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Everything posted by Jmac

  1. That is fuggin nuts. Just gut whatever is left of this team for one guy who doesn't want to be here. If this asshat front office pushes this deal then they are hopeless. This organization is sinking fast and trying any quick fix they can find.
  2. That's bullcrap. Posting false information on Twitter to get a rise out of fans.
  3. Suckage is the Panther way.....let's continue sucking all the way to the end... of time.
  4. Nope... would rather build a long term competitive team then a one shot deal. The bloom wears off the rose quickly when the SB is over and the realization that the future isn't looking as bright for the near future.
  5. I guess no more random tailgate appearances for Tepper and having a beer with the fans...
  6. Opinions please....how many losses before mid-season will be tolerated by Tepper? Will he make it to December?....
  7. Bengals Oline looks alot like our crap bunch. Can't pass block for sh%t, better at run blocking. Having Burrow and Chase making all the difference.
  8. Hoping I get to see the day the Panthers are relevant again....have only so many years on this rotating sphere.
  9. Just dig the six foot deep hole now and leave the shovel......without a new Oline any Qb won't last the season.
  10. Word has it he has a noodle arm. Accurate but can't throw the deep ball. True or untrue?
  11. Why the fug should he talk to anyone about this? This is his team, his money, and he owns the whole thing. Why the fug should he have to explain himself to anyone about his decisions. His attitude is probably if you don't like what's happening, then get off the train. He didn't become a billionaire by explaining anything to anybody. If you think for a second that he actually gives a sh$t what the fans think or say, that's a dillusion. He will run the show his way and spend his $$ how he chooses. He knows that the PSL holders that count are the corporate players and they will stay on board for clients and business reasons. If mommy/daddy and little Johnny want to give up their licenses, then so be it.
  12. D.G.A.F. anymore. They can move to Bora Bora at this point. Untill they straighten out their sh%t and become a respectable franchise in both the front office and on the field, why should anyone care.
  13. Step right up and place your bets.... The Bradyless Bucks...the Peytonless Saints...the Falcant's..or the rudderless Panthers Welcome to the worst division in the NFL next year as far as wins and losses go. At least there will be enough suckage all over the place. Who you got as best to worst record...cough it up
  14. No we still suck...just missing a golden opportunity to make a major impact in our division.
  15. It has happened.....Peyton leaving and what are we doing. Accepting mediocrity and doing nothing to rectify our putrid situation
  16. He has a meeting with the Bears for the HC position. If the Saints have any brains (unlike our team), they should jump the line and sign him before they do. He would be the best choice for them. Meanwhile back in Panther land.....we are stuck in reverse.
  17. Without Bree's to depend on and knowing what he has in house now as QB.....jumping ship and G.T.F.O.D before the sheet hits the fan.
  18. Bad time for the Panthers to make very questionable hiring decisions. Dennis Allen looking for a HC gig with the Bears, sounds like S.P is going to walk soon also. Saints may be going down hard. Brady may be gone next season. Meanwhile the Panthers aren't taking advantage of the situation as usual. Keeping an inept HC and bringing in a OC that is less then promising. They should move fast and hard to secure the HC that can move them foward and should have chosen a OC who is not a retread with a questionable track record. Unfortunately I have little faith in this front office and owner at this time. We are behind the eight ball again.
  19. The offense sucked with Brady and it will suck with this turd.
  20. Long developing plays behind a crappy Oline...we know what that gets you.... Gets you beat.
  21. Don't G.A.F anymore what this organization does. Took a long time and many a kick in the balls following the clown show known as the Carolina Panthers to reach this point
  22. I will say this team makes it easy not to G.A.F what they do any more.
  23. This is the rebuilt that never really starts nor ever really ends.
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