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Game Of Thrones Grown Up Talk. Do Not Enter Unless You Have Finished All The Books


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One my my favorite questions in the series is "Who is Jon Snow's parents"

I understand the last book mentioned a name, but I think that was too easy an out.

I found this today and it is right along with what I have been thinking.


At first glance, this suggestion seems ludicrous. Rhaegar and Lyanna? There’s no direct evidence or personal claims to support this, as opposed to both Ashara Dayne and Wylla. Yet there are subtle, benign clues. Lots of them, in fact. And the more one looks at them, the more one is convinced that this could be the answer. The theory is a complicated one. First, the entire possible story will be given, in order for the reader to gain full understanding of the theory, and then I’ll provide various pieces of evidence for each portion of this hypothosis, complete with quotes and page numbers (and lots of ‘em!). Finally, I’ll ponder on why this could have happened.

1) The Story

Rhaegar Targaryen married Elia Martell, and fathered two children off her, Rhaenys and Aegon. Yet the marriage was political, and at the Harrenhal tourney in the year of the false spring, Rhaegar met his true love--Lyanna Stark. Together, the pair fell in love, and ran off together some time after, to the Tower of Joy in the Red Mountains of Dorne.

There, Rhaegar impregnated Lyanna. However, Rhaegar had to go leave to fight Robert, and three of the Kingsguard were sent to the Tower of Joy to protect Lyanna and her unborn child. Somehow, Eddard and his battle companions discovered Lyanna’s location. They assumed that Lyanna was abducted by Rhaegar, and did not join him by her own free will.

Eddard and the northmen reach the Tower of Joy, and battle ensues with the Kingsguard. At the end, only Eddard and the crannogman Howland Reed are left alive. Eddard enters the tower to find Lyanna. She has given birth to the baby, but, due to complications of childbirth, she is dying. She makes Eddard promise not to reveal the child’s true parentage to anyone, lest Robert’s hatred of Targaryens lead him to kill the child. Then she dies.

Eddard names the child Jon. He, Jon and possibly Howland all ride to Starfall, to return the greatsword Dawn which used to belong to Arthur Dayne until he was killed in the fighting. There, perhaps Eddard and Wylla conspire to pretend Wylla is Jon’s mother, to protect Jon. Also, Ashara kills herself (for the possible reasons, see above).

Eddard then rides north with Jon, claiming the son is his and Wylla’s to protect Jon from Robert’s Targaryen hatred.

2) The Evidence

a) Rhaegar’s Personality--True Love With Lyanna?

At the beginning of the series, the reader comes off with a general disliking of Rhaegar Targaryen. However, most opinions about Rhaegar comes from Robert. While Robert makes Rhaegar out to be an evil man and a rapist, this could be because Rhaegar stole away Lyanna, Robert’s true love. Clearly, no other character has this dislike for Rhaegar, and most other characters seems to repsect and adore him. Just a brief selection:

He {Ned} wondered if Rhaegar had frequented brothels. Somehow he thought not. --GoT, pg. 381.

The knight {Jorah} gave her a curious look. “You are your brother’s sister, in truth.”

“Viserys?” She {Dany} did not understand.

"No,” he answered. “Rhaegar.”--GoT, pg.668

{Dany said,} “There is some good to be said of my father, surely?”

“There is, Your Grace. Of him, and those who came before him. Your grandfather Jaehaerys and his brother, their father Aegon, you mother...and Rhaegar. Him most of all.” --SoS, pg. 815

So it appears that Eddard, Jorah and Barristan all disagree with Robert and think that Rhaegar was a fine, upstanding citizen...hardly the sort of man who would abduct a young girl against her will. Perhaps even Robert realizes this:

Confused, the king shook his head. “Rhaegar...Rhaegar won, damn him. I killed him, Ned, I drove that spike right through his black armor into his black heart and he died at my feet...Yet somehow he still won. He has Lyanna now, and I have her.”--GoT, pg. 430

The quote might possibly be interpreted as Robert admitting that Lyanna went willingly with Rhaegar. For this seems like a likely possibility--Lyanna fell in love with Rhaegar, and went off with him. We know she had no great love for Robert:

“Robert will never keep to one bed,” Lyanna had told him at Winterfell, on the night long ago when their father had promised her hand to the young Lord of Storm’s End. “I hear he has gotten a child on some young girl in the Vale.” Ned had held the babe in his arms; he could scarcely deny her, nor would he lie to his sister, but he assured her that what Robert did before their betrothal was of no matter, that he was a good man and true who would love her with all his heart. Lyanna had only smiled. “Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man’s nature.”--GoT, pg. 379

So clearly Lyanna did not truly love Robert, and Rhaegar was not the evil man who Robert made him out to be. So it seems likely that the pair fell in love, and we have some proof to support this. For example, at the tourney at Harrenhal in the year of the false spring, Rhaegar won the jousting contest. But instead of crowning his own wife Elia the queen of love and beauty, he crowned Lyanna (SoS, pg. 486). Ned reflects on this while hallucinating:

Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty’s laurel in Lyanna’s lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, as blue as frost.

Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals, the thorns lay hidden...

--GoT, pg. 631

This is obviously a significant moment, for Eddard to remember it while locked in a cell. And we have another reference to Lyanna falling for Rhaegar at the Harrenhal tourney, from Meera’s story about the Knight of the Laughing Tree:

“The dragon prince sang a song so sad it made the wolf maid sniffle, but when her pup brother teased her for crying she poured wine over his head.”

--SoS, pg. 281

The dragon prince is Rhaegar; the wolf maid is Lyanna. It certainly seems implied that she is falling in love with him. And another hint from Meera:

“And the mystery knight should defeat all challengers and name the wolf maid the queen of love and beauty.”

“She was,” said Meera. “But that’s a sadder story.”

--SoS, pg. 283

And then we have several other references which are ambiguous, almost deliberately so:

Yet sometimes Dany would picture it the way it had been...Her brother Rhaegar battling the Usurper in the bloody waters of the Trident and dying for the woman he loved...

---GoT, pg. 30

And when Dany sees visions in the House of the Undying:

Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman’s name...

---CoK, pg. 706

In both these quotes, GRRM avoids using the word ‘Elia’ and instead uses ‘the woman’ or ‘the woman he loved’ suggesting that it could be someone besides Elia...Lyanna, perhaps?

B) The Kingsguard, the Tower of Joy and Lyanna’s Death.

On page 424 of Game of Thrones, Eddard is dreaming while under the influence of the milk of the poppy for his injured leg. During this time, he has a dream about his fight with the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy. GRRM has stated that this dream is not completely literal (Ned was dreaming, after all) but some basic facts can be gleaned from it.

One is that three men of the Kingsguard, Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Gerold Hightower, and Ser Oswell Whent, were present at the Tower of Joy. This is curious since, as far as the reader knows, there is no royal blood present at the Tower of Joy--just Lyanna. Then why are they there, instead of with Viserys or Daenerys? (Rhaegar and Aerys are dead by this time.)

The obvious reason is, of course, that Lyanna is carrying Rhaegar’s baby, and the Kingsguard are there to protect that portion of the royal blood. But would Rhaegar trust these men with such a secret? Probably. Barristan told Dany that Rhaegar’s oldest and truest friend was Arthur Dayne (SoS, pg. 90), so he was probably just the man to trust with such a secret.

The Kingsguard evidentally had an effect on Eddard. On GoT, pg. 502, just the sight of three men in white cloaks sends a chill through him.

Then there comes the curious matter of Lyanna’s death. From Eddard’s thoughts on GoT, pg. 43, we learn that she died of a fever, in a room that smelled of ‘blood and roses.’ Since the fighting took place outside the tower,. we can theorize that the blood came from Lyanna’s childbirth. We know the blood came from Lyanna, because on GoT, pg. 424, Eddard remembers ‘Lyanna in her bed of blood.’ Her bed of blood--the blood came from her, and blood is not usually the effect of a fever. And GRRM has been known to liken this term to birthing--on GoT, pg. 674, Mirri Maz Duur says she knows the secrets of the ‘bloody bed,’ meaning birthing.

c) “Promise Me, Ned”

“I was with her when she died,” Ned reminded the king. “She wanted to come home, to rest beside Brandon and Father.” He could still hear her at times. Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned. The fever had taken her strength and her voice had been faint as a whisper, but when he gave his word, the fear had gone out of his sister’s eyes.

---GoT, pg. 43

From the quote above, Eddard implies that his promise to Lyanna was to bury her at Winterfell. However, he recalls the quote throughout the book at the strangest times and places, suggesting that the promise meant something more. From above, the simple phrase ‘the fear had gone out of his sister’s eyes’ suggests that the promise is something deeper--why should she be so scared about where she is buried? It has been suggested that what Eddard was really promising was to keep Jon’s identity a secret, and this can be supported by the manner in which he recalls Lyanna’s words.

“You avenged Lyanna at the Trident,” Ned said, halting beside the king. Promise me, Ned, she had whispered.

--GoT, pg. 116

This quote could be explained away by the fact that Eddard referred to Lyanna. But Robert killing Rhaegar doesn’t have much to do with anything if Ned promised to bury Lyanna at Winterfell. The quote fits better if Ned’s promise was concerning Jon, because it would fit with Robert’s hatred of Targaryens.

He remembered Rhaegar’s infant son, the red ruin of his skull, and the way the king had turned away, as he had turned away in Darry’s audience hall not so long ago. He could still hear Sansa pleading, as Lyanna had pleaded once.

---GoT, pg. 199

Now this is interesting. Why in the world would Eddard compare Sansa pleading for Lady’s life to Lyanna pleading to be buried in Winterfell--especially in the context of Robert’s hatred of Targaryens? This references makes absolutely no sense unless one accepts that Lyanna was pleading to keep Jon’s identity secret from Robert.

“I will,” Ned promised her. That was his curse. Robert would swear undying love and forget them before evenfall, but Ned Stark kept his vows. He thought of the promises he made to Lyanna as she lay dying, and the price he’d paid to keep them.

--GoT, pg. 380

Again, this doesn’t make much sense in the context of Ned promising Lyanna to bury her at Winterfell. What price would he had to have paid to do this? If the promise concerned Jon, on the other hand, the quote makes sense. Ned has certainly paid a price by claiming Jon is his own son, especially with Catelyn.

The next quote comes from Eddard’s dream:

“Promise me, Ned,” Lyanna’s statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood.

--GoT, pg. 501

Eddard seems to have a lot of violent and troubled dreams concerning his promise to Lyanna. Why? It seems unnatural for him to place that much importance on simply burying her at Winterfell.

“Eat the bastard. Don’t care if you choke on him. Promise me, Ned.” {said Robert.}

“I promise.” “Promise me, Ned,” Lyanna’s voice echoed.

--GoT, pg. 505

This quote can simply be attributed to Eddard likening his promises to Robert on his deathbed to his promises to Lyanna on hers.

So with so many references to these promises, if seems like they were very important in Eddard’s mind; certainly more important than ensuring Lyanna was buried at Winterfell. They could very well be about Jon; if not, then of something of equal importance.

d) Blue Winter Roses

Along with ‘Promise me, Ned,’ Eddard also remembers blue roses at the strangest times. This can also be attribuited to Lyanna. She loved the smell of blue winter roses. (GoT, pg. 631) And the crown for the queen of love and beauty that Rhaegar tossed her was made of the flower. (GoT, pg. 631). Of course, Ned’s references to blue roses could just be due to his grief over how Lyanna died, but they could mean something more...

Promise me, she had cried, in a room that smelled of blood and roses. Promise me, Ned...Ned remembered the way she had smiled then, how tightly her fingers had clutched his as she gave up her hold on life, the rose petals spilling from her palm, dead and black...”I bring her flowers when I can,”{Ned} said. “Lyanna was...fond of flowers.”

--GoT, pg. 43

The room in which Lyanna died smelled of roses, and she held some in her hand. Interesting. If Rhaegar knew that they were her favorite flower, he could have been trying to make her happy.

As they came together in a rush of steel and shadow, he could hear Lyanna screaming. “Eddard!” she called. A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death.

--GoT, pg. 425

Her {Cersei’s} eyes burned, green fire in the dusk, like the lioness that was her sigil. “The night of our wedding feast, the first time we shared a bed, he called me by your sister’s name. He was on top of me, in me, stinking of wine, and he whispered Lyanna.”

Ned thought of pale blue roses, and for a moment he wanted to weep.

--GoT, pg. 480

“Promise me, Ned,” Lyanna’s statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood.

--GoT, pg. 501

The slim, sad girl who wore a crown of pale blue roses and a white gown spattered with gore could only be Lyanna.

--CoK, pg. 809

The real clincher comes with a vision Dany has in the House of the Undying.

A blue flower grew from a ***** in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness.

--CoK, pg. 707

This quote strongly implies that Lyanna’s blue roses have something to do with the Wall (the ‘wall of ice’) This makes perfect sense because Jon, the product of Lyanna and her blue roses, is on the Wall.

One more final clue comes on CoK, pg. 746. Ygritte tells Jon a story about Bael the Bard. Bael picked a blue winter rose from Winterfell’s greenhouse unasked; a year later, he returned the son he fathered off Lord Stark’s daughter in payment for that rose. Since Rhaegar is known to be a great fan of music and songs, it is likely that he heard this story, and was fulfilling his romantic outlook on life by imitating Bael in the blue roses.

e) Lies, Broken Promises and Troubled Dreams

Since Eddard is described as an honorable man, one would think that he would feel guilty over the fact that he is lying to the world about Jon’s parentage. Well, he certainly feels guilty over something. Throughout the book, there are numerous references to the fact that he feels guilty for telling lies. These lies most likely have to do with Jon or something as equally serious.

Troubled sleep was no stranger to him {Ned}. He had lived lies for fourteen years, yet they still haunted him at night.

--GoT, pg. 115

Since Jon is fourteen years old at this time, this strongly implies that Eddard’s fourteen years of lies are about Jon. The fact that they still haunt him at night fits in with Eddard’s dreams about blue roses and the Tower of Joy.

“She whined and looked at me and a felt so ‘shamed, but it was right, wasn’t it? The queen would have killed her.”

“It was right,” her father said. “And even the lie was...not without honor.”

--GoT, pg. 222

Eddard could easily be comparing Arya’s honorable lies to his own.

Some secrets are safer kept hidden. So secrets are too dangerous to share, even with those you love and trust. {Ned thought}

--GoT, pg. 357

This seems to imply that Ned has secrets of his own.

The rain had driven everyone under their roofs. It beat down on Ned’s head, warm and relentless as old guilts.

--GoT, pg. 379

The deceit made him {Ned} feel soiled. The lies we tell for love, he thought. May the gods forgive me.

--GoT, pg. 504

All these above quotes seen to suggest that Eddard has been lying about something for fourteen years. If not Jon, then what? There are probably other options, but Jon seems the most likely at this point.

f) Thoughts Concerning Jon

Most of the above quotes had to do with pointing evidence at Lyanna or Rhaegar. However, a sizeable number of quotes do suggest that Jon is mroe than just a normal bastard boy. For one, Eddard never seems to refer to Jon as his son, which is interesting.

“Never ask me about Jon,” he said, cold as ice. “He is my blood, and that is all you need to know.”

--GoT, pg. 65

Note that Eddard calls Jon ‘my blood,’ not ‘my son.’ This could be a hint that Eddard is still trying to tell as much truth as possible, because Jon is still his nephew if he is Lyanna’s son. And then, on GoT, pg. 486:

Ned thought, If it came to that, the life of some child I did not know, against Robb and Sansa and Arya and Bran and Rickon, what would I do? Even more so, what would Catelyn do, if it were Jon’s life, against the children of her body. He did not know. He prayed he never would.

Eddard lists off all his children in his mind, but conviently does not include Jon on the list. Interesting.

Eddard then has some more thoughts about Jon while locked in a cell underneath the Red Keep, waiting to die.

The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him...

--GoT, pg. 635

Why, out of all his children, does Eddard want to talk with Jon before he dies? Could he finally want to reveal to him the secret of his parentage? Of course, Ned could be wanting to do this even if Jon’s mother was someone else, so this quote does not just apply to the Lyanna-Rhaegar scenario. Two pages earlier, Eddard asks Varys if he would deliver a letter. Perhaps Eddard wanted to put the secret of Jon’s mother in that letter for Varys to deliver.

Bran has an interesting dream which may add to the evidence.

“I dreamed about the crow last night. The one with three eyes. He flew into my bedchamber and told me to come with him, so I did. We went down to the crypts. Father was there, and we talked. He was sad.”

“And why was that?” Luwin peered through his tube.

“It was something to do about Jon, I think.” The dream had been deeply disturbing, more so that any of the other crow dreams.

--GoT, pg. 730

In the series thus far, most characters’ dreams have hinted at being prophetic or somewhat magical. The fact that Eddard was trying to tell Bran that there was something about Jon in the crypts may suggest that a secret about Jon is down there--near Lyanna’s statue, maybe?

Jon has a similar dream:

“I’m walking down this long empty hall...opening doors, shouting names...the castle is always empty...the stables are full of bones. That always scares me. I start to run, then, throwing open doors, climbing the tower three steps at a time, screaming for someone, for anyone. And then I find myself in front of the door to the crypts. It’s black inside, and I can see the steps spiraling down. Somehow I know I have to go down there, but I don’t want to. I’m afraid of what might be waiting for me...I scream that I’m not a Stark, that this isn’t my place, but it’s no good, I have to go down anyway, so I start down, feeling the walls as I descend, with no torch to light the way. It gets darker and darker, until I want to scream...that’s when I always wake.”

--GoT, pg. 267

This also seems to hint that Jon also has some sort of destiny in the crypts--again, perhaps his heritage? One more thing seems to hint at Jon’s parents:

“King,” croaked the raven. The bird flapped across the air to land on Mormont’s shoulder. “King,” it said again, strutting back and forth.

“He likes that word,” Jon said, smiling.

“An easy word to say. An easy word to like.”

“King,” the bird said again.

“I think he means for you to have a crown, my lord.”

“The realm has three kings already, and that’s two too many for my liking.” Mormont striked the raven under the beak with his finger, but all the while his eyes never left Jon Snow.

--CoK, pg. 105

This could be the random spoutings of a raven. Or it could be a subtle clue that Jon, as the only surviving son of Rhaegar, would be the king of Westeros if the Targaryens still reigned.

Yet another possible clue comes in the physical appearances of the characters. It has been stated numerous times throughout the series that Jon and Arya are similar in physical appearance. Arya is also often compared to Lyanna, such as Eddard's statement on GoT, pg. 221. Through logical sequence, Lyanna is indirectly being compared to Jon. (Lyanna looks like Arya and Arya looks like Jon.)

As one last tidbit of evidence, it can be said that if Jon is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, it fits with the series name ‘A Song of Ice and Fire.’ Jon seems to be shaping as the main character, and it woudl fit the series title if his parents were Rhaegar (fire) and Lyanna (ice).

3) But Why?

The way most characters describe it, Rhaegar seems to be a completely honest and honorable man. So why would he betray his wife and run off with Lyanna to father a legitmate child?

This is a question that cannot fully be answered, except for one vision that Dany has in the House of the Undying on CoK, pg. 527. In this scene, Dany sees Rhaegar and Elia standing over their newborn son Aegon. Rhaegar says that Aegon is the ‘prince that was promised,’ and his is the ‘song of ice and fire.’ Then, he enigmatically adds, ‘There must be one more...the dragon has three heads.’ The first two heads are evidently Rhaenys and Aegon. It’s possible that in whatever prophecy Rhaegar read, he thought that he needed to father a child off a Stark to produce the third head and the ‘song of ice and fire.’ Without further information we cannot speculate more, though. For a more indepth discussion of the topic, see the ‘Who is Azor Ahai reborn? Is he the same person as the Prince Who Was Promised?’ topic.



I think this is an older theory, but I like it.

Thoughts ?

Also, Jon isnt dead, suck it.

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the more interesting theory is that aerys targaryen + joanna lannister = tyrion lannister

gimme a link.

why would this be?

Where is all this old poo found?

*sigh* Im gunna have to re-read the books arent i :(

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gimme a link.

why would this be?

Where is all this old poo found?

*sigh* Im gunna have to re-read the books arent i :(


A Dance With Dragons, page 577:

"Prince Aerys...as a youth, he was taken with a certain lady of Casterly Rock, a cousin of Tywin Lannister. When she and Tywin wed, your father drank too much wine at the wedding feast and was heard to say that it was a great pity that the lord's right to the first night had been abolished. A drunken jape, no more, but Tywin Lannister was not a man to forget such words, or the...the liberties your father took during the bedding."

That is Sir Barristan Selmy telling Daenerys about the feelings her father, Aerys, had for Tywin Lannister's wife Joanna, and Tyrion Lannister's mother. It suggests that Aerys lusted for her, and we all know that as Aerys descended into madness, he did as he pleased. We know too that there was no love lost between Tywin and Aerys, from things like how he made Jaime a member of the Kingsguard to spite Tywin.

Let us consider too how Tywin treats Tyrion. He has always grudged Tyrion for the death of his wife, but would not that pain be even sharper if he knew or suspected Tyrion wasn't his child? Granted, Tyrion looks like a Lannister with his blonde hair, but his mother was a Lannister cousin, so it's not unreasonable to assume his looks came from her. Tywin doesn't want Tyrion to inherit Casterly Rock, and the kicker: during the privy scene at the end of A Feast for Crows, Tywin tells Tyrion, "you're no son of mine."

Am I crazy and just seeing something that isn't there? Isn't Tywin just giving Tyrion one last snipe before his death? Possibly, but this is a theory that's pretty widely talked about and as the series progresses we continue to see Targaryen blood reappear (Young Griff, anyone?). If you want to attack it, I probably won't defend it - it is kind of out there.

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aerys had a thing for joanna, tywin sent joanna back to casterly rock to have tyrion. speculation is that joanna lannister drank moon tea to kill aerys targaryen's rape baby and that's what deformed tyrion, and his deformity is what killed joanna lannister

two blue eyed parents pretty much cannot produce a child with one blue eye and one black eye

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  • 1 month later...

I've seen the first two seasons, and just started reading the first book. So far everything seems to be right in line with the show. So can I just skip to the book that picks up after season 2? I assume that would be the third one. I've noticed only minor differences in the reading so far, and all it seems to be is more descriptive. I guess I'm just asking if something important to the series has been left out of the first two seasons, and if I would be confused because of that when jumping to book 3.

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I agree with the theory that Rhagar and Lysanna are Jon's parents. The only thing I have a problem with is how Ned let his wife treat him. Why didn't he just tell her the facts so he could keep his 'honor' and shut her up? Who knows maybe Jon would have had a somewhat better life for it (better as in not getting the dagger eyes from his step mom for 14 years.) Of course then it would have been harder to keep it a 'secret' from the reader, so I guess it's just a literary tool in this case.

And yeah I don't believe Jon is dead either.

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It is an electrolyte powder that is intended to help assist weight reduction by boosting the body's natural mechanisms that burn fat. Unlike conventional weight-loss pills, ElectroSlim concentrates on enhancing GLP1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) hormones, which are essential for controlling metabolism and hunger.     The GLP1 hormones that tell the brain when you're full are what the supplement targets in order to decrease food cravings and stop overeating. ElectroSlim makes it simpler to stick to a calorie-restricted diet by encouraging the production of GLP1, which helps suppress hunger and increase feelings of fullness. Higher GLP1 levels can also encourage the body to use fat to create energy, which can result in more effective weight reduction. Natural components combined in a way that supports weight reduction are the basis of ElectroSlim's composition. These components include magnesium citrate, l-taurine, chromium picolinate, sukre, Metabolyte, capsimax, and calcium citrate. Metabolyte targets fat cells that have been stored in order to prevent weight gain, whereas sukre helps burn fat and keeps it from being stored. As for l-taurine, it promotes heart health, and chromium picolinate helps regulate blood sugar. In addition to magnesium citrate, which encourages easy digestion and lessens bloating, calcium citrate also inhibits the accumulation of fat. When it comes to treating the underlying hormonal imbalances that lead to weight gain, ElectroSlim provides a unique approach to weight loss. With ElectroSlim, you may safely and effectively lose extra weight by maximizing GLP1 levels and bolstering the body's natural fat-burning processes. Whether you want to jumpstart your weight reduction journey or overcome a plateau, ElectroSlim provides a practical and empirically supported option to support your weight loss objectives. Head to “ElectroSlim” Official website. Outstanding Features Included In ElectroSlim Weight Loss Supplement GLP1 Hormone Optimization The goal of ElectroSlim is to maximize the effects of GLP1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) hormones, which are essential for controlling metabolism and hunger. The supplement aids in reducing food cravings and increasing feelings of fullness by encouraging the production of GLP1, which supports weight reduction efforts. All-Natural Ingredients A variety of natural components that have been carefully chosen for their efficacy and safety make up the formulation of ElectroSlim. These components, which all aid in the supplement's ability to promote weight reduction, include sukre, metabolyte, capsimax, chromium picolinate, l-taurine, calcium citrate, and magnesium citrate. Fat-Burning Properties Together, the components of ElectroSlim promote fat burning and inhibit the storage of extra fat. Sukre promotes fat burning, whereas metabolyte targets fat cells that have been accumulated to stop weight gain, leading to more effective weight reduction. Blood Sugar Control An essential component of ElectroSlim, chromium picolinate, helps regulate blood sugar by minimizing spikes and crashes that might trigger cravings and overindulgence. ElectroSlim helps sustain energy levels and encourages improved hunger management by balancing blood sugar. Digestive Support The calcium and magnesium citrates in ElectroSlim facilitate easy digestion and lessen bloating. By supporting overall digestive health, these substances make sure that your body can effectively assimilate nutrients and get rid of waste. Heart Health Benefits One of ElectroSlim's other ingredients, L-taurine, has been demonstrated to promote heart health and may help offset hereditary heart disease risk. Beyond only helping with weight reduction, ElectroSlim's composition includes l-taurine. GMO-Free and Gluten-Free Due to its production process's use of premium, gluten- and GMO-free products, ElectroSlim is appropriate for anyone with dietary sensitivity or limitations. Toxins, artificial additives, and fillers are all absent from the supplement, guaranteeing its safety and purity. Made in the USA Strict quality standards and manufacturing procedures are followed at the American plant that produces ElectroSlim. This guarantees that the supplement satisfies the highest requirements for efficacy, potency, and safety, giving customers peace of mind. Head to “ElectroSlim” Official website to Get Yours!   Ingredients In ElectroSlim And Their Benefits A variety of natural substances that have been specifically selected for their powerful benefits on weight loss and general health go into the formulation of ElectroSlim. Together, these components support a number of body processes necessary for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, including blood sugar regulation, metabolism stimulation, fat burning, and blood sugar regulation. A red pepper extract product with a trademark called CapsiMax is well-known for its thermogenic qualities, which speed up metabolism and burn more calories. In addition to enhancing insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation, chromium picolinate also helps minimize fat accumulation and control hunger. An antioxidant-rich amino acid called L-taurine helps burn fat and lessens muscular tiredness while also supporting cardiovascular health and muscle function. Magnesium and calcium citrates are vital for controlling fat metabolism, keeping fat from accumulating, and enhancing sensations of fullness and satisfaction. By boosting the action of hormones and enzymes involved in energy generation, Metabolyte, a patented combination of natural chemicals, improves fat-burning and metabolic rates. Sukre, a naturally occurring sweetener sourced from plants, improves ElectroSlim's sweetness without raising blood sugar levels or adding calories, which helps lessen cravings for high-calorie sweets. The soluble fiber-rich extract from the acacia tree helps with hunger regulation, satiety, and good weight management. Together, these components offer a thorough weight reduction strategy that takes into account a number of variables that affect body composition and metabolism. ElectroSlim's natural composition, which guarantees safety and effectiveness, is one of its main advantages. ElectroSlim is a safe and mild weight reduction solution without the danger of side effects typically associated with manufactured supplements. It utilizes only natural components and avoids toxins or chemicals. People may promote overall health and well-being while successfully and consistently achieving their weight loss objectives with ElectroSlim. Head to their website and rush your “ElectroSlim” to your doorstep.   Can People With Diabetes Use ElectroSlim To LOSE Weight Naturally? Using ElectroSlim to aid in weight loss is indeed possible for those with diabetes. Because ElectroSlim can help control blood sugar levels and promote natural weight reduction, it may actually be especially helpful for those who have diabetes. It has been demonstrated that components of ElectroSlim, such as chromium picolinate, enhance insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, two vital aspects of diabetic care. ElectroSlim helps people with diabetes prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes, which can frequently result in cravings for unhealthy foods and overindulgence. ElectroSlim promotes improved blood sugar regulation. Given that being overweight is frequently a contributing cause of insulin resistance and poor blood sugar management, ElectroSlim's ability to help weight loss can have a number of positive effects on people with diabetes. tailored advice from a healthcare professional on integrating ElectroSlim into a complete diabetes treatment plan that includes dietary adjustments, physical activity, and other lifestyle alterations is available. In general, those with diabetes who want to improve their general health and lose weight may find ElectroSlim to be a useful tool. Click Here To Get Your “ElectroSlim” From The Official Website! Can ElectroSlim Powder Cause Any Allergies In People? ElectroSlim powder is made with carefully chosen natural components to reduce the possibility of allergies. ElectroSlim's components are devoid of common allergies, including dairy, soy, gluten, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). For those who have allergies or sensitivity to certain ingredients, ElectroSlim is a safe choice because of this. In addition, factories that follow stringent quality control procedures to guarantee purity and safety produce ElectroSlim. To avoid cross-contamination and guarantee that the finished product satisfies high standards, the production process is subjected to stringent testing and inspection. For most people, ElectroSlim powder is, therefore, unlikely to result in allergic responses. Furthermore, no artificial additions, preservatives, or chemicals that can cause allergies or unfavorable responses are included in ElectroSlim. Order Your “ElectroSlim” From The Official Website!   How Do You Maximize The Results Of ElectroSlim With Lifestyle Changes? Healthy Diet Initiate by embracing a well-rounded and nourishing diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Refrain from consuming too many calories, processed meals, and sugary snacks. The finest results from ElectroSlim come from a balanced diet that supplies your body with the necessary nutrients and aids in weight loss. Regular Exercise To enhance ElectroSlim's ability to burn fat, use it with frequent exercise. To raise your metabolism, gain muscle mass, and burn calories more effectively, blend cardio, strength training, and flexibility workouts into your program. Try to get in at least 30 minutes a day, most days of the week, of moderate-intense activity. Adequate Hydration ElectroSlim supports digestion, metabolism, and general well-being by collaborating with enough hydration. Make sure you get eight glasses of water a day, and if you want an extra push, try mixing in some ElectroSlim. Manage Stress Long-term stress can undermine attempts to lose weight by encouraging overeating and fat accumulation. To lower stress levels and promote a healthy metabolism, try stress-reduction methods like yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation, or spending time in nature. Adequate Sleep Put good sleep first to maximize the benefits of ElectroSlim. Aim for seven - nine hours of sleep every night to help with hunger management, hormone balance, and general metabolic health. Establish a soothing evening ritual and make sure your sleeping space is cozy and supportive of sound sleep. Portion Control Even while eating healthful meals, be mindful of portion sizes and refrain from overindulging. While portion control is crucial for long-term weight management, ElectroSlim can help reduce cravings and suppress hunger. Avoid eating straight out of the container, use smaller dishes, and measure portion sizes to help stop mindless eating. Mindful Eating To cultivate mindful eating, pay attention to your body's signals of hunger and fullness, eat mindfully, and relish every meal. When dining, keep your attention on the flavors and textures of your meal rather than being distracted by the TV or your smartphone. Overeating may be avoided, and a better connection with food can be fostered through mindful eating.   Head to their website and rush your “ElectroSlim” to your doorstep.   Is ElectroSlim Sold On Pharmacies And Local Stores? - Where Can You Buy ElectroSlim From Pharmacies and neighborhood stores do not carry ElectroSlim; instead, it may only be bought on the company's official website. The manufacturer's decision to offer the product only online gives them control over the product's distribution and guarantees that consumers will get real, premium supplements straight from the supplier. ElectroSlim can also provide clients who buy straight from the official website with exclusive discounts, package offers, and promotions because they are avoiding regular retail channels. There are several benefits to purchasing ElectroSlim from the official website. Primarily, it guarantees that consumers obtain genuine goods that satisfy the producer's quality criteria. Second, clients may save money on their purchases by taking advantage of special discounts and bundle deals when they shop on the official website. 1 Bottle Of ElectroSlim - $59/Each 3 Bottles Of ElectroSlim - $49/Each 6 Bottles Of ElectroSlim - $33/Each Moreover, purchasing directly from the manufacturer removes the possibility of coming across expired or counterfeit goods that could be offered for sale by unlicensed resellers. ElectroSlim's official website also provides a simple and safe online purchasing experience. You may quickly read product reviews, explore product, and choose the ones that best fits your requirements. (SPECIAL OFFER) Click Here To Order the “ElectroSlim” For The Best Discounted Price Today From The Official Website!   Does ElectroSlim Matches Our Expectations? – Do We Endorse Buying ElectroSlim? Within the weight reduction supplement industry, ElectroSlim stands out as a powerful potion that may transform the process of becoming a healthier, thinner version of oneself. ElectroSlim is a weight loss solution that is both easy to use and very successful due to its original composition and distinctive combination of natural components. The unique selling point of ElectroSlim is its capacity to stimulate the body's natural fat-burning processes by harnessing the force of nature. ElectroSlim is a flexible weight loss treatment that works for people of all ages since it targets GLP-1 hormones, which helps prevent weight gain brought on by cravings, aging, or heredity. High GLP-1 levels are maintained by its scientifically established formula, which also keeps metabolism rates high and fat-burning activities optimized. In summary, ElectroSlim is proof of the combined strength of nature and technology in the fight against obesity. It stands out as a premium supplement that exceeds expectations because of its distinctive composition, which is supported by real-world testimonies and scientific study. ElectroSlim is a game-changer, providing a dependable, safe, and efficient way for anybody looking to reduce weight healthily and easily to reach their objectives. Head to their website and rush your “ElectroSlim” to your doorstep.   What Else Should You Know About ElectroSlim – Frequently Asked Questions 1. Is ElectroSlim safe for individuals with diabetes or high blood pressure? Absolutely, those who have high blood pressure or diabetes may safely use ElectroSlim. Its components are specifically chosen to normalize blood pressure and control blood sugar levels. But before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially if you have pre-existing medical concerns, you must speak with a healthcare provider. 2. Can pregnant or breastfeeding women use ElectroSlim? Women who are nursing or pregnant shouldn't use ElectroSlim. During pregnancy and nursing, it's advisable to err on the side of caution, even when the product is made with natural components. Before using any weight-loss supplements during this period, speak with a healthcare professional. 3. Will ElectroSlim interfere with medications or other supplements? Certain vitamins or drugs may interact with ElectroSlim. Before using ElectroSlim, along with any medications or other dietary supplements, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional to be sure there are no negative interactions. Based on your unique health profile, your healthcare professional can offer tailored advice. 4. Can individuals with food allergies or sensitivities use ElectroSlim? People with dietary sensitivities or allergies should carefully check the ingredients list to confirm compatibility, as ElectroSlim is designed to be free of common allergens and gluten. Before taking ElectroSlim, speak with a doctor or nutritionist if you have any dietary limitations or allergies. 5. Is ElectroSlim suitable for vegetarians or vegans? Indeed, vegetarians and vegans may use ElectroSlim. The product is a good choice for people who pursue a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle because it doesn't include any components that come from animals. With ElectroSlim, you may easily assist your weight reduction objectives while following your preferred diet.   Head to their website and rush your “ElectroSlim” to your doorstep.
    • makes sense to make these changes after the draft is over. probably should have been expected. can't really make these kind of moods during the draft season. wouldn't have enough time to get ready for it.
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