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Everything posted by SmokinwithWilly

  1. There's so much exposure now with social media that while he may not have been on prime time as much, he wouldn't have gone unnoticed. Allen's big problem was accuracy. If he had played for Bama and still not been able to hit the broad side of a barn he would have still slid down in the draft.
  2. Impossible to say how he would have performed anywhere else. He could have been much better against inferior competition or he could have been worse with a lesser supporting cast. More than likely he's in the same position as now. Part of the discussions without a clear number 1
  3. Heath Ledger owned that role. There will never be another.
  4. It actually is though as long as it's being done properly and with the correct understanding of what you're trying to accomplish. I do at least 1 seven day fast, a 5 day and (2) 3 day fasts every year. Shutting down my digestive system and giving it rest is a good thing for me. It also constantly reminds my body I don't need to eat every 8 hours and I will survive. Learning to recognize actual hunger pangs was probably the biggest game changer for me in terms of my overall digestive health.
  5. In a lot of cases that's going to be 80-120 lbs less.
  6. I've lost a tremendous amount of weight using intermittent fasting as a tool, not a diet. I also reversed my T2 in under 30 days and fixed my NAFLD in under 6 months. I do IF every day, but my focus isn't on weight loss. I just learned to eat when my body says it actually needs food, not according to some arbitrary trigger like it's time for lunch or dinner. Our bodies are built to be able to go extended periods without eating. We did it long before the advent of farming when hunting and foraging were the only ways to find food. Unfortunately, IF has been turned into a fad diet, which it isn't. It's not a diet at all. You can still gain weight and be ridiculously unhealthy and fast every day. Knowing how to eat, what to eat, and when you actually need to eat are more important than following the latest diet craze.
  7. I don't think there's any vibes to get yet. He was only getting 2 or 3 snaps in practice last year and Rhule was focusing on him getting those high quality mental reps instead. He may end up being Pickles 2.0. It's just way too soon to tell without letting him get some practice.
  8. If we're willing to move down, it will because we really don't care one way or the other and I think that brings the value down just a little. I would absolutely try for their 24 1st, but I think 33 could end up being the offer because we're willing to move. I'd actually prefer to try for 12 this year because then we could get our QB plus options at WR, Edge or CB. Or it's possible to trade down from there and recoup more of what we gave up to get to 1. It will be interesting no doubt.
  9. Same. If it's that close to call, might as well try and recoup a 24 1st or grab 33 (technically 34) if we can.
  10. But you're comparing 2 guys using a metric that doesn't accurately measure athletes due to their higher % of muscle mass. Doesn't matter if it's more accurate than the Huddle eye test or not, it's still not accurate.
  11. BMI isn't an accurate measurement tool for athletes. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15231223/
  12. Almost forgot. Stop cutting to commercial every time the Panthers make a damn selection.
  13. Find someone more energetic and with a little more enthusiasm to host the draft. Roger Goodell takes something that should be exciting and makes it feel like a funeral.
  14. Over/under Juan has 50 #1 rumor threads by the time draft day rolls around. I'm going over.
  15. Can we just make one thread for the latest hot take reporter post?
  16. If AR has been the target all along, and we somehow convince Houston to trade up for Stroud/Young and get back a pick or 2 of what we gave up to get to 1 anyway, I would have to give Fitts props.
  17. I don't give a poo if nothing changes but can't we get anything with "process" out of the fugging building. Rhule is a skidmark in this franchise's history book.
  18. That's just the helmet that's always stuck out in my mind when I think of white helmets for whatever reason. Could be that I was a Washington fan when I was very little and the hatred of the Cowboys is burned into me.
  19. There's been several white Cowboys helmets over the years, even if they're throwbacks. Still make me wanna vomit. This one was from Tennessee game last year. Still looks like ass.
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