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Status Updates posted by Jangler

  1. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and hoped he would be more like Clinton, but sadly he is not. But I have given up in the tinderbox and will not be posting in there anymore. The blind will not see and the deaf will not hear, and I'm a happy guy.

  2. did you get the link?

  3. Nah, I mean I made the gif...:) but use away, that's what they are there for.

  4. That pic is from her birthday party last year....August 20th...maybe it will happen again only better. :)

  5. did you get the link? need to tell me on my profile...

  6. tvfreeload has the newest Pirates of the Caribbean, if you haven't seen it.

  7. I changed it back, it didn't look as good as an avatar.

  8. did you get the link?

  9. I guess I will have to use Imagebam all the time. I click the family safe option but they won't stop.

  10. You know most of them are just having fun with you more than anything, right? I know some are way too serious, but F them anyway..:D

  11. Have fun! Man this is a good set...she is getting closer. th_027006461_meet_madden_805_012_122_89lo.jpg

  12. Thanks! Will be adding more soon.

  13. I'm nuts over Hayden.

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