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Camp Fodder

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  1. This is the type of luxury Pick is someone like the Ravens or Chiefs pick, not a 2-15 team
  2. This. It was a stupid pick. Could have taken Frazier here and rb in round 3 or 4 that would have actually played.
  3. It’s amazing this continues to happen after coaching and GM changes.
  4. Yep not sure why we didn’t trade a 6th for him seeing it looks like Bryce is not going to work out
  5. Agree with this 100 percent. I believe a lot of things are heading in the right direction but we are probably drafting a new QB in round 1 next year
  6. Yea we easily win 6-7 games with Dalton but prefer the way it played out in getting the HC and GM fired
  7. This this. Loved the trade down to get our second back next year and our 4th round pick I also liked the move to get to 32 but would have went with Ladd. I believe we reached a bit on our 2nd and third round picks, especially with Brooks injury.
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