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Everything posted by t96

  1. Not really that we're afraid (or at least I'm not, I can't speak for the other idiots around here), more that we like Hardy as a player and don't want to have to root against him playing for a division rival. I'm completely fine with him going to the Cowboys even though we play them this year and next year (and possibly, maybe even likely, in the playoffs) because I actually like them more than a lot of other NFC teams, and would be fine with them having success if it doesn't affect us at all. I'd be pissed if he went to the Seahawks because I hate them and of course I wouldn't want him on a division rival. I'd rather he be on some AFC team who I'm completely indifferent to, like the Raiders, Jags, Ravens, etc. Pretty much any AFC team except the Patriots. But I'm fine with playing him this year and next with him in Dallas.
  2. Bucs being used to drive up price, Cowboys will sign him.
  3. Drew's gotta be using the Bucs as leverage. They wouldn't sign him and he wouldn't sign with them, without a meeting first. Pretty sure he's unofficially a Cowboy for sure.
  4. He's made it clear he won't play for them and his cap hit is outrageously high as it is. More importantly, Zimmer said on record that they'd comply with Peterson's wishes. Unless he changes his mind and wants to stay with them, he'll be cut.
  5. 1st, 2nd, 3rd every year for the next 5 years and I wouldn't hang up the phone. But I wouldn't necessarily accept it either.
  6. If La'el Collins, Landon Collins and Strong are all there do you think we pass on either Collins for Strong? I feel like the value is too good to pass up on Landon and I think they really like La'el. I see us going wideout in the 2nd, and I hope it's Agholor.
  7. Looking like he'll be a Cowboy. Just like I said in that Raiders-Hardy thread. And people shot me down saying no chance.
  8. Jennings, Nicks, Moore, Crabtree are all capable of being our #2, but unlikely we get any of them. I have a feeling we end up getting Nicks, but there's been no reputable link between us yet.
  9. Interesting, the Patriots made him an offer reportedly and he turned it down for San Diego...
  10. man it's late and I didn't read your whole first post, just saw "can't trust Ginn."
  11. He wasn't brought in to be our WR. He was brought in as a returner, and will compete at WR. He can definitely be trusted as our return man, and if you don't think that then you must not have seen BB or Philly back there... Sure we'll probably draft somebody but that doesn't mean Ginn can't be trusted. He's old and only on a 2 year deal. We'll bring in young guys to compete and develop no doubt. Maybe we can get Agholor in the 2nd to compete at wideout and eventually become our return guy as well.
  12. Where do I get this shirt?
  13. Agreed. We've signed guys at every top position of need now. Safety, OT, WR/KR, CB. May not all be the answers, but DG is addressing them all so he can take the best guy. I wonder if he views DE as a position of need though. Maybe Ron and him are actually confident in Ealy and Frank. Still think we end up drafting another DE in the first 2 rounds though, unless other big time players fall.
  14. With Hardy and Landon Collins our D would be that good.
  15. What happened to the Gettleman Soundboard?
  16. As a wideout? No, not at all. He had some clutch 3rd down conversions and was solid as a WR, for a #4. Having a play designed for him, like the bubble screen in the playoffs, or the pick 6 to Chancellor, is absolutely fuging absurd though. And is he really that bad on special teams? Yes. Easily one of the worst and least confident returners I've ever seen play.
  17. I hope so but Igo and Voth are 100% sure he won't be back...
  18. What if no team is willing to sign him and he would want to play here for vet min.? Would DG and JR sack up and sign him?
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