matt corral stop for fugs sake losers
  11. sorry dude asking a bunch of Panther fans biased on CMC is not the answer go ask a blend of fans ya genius
  12. already am Im in the small minority that sees that sometimes it takes a little time to right a ship im a big fan of Tepper anyway. Owner that wants to win and will pay up to do so. those that are calling for his head are guaranteed neck beards that have grease stains all over them and couldnt get themselves together to take a shower, let alone run an NFL franchise.
  13. that fan sacrificed himself to give Corral even more of an edge to get the starting spot. that fan is a hero
  14. as much as i love this dude i have a hard time seeing him start simply due to who is in front of him. which is an awesome problem to have I assume Ickey will be Lt and BC LG
  15. give TMJ as many reps as possible wish Robbie was off the team already
  16. this gif is dumb hes #9 and was taken in the 3rd round
  17. when i was watching both the panthers super bowls in 2004 and 2016, i suffered what is deemed "disappointment induced cardiac insufficiency" My heart was literally broke and i had to lay there for days without moving. crapping on myself and everything still suffer from chronic pessimism till this day. almost fully recovered in 2015 but yeah..
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