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Everything posted by KillaCamNewton

  1. Pretty effortless drive for a TD against that vaunted Cardinals defense
  2. Does anyone in their right mind think this defense is stopping Cam on a sneak two times? Just complete pussy coaching
  3. Pickles won me my fantasy league that year. I went to waivers and picked up whichever defense was playing him that week. Getting 20 points from your defense makes all the difference
  4. Kick the ball into the fugging endzone wtf Gano thats on you
  5. I was terrified for this game before the season but now not so much. Their defense looks pretty average and Lacy is having a horrible year. Norman on Cobb and Tillman on Jones and see where it goes
  6. don't be like that. Regardless of the last two seasons, Steve Smith IS the Carolina Panthers. He played his heart out every game whether we were up or down 31-0. He was our Allen Iverson, top 5 player of all time pound for pound
  7. cam has played great. He cant make receivers catch the ball
  8. This game should be 28-0. Gotta clean this up in the second half
  9. I see no negatives with this. Its obviously a late round pick and hes a better pass rusher than anyone on the team other than CJ. Pass rush has been the one thing weve missed this season
  10. Rivera rushing 4 and sitting back in a zone like a pussy
  11. Lets remember that the Eagles dont have 1/4th the defense that we do
  12. Remember when the answer was on the roster when it came to OTs last season? Our coaches and front office do the same stupid poo every year thinking that this time it will be different
  13. Torn meniscus would be great (all things considered.) Alot of people can play through that and even if you get surgery its like a 3-4 week recovery
  14. unless its something nuts like Shaun Livingston's injury you arent gonna make a diagnosis off a video. Ive seen way worse looking knee buckles and the guy would be back on the field in a week
  15. Catching the ball is a wasted skill if you can't get open (See: Avant, Jason) much less even get on the field on offense. Other than fair catching punts and trying to field a rolling football like a hockey goalie what exactly does he contribute on special teams?
  16. So cut the guy that won us the playoff game vs keeping the guy that did everything he could to lose us the game? lol. Bersin will never see the field as a WR, he barely got in as a receiver with our Bad News Bears receiving corps last year and now we've added Ginn and Funchess. Plus he's an atrocious special teams player. I would hate to keep someone like him where we know exactly what were getting (which is nothing special) and have to cut someone like Ward or Byrd who could be diamonds in the rough
  17. I dont see the benefit of keeping Bersin over Webb. Even as a QB Webb looked like a way better ST player
  18. false, Bell would still be getting out of his stance by the time CJ was past him
  19. He'll probably get the Arthur Ashe courage award next year
  20. Mike Holmgren says RW should take the deal and now all these Seahawk fans are trying to figure out who this mysterious Mike Holmgren character is
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