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  1. Trade that #1 for capital. Use the #1 in 2026 to grab a qb. We gonna be in that top 3 for a while. Tepper is a legit clown. How did that tard make that kinda money?
  2. He played for Alabama and had talent everywhere. He actually always sucked
  3. Probably the best option. We need assets. Then next year we can use a top 5 pick on a QB. May as well ride this trainwreck as far as possible
  4. To trade it for assets. We need hope. I'm not talking reality anymore. I need fantasy land stuff
  5. I want BY out there all season. We need that #1 pick badly
  6. So we gotta stick with BY as that number 1 pick is gonna have some value. We need a QB obviously but we need everything. I'd prefer we trade that pick and go after a qb the following year. Ride that BY disaster as far as possible
  7. Any one know where or how to watch the Auburn game this evening?
  8. I guess if everything began to go right in the next draft, with this owner, maybe 7-10 years. Likely looking at a Detroit Lions trajectory.
  9. Looks like it's not on. I guess Tepper working hard to isolate the fanbase
  10. Likely. In a great draft, a first round guy is a starter. 2nd-3rd rounders you hope are rotational guy by year 2. Later rounds rarely do better than the practice squad. Our drafting, particularly lately, sucks really bad
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