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Everything posted by WUnderhill

  1. It kind of seems like maybe he wasn’t working in the off-season. The teams get so little practice time with these guys now they have to be diligent working on their own. Wahle is saying his footwork is bad. That’s a repetition thing. I’m not a fan of Campen with the way this OL is performing, but I highly doubt he isn’t teaching proper footwork. It’s up to a young guy to take what he’s taught and drill the repetition on his own if he wants to be great. Of course this is all speculation on my part and I could be way off.
  2. I don’t have the game…why has Maledon played 16 minutes and Lamelo 12?
  3. Literally the only thing Clifford is supposed to be good at is coaching D.
  4. Didn’t you flip flop over to Scoot just over a couple summer league games though? Sorry if you want the points you gotta stick with your conviction at least through the summer league lol.
  5. Not a chance in hell. Lions would have zero motivation to do that. Like what is their motivation to move on and not keep developing him? Why would they be that desperate to give up a 2022 first rounder for a 4th round pick? Makes no sense.
  6. Miller has looked great so far! Not just his stat lines, he’s making vet plays and adjustments in game. He has shown exactly why he was drafted over Scoot, who meanwhile has looked pretty bad. I’m sure Scoot will come around, but some of his same problems he had in the G League are showing in the NBA. 1-18 from 3, not getting to the line, and more turnovers than assists so far. I honestly expected a lot more, especially with all the pieces they were able to put around him from the Lillard trade. I thought, at the very least, athletic slasher works enough to have a somewhat positive impact while the shooting and everything else develops. But he’s been ass.
  7. Don’t think I’d like it even for a 7th. Hell, don’t think I’d like it even for TMJ straight up who only played 4 snaps Sunday. We may have bums, but at least they’re cheap bums who aren’t acting a fool on National tv. They’d have to give us a pick to take Jeudy.
  8. Does Gary play the run really well or something? That’s like 5 sacks per season. Why the hell give a guy $27m/yr for 5 sacks per season? Legit question I’m not familiar with Gary’s game.
  9. I think it was a makeup no call for the ticky tack call they made just a couple plays before on the Texans defender. Then again, it’s also very consistent with refs not protecting Panthers QBs dating back to Cam.
  10. I didn’t notice him much today which I think is a good thing. Did he have a good game?
  11. Watching people do anything they can not to say Bryce Young.
  12. We have got to make sure Bryce does not continue to get hit like he did today. If that means going back to the shitty boring dinks and dunks and screens then that’s what that means. If there’s another way I’m all for it, but today confirmed for me a little bit of why I thought they had been calling the plays they called previously. Our OL is atrocious. Nobody wants to give the first pick in the draft to the Bears next year, but IMO it would be worse if we David Carr’d Bryce Young trying to force things down field this year just to make the fans happy in the short term. It sucks. I don’t even know if playing Bryce is worth it if we revert back to 20 screens a game and dinking and dunking, but what do you do?
  13. It’s all very thinly veiled “We won today because of defense” From the same posters who blame Bryce for losses when the defense gives up 40. That, and “Well we won but I still have questions about arm strength/size/QB sneaks” the same tired bs. Or in Linville’s case “Wow it is so pathetic seeing people here happy after a win, how dare they call out people who trashed Bryce and said Stroud should have been the pick.”
  14. Maybe there should be a negative vibes only thread or something like that. Just so people can poo on Bryce Young in peace after a win.
  15. This was a big one. Can you imagine how insufferable the Stroud crowd would be around here if he had outplayed Bryce and won?
  16. I’m still a “yeah, but” with him because that drop was just fugging atrocious and was a beautiful throw for a third down conversion at a time when we were struggling to generate offense. Seeing the Texans no name receivers make catches directly after that just made me want to puke.
  17. Throw poo at the wall see what sticks because it really can’t get much worse. Who knows, maybe this is the right unit and some guys need a fire lit under them by watching from the bench. I hope Bryce has enough of a voice to light into these guys for getting him killed out there.
  18. Been a long time since those cardiac cats days and always having hope that the team would find some magic to pull out a close one. A step in the right direction.
  19. He’s been bad all season. But today was pretty yikes. Also 2 games in a row getting Bryce blown up on the very first play like come on.
  20. He either didn’t watch, can’t see past the narrative he wants to believe, or is mentally handicapped. I think whichever is true, his opinion has little value.
  21. He sure did. With no run game, more drops by his receivers, more pressure, far far worse OL, Bryce Young made plays more consistently. Stroud led only 2 drives resulting in points.
  22. Their defense played better and we still won.
  23. And the defense scored zero. Bryce played a great game behind one of the worst OL performances I’ve ever seen. It will never be 400yds 40 points with no run game and 11 hurries, 6 hits, 5 sacks.
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