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Everything posted by pantherj

  1. It's the right thing to do at this point. I never wanted Sam, but it's time for his final prove it season. No more excuses. If he flops then we will have a goldmine of high draft picks going into the 2023 draft and that's huge. The defense is essentially built, the offense will be ready after we take a LT (except QB), and all we'll really need is one the top QBs in the 2023 draft. Then the rest of the 2023 draft can be used to fill in empty spots and add depth. That sets us up nicely in 2024 assuming the QB pans out. 2022 is just not salvageable unless Sam takes a big leap forward in play. 2022 is Sam's season. He decides our fate.
  2. It seems unlikely that we will take a QB at 6th imo. Even if there is a run on OTs we'll still have an excellent non-QB prospect fall in our lap, and at that point we might be able to trade down or select him. Passing on Fields last draft could be a preview of what's to come in the 2022 draft. The 2023 draft is going to be loaded with better QB prospects than this draft from what I understand. Letting Sam have his last shot at becoming our franchise QB in 2022 is actually a good idea. Sam will have a better understanding of our system, and an improved o-line. If Sam runs the 2022 season into the gutter, then we'll be at a high position in the 2023 draft to select a great QB prospect. That's how you can end up in the Super Bowl in a few seasons with a great QB still under his cheap rookie contract. And If Sam goes out and kicks ass in 2022, then we have our franchise QB.
  3. We don't have to draft him. We can get extra offensive players in a trade down. Also, we have enough good offensive players to have a good offense once we draft a QB in 2023.
  4. If there is a run on tackles Kayvon Thibodeaux might fall in our laps. That's a good thing.
  5. I wouldn't want to play here and I'm a big fan.
  6. Rhule said something like he expected Sam to take a big step forward this season. Without knowing Rhules true thoughts on Sam I can't really put myself in his shoes. There is always the possibility that he panics and we collect another poop QB.
  7. Go BPA in the draft, and roll with Sam in 2022. If Sam rocks with knowing our system better, then it's a win. If Sam poops the bed again, then we have a high 2023 draft pick and we take a top QB and that's a win. Go with the win-win scenario.
  8. The reason Chinn didn't look good at safety is because he was out of position or taking false steps on too many plays. Chinn needs more time the position before we see him at his best. Chinn doesn't pick things up quickly, and at LB he admitted that he was guessing as to what to do on some plays.
  9. Here is a photo of Hurney watching Herbert and telling him he was making really great throws.
  10. If I had to guess there are no big name FA QBs who want to be here. Furthermore we are already spending 18 million on a QB, so spending another large sum for a washed QB doesn't make any sense. We should see Sam again at QB imo.
  11. I'd rather we move to the outside track, or just get off the track altogether.
  12. I'm fine giving up a mid-first rounder considering what we could lose if Rhule really panics. Only losing a mid-round pick is a huge win for fans. Rhule could burn this down and start throwing away high picks to Jimmy G and hand out a mega contract.
  13. Yeah his power and technique were elite, and defenders couldn't see around him so Williams and Stewart would make huge gains.
  14. Otah was one of the best run blocking RTs I've ever seen, and he's a big reason double trouble got those huge contracts. The worst staring tackle I've ever seen in Nate Chandler. Oher is our second best LT.
  15. Maybe not you, but some fans would be ok with a mediocre QB so long as he had intangibles and they liked him. Many fans now have a "just be better than Sam" mentality. I want nothing less than a highly talented QB who can be our franchise leader for over a decade. The 2023 draft could yield that, but the lesser FA QBs are not enough for me.
  16. Basically it's all about 2023. Either we dump Sam for a 2023 rookie, or we dump Baker, or Jimmy G. One of those guys is gone as soon as we have a good rookie QB on the roster. 2022 is a lost season other than it will lead us to the 2023 draft with high picks.
  17. Bakers deep ball would fall right into the hands of Falcons, Saints, and Bucs DBs, or fly off to nowhere. Be ready for a lot of incomplete passes at all distances as well. Baker is trash. I don't mind if Rhule and Fitt panic and bring in another trash QB so long as we don't trade high picks, and we don't give him anything except a one year prove it deal.
  18. We all agree (I hope) that we need a highly talented QB. That way the players listen when the QB speaks. When Sam speaks, no one listens. When Baker speaks, no one listens. When Mahomes speaks, the team listens. Rah Rah QBs who aren't that good make me sick. When a QB is trash he needs to shut up. Players hate rah rah crap when the the QB isn't doing his part. Stop with the intangibles crap. We need a highly talented QB. Moxie, verve, spirit, that is irrelevant. Put the ball where it needs to be, or get off the team and take your moxie with you.
  19. He's right to be horrified, but he's going to piss off the Panthers brass obviously.
  20. If we give him a big contract and trade high picks for him then I'm done as a fan until Rhule is fired.
  21. Baker Mayfield is scattershot trash. Jimmy G is WASHED and was never that good anyway. Be careful what you do Tepper and company because I'm out if you blow this again.
  22. It's all about the price for Jimmy G and the contract. Jimmy can have a one year prove it deal and we'll trade a 4th or 5th for him. That's fine. Trading high picks and giving him a mega contract will send me packing as a fan until Rhule is fired. I can't accept another idiotic move as a fan. One more boneheaded move and I'll leave until Rhule is fired, and this is coming from someone who follows the team year round. I'm out if we making another idiotic mistake.
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