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The Huddler

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Everything posted by The Huddler

  1. its hard to hurt these rich owners wallets. what does get hurt is their egos. and if watson is too good to play for him, then watson gunna have his character attacked.
  2. well now its a snow ball rolling down a hill. a good thing has festered and it it now being used as a weapon. look i was pissed at work taking a sshit ranting on the toilet.. I understand how important it is to believe and acknowledge victims and to stop predictors from continuing to abuse. but man it sucks when i know for a fact that innocent peoples lives are ruined. some evil ass people take a good positive thing and water it down to create a boy who cried wolf narrative. at the end of the day if some people lives have to be ruined to save a larger number of lives from being raped and molested then so be it. We live in the relm of duality where theres pain and suffering no matter what we do.
  3. cancel culture has done nothing but water down stuff. now cases that are truly legitimate, you have fugtards like me that don't believe it.
  4. because you are getting evicted from the home and you have no choice but to leave it this sounds like salty rich guy shady poo. like "oh, you thought you were on your way out Mr. good guy? too good to play for us? heres a smear campaign, bitch"
  5. if Mcvay and that offense cant get anything out of him, thats a $6M turd flushed down the toilet
  6. If Watson did anything, fug him and i hope he straitens out. but i know one thing for sure.. FUG cancel culture. seriously
  7. I mis spoke. i dont think the coach and GM are doing this. i think its that true POS owner and his connections who are so rich they are disconnected from reality
  8. its the owner trying to get one over on an MVP QB that screw them over. its so easy in todays cancel culture
  9. Trubisky is a sack of poo with a weird ass test dummy face that doesnt even look like a natural real face.
  10. The more message board side tit folded neck beards that try to spew logic and strategy trying to convince others why we shouldn't go get an MVP caliber QB in his prime, the more I think going and getting Watson is the best thing for us.
  11. if i had a gun to my head and had to guess what was going on, id say that this is a POS front office/ownership trying to fug over a player on his way out. When in reality its just driving his price down.. doesn't logically make sense for them to do that.. which is why i think the texans, or actually the friends of that POS owner, are doing this.
  12. i can drink enough beer in one binge to fill a 10 gallon aquarium.
  13. if you use that stupid ass emoji one more time...
  14. when is the last time the patriots had a first rounder pan out?
  15. i can tell which posters are irresponsible sacks of poo in real life by how hyper-responsible they try to be with something they can not control. aka "we would give up too much for Watson" lol landing watson would be a franchise saving move. you NEED an elite QB to win a SB. we could spend the next decade with a loaded ass roster looking for that guy and never get there or win.
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