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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. If I had millions in the bank I would just GTFO of football and live a life. Who needs the stress and depression that failing at a job brings. Just move on.
  2. Guy is overwhelmed and needs to get his head straight. He is shell shocked (same as with the Jets). Needs to sit and go on IR and fiqure out what to do in the offseason. Personally I think he has had enough (has have the Panthers). Must be hell in the locker room right now.
  3. Go 2 the playoffs and get blown out by the 1st half....no thanks. Give me a higher 1st round pick and find some way to recoup some draftpicks that the shitty trades took away.
  4. I feel bad for him actually. He is in a job that he can't handle and it must be overwhelming. He needs to take his earnings and move on. I hate to see anyone suffer like this. Just not cut out for him.
  5. So pinhead Aikman was correct.....didn't say it in so many words...they suck.
  6. What in gods name did these guys see in S. D. that they thought they could "fix"?Especially with the fugged Oline they knew they had going in? The inability to evaluate talent is obvious and is very worrying. Who exactly put the stamp of approval on this clown show? Who is in the drivers seat when making these decisions.... Fitt, Rhule or Tepper? Or is it just the Panthers version of the three stooges? What u got?
  7. You can watch this sh%t show....in 2010 we all knew Fox was gone and the team sucked. They have some good players on Offense this year and no excuse for being so fuggin lame.
  8. I have watched every game since 2000..it is worse then 2010.
  9. Yes it is that horrible....worse then horrible.
  10. 2010 and Clausen where better then this clownshow. And the thought was that they could never be worse then that group. Many college offense's are better then what they put out every Sunday. Even CMC can not help this group. Time to accept the fact that this is not getting better this season and can not get much worse. Stuck in quick sand with no body coming to pull them out.
  11. Me conclude da Panters are bad at play da footabal.
  12. Our old enemies the Saints have another problem besides Winston being out. Thomas posted on Twitter that he has another injury that will keep him off the field for 2021. I'm sure the Saints are thrilled with him and his diagnosis. I haven't read about another season ending injury nor has it been mentioned by the team untill today on Twitter. Guy just another head case. If we can get our sh%t together and get right, still could be some fireworks in the NFL south for us afterall.
  13. Rumor has it that he would consider the Saints if they came knocking. No mention of the Panthers. Why would he risk his health behind this Oline....I presume he would like to still be intact when he has grandchildren.
  14. Stafford made the right choice taking the Rams over Carolina. Von Miller to LA is crazy. That guy totally beat the sh%t out of us in the SB and now he is with those two monsters. L.A going all in and the Bronco's fans must be sick with this trade. Definitly the favorites to take it all now.
  15. You have faith in PJ and the atrocious Oline?
  16. You win or lose with what you got. If he had understood this four weeks ago, we might be above 500. right now. Invest one entire draft and the first pick the season after on defense.....duh.
  17. It is said that they will not win if they keep the run first scheme against the good teams. Obvious that they cannot pass block. This is not LSU with Burrow and stellar wideouts. Hopefully Brady understands which way this needs to go now. Run the ball. They can scheme around the four RB's and pass with shorter routes. Throw deep when the opportunity presents itself. With this Oline and QB, they have to play to the offense's strengths.
  18. Sam will be back in a game or 2. They aren't signing anyone. Their fortune's this season will sink or swim with what they have.
  19. They won't do anything. PJ will play untill Sam is cleared. Morgan will stay his backup. Heavy on the run again with PJ, limit his pass attempts. We aren't going far this season anyway so whats the point. Tough schedule coming up and it will not be easy to win many of those games. Be competitive and hope for the best
  20. CMC, Chuba, and Ameer. Throw in Royce for the beef. The Oline seems to be much better run blocking then pass protecting. Hopefully the coaching staff understands that to win with this team, its going to be run first. Brady needs to change his LSU ways. We don't have a Burrow nor the wideouts that they did. Design pass plays around the run. Take a shot downfield when it presents itself. Winning formula with the players we can put on the field
  21. Saints are in the same boat we are right now. Winston lnjury may be much more serious then Sams. They may be looking for a QB now also. Who will get the first jump on any avaiable.....ironic if Cam signs with the Saints if Winston is out for long.
  22. Morgan.... Might as well be Morgan Freeman. Sign someone tomorrow
  23. Run run run run......easy pass route.....run run run....easy pass route
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