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Everything posted by Navy_football

  1. I think Brady's return put EVERY ONE else on notice. Whatever BS they were planning to go with before wasn't gonna work. I do feel like Matty Ice just took a huge slap in the face though. He definately isn't the reason that team is losing.
  2. Can anyone remember a time when 3 division rivals went after a player as hard as CAR, ATL and NO?! This ish has been a SHOW!
  3. I agree with this. He brought National Championships (in football) to the Carolinas. There are folk in those parts that would follow him like the next coming...
  4. Seriously! Not just a first round draft pick, but actually fix this ish. 3 of the current 5 starters need to be backups. If they march any of those interior dudes out there next year as penciled-in starters...
  5. Truly remarkable that Cam didn't succomb to the post-snap happy feet dance like Carr and Darnold.
  6. Can't be mad at Sam today. He played as good as could be expected. This oline would have Peyton Manning seeing ghosts.
  7. This is the biggest bich aZZ playcalling I've ever seen in my life!!!! Acting like this team is playing for a playoff birth! Just ball out and stop being so damn scary!!!
  8. The Panthers have taught me that no position on the oline is more important than any other. It's just that some are more difficult to find higher level talent. And this team has low level talent everywhere except RT. If they could come out of the draft with high-level rookies at RG, LG and C, I would much rather that scenario than just a LT. Heck, a young Trent Williams wouldn't be enough to fix fiasco. Guards can not get bull rushed into the QB as often as ours do. Just unacceptable...
  9. DEs still fail to set the edge (sigh). Off tackle runs and screens is all they need to do. Damn...
  10. I can agree that bringing Cam back in the middle of the season probably wasn't a good idea. Not to start. Moves like this rarely work out. The OC is limited on how much of his playbook he can use. Many plays haven't been repped and won't be with limited number of practices. But one thing you don't want to do is limit other players by marching out a completely incompetent QB. Limits development of everyone on the offense when you can't run plays efficiently from the key position. Teddy wasn't an awful choice in that aspect.
  11. Not sure if anyone is paying attention, but only one QB in last year's highly-touted QB draft is looking like he actually belongs. And he (Mac Jones) was the last QB drafted in the 1st round. Mac Jones isn't the most talented QB in last year's draft. He simply landed in the best situation. We can not expect a 20-23 year old to come in and save this franchise by himself. That ain't happening in the cuurent state - not even with can't-miss guys like Trevor Lawrence. The defense is good enough if all things remain equal. Beef up the offensive line - as in every draft pick and any remaining cap space (even CMC, DJ, etc. as trade bait for players or picks). Roll with Cam, Darnold, PJ at the QB position until we're a good QB away from being a contender. Good teams make average QBs look great. Bad teams make great QBs look bad.
  12. Now college men from sea to sea may sing of colors true, but who has better right than we to hoist a symbol hue... Go Navy, Navy, Navy! Beat Army!
  13. So I'm an older guy too, but I have young sons. I've heard them and their friends use "say less" at least a hundred times. It basically means you don't have to say anything else about it. I understand the assignment. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Just to reiterate, I'm not hip or "with it". I just have younger sons that are pretty cool and popular. God help me.
  14. I don't get the angst towards Tepper, Rhule, Fitter or whoever else we're blaming on the QB situation. The bottom line is this FO wants to friggin win, they want to win now and they'll do whatever it takes. They had a plan. The plan wasn't working out, so these MOFOs turned over every rock they could find to fix it. It didn't take the entire season. It didn't take 2 or 3 seasons. It took about 5 games. This is refreshing to me as past regimes just stuck with the "we're thinking long-term" BS that never came to fruition. Now I will say the Paridis experiment needs to be over. Find out if that cat can play OG or something and be a swing backup until his contract expires - or we can cut him. Fix LT and stop throwing crap at the wall. Take your time and carefully find the future QB. We can roll with Cam until that happens. That should have always been the answer.
  15. They better never let this man leave again. Ever. Should they look for a young up-and-coming QB to take over? Hell yes! But Cam should be his mentoring backup - if and only if he loses the position outright. Heck, he should coach and/or be a commentator when he hangs up the cleats as a fuggin Carolina Panther!
  16. Team sucked today. Sam played a big part because he is the QB, but it ain't just on him. Leaders and "playmakers" made huge mistakes at horrible times in the game. Offense and defense.
  17. I have to disagree. It depends on why things ended in the first place. And yes, people do change.
  18. People really forget about that fiasco of an offensive line! The only saving grace was Ryan Kalil at Center. If not for him, Cam might have actually been murdered on the football field.
  19. Arm tackles don't cut it in the NFL. Not even against QBs. Let's add Reddick to the discussion while we're at it. Damn track athletes burning their leg and then dropping the baton at the transfer.
  20. This is the worst. Ryan Kalil at center is the difference. If not for him...
  21. As a playcaller, you have to listen to what your players are saying. That doesn't mean you always do what they want, but they give you a perspective that you can't get from the sidelines - so you have to strongly consider what they're telling you. Believe me if Robbie's yelling it like that, then it's already been discussed among the position group. You ain't going Super Sayan without your boys backing you.
  22. Rich and/or famous men get groupies all the time. Why do we put these regular men on pedestals so much? They're just men. I consider myself a pretty high character guy, but I've never had women throwing themselves at me like that all the time. The temptation would probably get to you after awhile. This isn't a Jerry Richardson or Watson situation. This is a woman trying to get with an NFL football coach or player. It happens all the time.
  23. Sam is BALLING!!! But Brady legit has these mofos number. He is 2 friggin steps ahead of the Cowboys!
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