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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. A comedian made it to the semi-finals of “Last Comic Standing” where he eventually lost in that round. He said he was from Minnesota and watched a lot of local sports, so he thought that the semi-finals was as far as you could go.
  2. The point of attack will be the issue. We can’t sustain it. The answer will be to try and play in the backfield. Meet the ball carrier at the mesh point. Won’t work every time or even consistently at this level, but it’s what we got.
  3. Give the HC a chance to do something stupid, like, I dunno… running multiple QBs?
  4. Until Tepper, I never missed a game. The last time I cheered was Cam’s TD pass in AZ. I’m at the lowest point of my fandom since inception. An average QB you say?
  5. Probably the best perspective on the situation.
  6. It’s obviously more. Even with the rookie added in the prospects of this season were bleak. Now, at least there is an average QB on the roster. My hopes have not risen but my interest level has.
  7. It’s not good writing. He’s saying it doesn’t make sense but it kinda does b/c reasons. The analogy is wonky.
  8. Replacing speed rush with beefy-er guys should bolster the run D along with a new Mike-backer.
  9. What you been doing the last few years?
  10. Hot damn! Commercials, billboards and web banners, OH MY!
  11. Trying not to suck and not sucking are 2 separate things. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and the results are clear.
  12. Kurt Warner is a tool-bag. If Trent Green doesn’t get his knee torpedoed by Rodney Harrison, we never know Kurt’s name.
  13. If the best thing he can do is let other people do it, then that’s all that needs to be said.
  14. Now we’re back to why people HATE Rhule. He looks at that line last year and felt he nailed it. Offseason additions are usually universally celebrated. Fresh faces, new energy. It all looks fun and exciting. Trudging thru 18 weeks looking like a new breed of horse turd each week won’t get you a lot of support. Coaches that lose aren’t liked. GMs have to miss on a few draft days and free agency periods to feel the heat.
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