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Everything posted by *FreeFua*

  1. A beat down by a bad Colts team has to get someone fired. It has to be Scott right?
  2. Because no one can get 10 yards downfield under 4 seconds
  3. That was for the throw the ball crowd Don’t want to take a sack well there’s the alternative. A cool 4 yards on 3rd and 10
  4. We had Chuba and Blacksheer… Why in the F*CK did they pay Sanders
  5. Winning? I’m trying to decide if we’re even scoring today
  6. Well if that’s a flag then I’m not sure how this is football. The alternative is to just let him catch it?
  7. There’s Burns one unblocked splash play for the game
  8. Me too. Guys are so slow and the OL can’t pick things up. It’s the worst combination ever. Miami Houston and now Indy have all got home with that nickel blitz
  9. And do what with it? Throw away? He’d be throwing it away 9 times out of 10 then. These guys are so damn slow and this OL is awful. At least if he had some speed on the outside he’d be able to launch a few instead of taking sacks but whatever Bryce hanging onto the ball in hopes of trying to make a play or just see the WR’s get halfway through their routes are the least of our concerns
  10. This game is pretty tough to watch after watching something like TB and Houston before this This team is soooo bad. 2-3 wins MAX
  11. There is literally no reason to go for it on 4th here with our offense
  12. There honestly isn’t a QB on this planet that is succeeding on this team
  13. It’s 2nd and 1 this is when you take a shot but with our OL being so bad we have to go and try and get the first instead
  14. Good lord this team is f’n trash. Bryce picks up 5 on 1st then is snapping it on 3rd needing 9…
  15. This fan base loves Bozeman the person so they give Bozeman the football player a pass. He’s not that good
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