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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. Pretty obvious that Rhule can feel the fire burning his ass and had to do something. If he pulls a RR and somehow wins 2 or 3 games (highly doubt it), should he be given another shot? Or pull the plug at seasons end and clean slate time?
  2. So we still don't have an OC with NFL experience and another Baylor wanna be in Bradys place. Not going to be pretty.
  3. They need WR's badly....M.T. probably let go or traded after this year. Getting older on both sides of the ball. A.K always hurt like someone we know. Don't know what orifice they will pull the money out of to sign a quality QB. Not all roses in the Cresent city.
  4. They both suck and have some of the same problems. No QB, sketchy WR core, defense very suspect, (their defense getting older and very hot or cold). They do have a good Oline when healthy. We have a sh%t Oline. Their star RB can't stay on the field. They are in cap hell ( but always seem to get around it). We have some cap space but many holes to fill and players to resign They gave a crazy contract to Hill and we did the same with CMC. S.P is a proven coach, but having a very hard time without Brees. We have the three stooges on our staff. Finally, our division is a mess. Brady can't play forever and they will need a QB soon, the Falcons still suck....then there is us and N.O. Between the Panthers and Saints, who will get their sh%t together sooner and become a contender again. What u got?
  5. Ron had his players respect due to his time in the NFL. Ron could relate to the players having been one himself. Rhule has no such experience and I belief the players just blow him off. Not a good situation.
  6. Does that mean being twice as bad as they are now....don't think that is even possible.
  7. At least RR had the experience and NFL cred playing on the Bears dominate D to command their respect. Small chubby guy with a Krispy Kreme gut can't quite do that.
  8. They say when you get alot of tail from a beautiful woman, it makes you vulnerable on game day......or some bullsh%t like that.
  9. He can hang out with his beautiful GF in Hawaii now.
  10. Tepper has deep pockets and can take the hit of trashing the whole thing....but would he. Even billionaires say enough is enough and just cut their loses. He would lose millions upon millions If cut the cord (not even considering the hit from the bad trades and contracts). He didn't become wealthy by continuing to throw money at bad business decisions. What could he be thinking at this point after a few years in as owner? Might he just say to himself "fug it, I'm out." He has no ties to this town and could bail anytime he wished. What u got?
  11. Guy is 6.5" and he can't throw it over the line men???
  12. For some reason, Rhule looks like a shabby, overweight high-school coach with a bad football team
  13. Need some hogs up front....the nastier,bigger and uglier the better.
  14. Along with needing an Oline, looks like they need bulk on the Dline also. They seem to get bulldozed up the middle by the run game time and time again. Speed is great, but without some bulk up the middle it's a problem. Teams with big Olines seem to cause havoc and just push them around. They need big bodies to stop the run on any consistent basis.
  15. If that defense we saw against Washington is the "defensive team" he speaks of, then he is in trouble.
  16. If he was still here in the same situation, he would have missed both.
  17. Seems to be a trend with this bunch. They never rise to the occasion and all the hype. They are average (at best). All the money spent on the secondary and they still get burned on a regular basis. The pass rush disappears from game to game and JAG running backs slash them up. Is Snow's schemes at fault or is the talent over rated.....or both. I don't see them as a top defense.
  18. Is Dante earning the big $$$ contract this game......how about NO
  19. Either the offense has heads up arse.....or the defense has. Just can't pull their heads out at the same time.
  20. The NFL has thirty two teams with thirty two starting QB's. Some of those are legit and the other's are backups in a starting role. You can literally count the talented one's on both hands, the rest are just riding the horse until the team finds a better one. Sam is unfortunately not in either of these categories....he is done as a starting QB.
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