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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Always good to see ya, dude Everyone should read this fella's Panthers blog page. He knows his stuff.
  2. FYI: I've send Kris Richard mentioned as an option on the defensive side.
  3. Unknown. There are, evidently, some bad feelings there at least. Carroll reportedly didn't want to step down.
  4. So did Kevin Kolb and AJ Feely. (the Andy Reid effect)
  5. They'd have to be willing to let him out of the position...and there is at least some indication that they might be.
  6. I genuinely hope so. Mind you, Dan will still have to prove he knows what he's doing too. What scares me is I remember him advocating for the Panthers to sign Michael Vick back in the day.
  7. The "change" I want to see from Tepper is him butting his ass out Canales doesn't really strike me as having the leverage to do that unless Morgan backs him. We'll have to see if that happens.
  8. Depends on the people doing the hiring. The Steelers have been pretty good with that, which was one reason why I was hoping Tepper would consult with Kevin Colbert. The Eagles have also been good at it lately, although they've also created a toxic environment that hinders the ones they hire. Others, like us, don't really seem to have a whole lot of logic to the process. We're just hiring whoever impresses us in an interview. Maybe they'll be good, maybe they won't.
  9. I might not go quite as far as you but I will say I don't think hiring a coach primarily because of one particular player is a good strategy. What happens if that player doesn't work out? Even if he does, what if others don't? Plus you'd like to expect that the coach will be around longer than the player.
  10. There were changes made. Brown was one. Reich had no experience or connection with him at all. Tepper saw what the Giants did, and also saw what Rhule did by hiring all his buddies, and overcorrected.
  11. He's probably trying to put that on me Funny thing is, the only grade I ever gave Fitterer was an incomplete, that owing to the fact that he had to deal with Matt Rhule and then had to overcome changes in coaching and scheme. Again though, once the "Hunger Games" story came out, there was just no way to keep him. For the record, my favorite choices during that hiring cycle were Jeff Ireland first, then Adam Peters when we got to the second cycle. I was good with Fitterer but he wasn't my first choice.
  12. The scheme was Brown, but it's fair to blame Reich for allowing it to continue. My big question with Frank will always be how different might it have been had he been allowed full freedom to choose his own staff rather than being nudged toward hiring the "All-Star" group that we did.
  13. Word was they were pretty high on Callahan before the Titans got him. Hence why I fear we panicked here. It also comes off as a "bidding against ourselves" sort of thing since no one else was pursuing him. There was no need to rush...but we did. I hope it works, but it might be one of those cases of "more lucky than good".
  14. Not a fan of a guy saying "I'll stop interfering when you start winning" when his interference is a big reason why we're not
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