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Everything posted by L-TownCat

  1. Sorry I just had so much to spend it was like brewsters millions over here.
  2. Bengals officially sign Knowshon Moreno and Isaiah Pead. $1 each. Bengals have no cap space left. Mike drop.
  3. What's unfair about this is my team had a great player. Great player also is slightly more stable than a nuclear reactor core in full meltdown, but between the lines is a beat. Wild accusations were thrown, player arrested. That should have been the end of it but nooooooo. Later a player of another team knocks his then fiancée out cold in an elevator. Goodell collasselly fugs the pooch and gives the guy a weak punishment. World loses collective mind and goes bat poo crazy. NFL then goes all reactionary and has to "prove" that they give an actual poo about anything but money and crucify the first people they can in order to save face. Now back to our great player. Great player now knows poo got serious but has no idea, Goodell invents double secret probation list and sends great player away for the entire year. Justice system is so back logged it can't even hear the case for over 8 months. Case finally heard and is promptly dismissed. Now what do the fans get? Nothing. A useless jersey hanging in the closet as a retarded reminder of how fuged up big business is. Talk about women's issues and domestic violence all you want but bottom line is this is all about money and public relations. Panthers fans got poo on by hardy, by holder, by goodell, by the team. Everyone. We got the poo end of the stick. Period.
  4. Man I forgot all about that. Oops. Anywho, its not about Smitty. He's gone now. Hardy just doesn't seem like hes about the team, you know? Its about him and the glitz and glam. Hes chasing that fame not football.
  5. To an extent youre right, both players were/are elite and lack good judgement. Smitty had a ferocious temper which is what made him good on the field. Never been arrested and kept his outbursts related to the team. Never any domestics or dui's or the like. Plus, smitty was a dedicated hard working football player who was more worried about his career than anything else besides his family. Hardy appears to want to be famous. That is what scares me. Thats it.
  6. I'm closer to agreeing with you than you think. however, i'm not blind to the other side of this poo coin. Hardy baisically, through his own actions, showed no remorse for the media backlash, the public embarrassment or that his team needed him. The entire time he just kept being outlandish and foolish on social media and in public. How can you then expect your employers to take you seriously. You could always take 89 seriously. He was about that business not the life. Hardy? Not so much.
  7. 89- punched a man(several times) 76- was accused of beating/threatening a young woman Football = Men hitting Men Of the first two, which most resembles the equation above?
  8. Until our team stops carrying the torch for the NFL we will never win anything. How has Jerry's loyalty rewarded Carolina fans? How many new trophy cases have we needed because we just need those robots that don't act like people act. You can't give a kid 10 million dollars, throw hot chicks, booze, steroids, and drugs at them and expect to get straight laced choir boys. Who's kidding who here? It's like a bad practical joke.
  9. Bengals announce the signings of: Steven Gostkowski Jermain Gresham (whom I should have franchised ) Gosder Cherilus
  10. $5 Jonathan Joseph Out of maxwell, DCK just gon match any way. Signed by Bengals: Louis Delmas-$2 Brandon Spikes-$10
  11. Bengals have Andy Dalton on the block. Will accept nothing less than PB&J "WITH" potato chips. Flavor of chips is negotiable. EDIT: Just to clarify the Bengals realistically wouldn't trade Dalton. I thought the PB&J was a dead giveaway. My Bad.
  12. Bengals Bid: Cecil Shorts - $7 Roy Helu - $1 Denarius Moore - $1 Clint Boling - $1 Gostkowski - $2 Jermain Gresham - Match ($4) Gosder Cherilus - $2
  13. Bengals Bid: Byron Maxwell- $7 Jonathon Joseph- $3 Louis Delmas- $2 Brandon Spikes- $10
  14. Never fall a sleep after a skank bang. 20 dollars for cab fare and bare foot just for naggin in my damn ear.
  15. Lots of RT's got beat like a drum by Seattle. He aint dancing to canton, but he should be able to keep Cam upright. We have to make Cam comfortable that his blind side isnt gonna get him killed.
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