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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. You kill Zavala. That's the right thing to do. You fuging scrap the opening for next season that you had planned, you do enough AI work with his voice to bridge the end of the season to the beginning of next, and Zavala goes down like a badass protecting Ikora, thus healing that relationship allowing her to grieve fully. Then we fug poo up hard against the Shadow Legion and The Witness. Take down whoever the next Lieutenant is going to be (or I could see a Hive arc to sort of shake it up. I know we just had an entire expansion that was Hive focused, but Curse of Osiris has me wary of Vex focused seasons lol
  2. Lance Reddick died. Zavala dying in game almost has to happen next season. I know they could generate his voice via AI with all the hours of dialogue they no doubt have of the voice, but it wouldn't seem right. Absolutely sucks. Great actor, always seemed like a great guy too.
  3. I generally always avoided it aside from pinnacles but I ran it some last night just to see what kind of state it was in. You definitely have to set your armor for just resilience and recovery but otherwise, I used a variety of weapons to decent effect. Single fire weapons still reign supreme as hand cannons and scouts and shotguns were the main thing I saw but it was a decent time. PvE is still the draw for me and the challenge of harder content. Haven't touched the raid yet but I'm hoping it's not obscenely easy. The Last Wish and Leviathan were great but I know most people never cleared them without cheesing them. Still felt good to do it correctly and finally clear it after about 8 hours each lol
  4. Boys, strand is dumb strong in crucible. Holy poo lol
  5. I was down on strand initially but working through the post campaign content and grinding for fragments is starting to really prove how powerful you can make your build. My warlock is turning into a machine. Also I did the unthinkable and purchased silver for the Neomuna armor ornaments. The warlock one with the right shaders is just perfect.
  6. Why does it matter that the Witness lured us into the Veil to assure regardless of whether or not Calus succeeded he'd have a way to link to the Veil? What exactly did he do to the Traveler? What in the hell actually happened because we still have the Light. This felt grander and still less impactful than what happened at the start of the Red War, somehow.
  7. Having completed the main campaign, I'm not mad about it. Maybe it's because I'm a day one Destiny guy, and to me it seems obvious that the Veil is likely a paracausal product of the Light (or a third entity in itself) but the not being told thing doesn't kill me as much as it initially did. I mean, SHOULD they have done something in the main story, specifically in one of those well-done Osiris cutscenes, that fully explains at least what the Veil is and how it came to be on Neomuna? Yes. Chase The MacGuffin is less satisfying when nothing about it is told apart from "this powers the city of Neomuna".
  8. About halfway through Lightfall and I gotta say, I'm digging the story. Is it a bit bare early? Yes. I know the who, what, when and where but the why is sort of...disjointed? Idk. I both like and hate how they're introducing Strand. Stasis was brought in a little better imo. But the theme so far, of seeing the true nature of both the Light and the Darkness, I really like that
  9. Depending how you view this trade will determine the winner. If Stroud or Young absolutely crush it out the gate? We won. We have picks to nab a solid receiver this draft and get depth in spots we need it. Potentially elite level QBs are hard to come by. On the other hand, the Bears got another solid receiver to add to their offense and draft picks to help out their OL and defense. They have a lot of potential moving forward because of this trade, and they only lost 8 spots to do it. We didn't give up much to move to 1, but from a Chicago perspective, I guess they view it as they gained a lot so we must have been fleeced. All in how you value it.
  10. That was damn near a 1:1 with the game and I like that. This was a peak moment of the game that they had to get right and they absolutely nailed it. Subtle changes that make sense, the core and heart of the moments being the same. This is how you adapt media btw. Every show adaptation of comics and video games need to take note. Doesn't hurt that Druckmann is directly involved in the show.
  11. Obviously gonna be spoilers here. Read at your own risk if you have yet to watch the first of the final chapters which aired today (second part is due for fall release). This show is amazing. I'll withhold my thoughts completely for now but seeing Levi still hasn't given up the grudge just made me happy.
  12. If the emotional punch explaining Ellie's bite, her hard exterior and her terror at getting close to and losing people is seen as "filler" that "doesn't move the show forward", then maybe character dramas placed in a horror setting aren't your thing. Hell, I was worried that the Left Behind DLC was going to be its own episode in a show where there wouldn't be enough episodes to properly cover the back half of the game, but they tied it into Jackson perfectly. Hit the emotional "I'm not her" scene and concluded the Tommy party properly, even hit the University well enough for what you needed it to be (less gruesome than the game but still well done). Now we get the two darkest moments in the story in back to back episodes and there's plenty of leg room to stretch those moments out well. This couldn't have gone better.
  13. Yeah worst part is we have two kids and both are toddlers. So limiting family contact is impossible. We've scrubbed everything and basically wash our hands after doing anything at all, so hopefully we're in the clear soon.
  14. Anybody got any? This pain is unbearable. Can't eat anything without making it worse
  15. Take it all in. Get there early enough to walk around and see the arena a bit. Try to take some of the intermission entertainment in if your bladder/cravings will let you. It's usually pretty fun stuff.
  16. So I'm playing. I am behind though. Stopped playing at some point during Shadowkeep (completed that campaign, obviously). Pre-ordered Beyond Light because I didn't realize how 2020 was gonna go for my life and long story short, I never got around to playing it. So I'm playing through it now. Basically gonna blaze through it and grind for artifacts for stasis as much as I can while getting through Witch Queen. God I love this game
  17. This is absolutely amazing https://youtu.be/GVT3WUa-48Y
  18. We're truly just lacking that one elite goal scorer. We score by committee sure but we don't have that McJesus level goal scorer and it absolutely hurts. Thought Aho or Svech would develop into that but that hasn't happened, though they're both still strong players. Just not as deadly as you'd like them to be with their chances.
  19. Once we get one, we'll start running these boys. We're outclassing them end to end.
  20. The trilogy yes but the entire album is what I meant. Confusing because the trilogy is the last part of the album of the same name lol
  21. Alright so are we all ok saying Lorna Shore's "Pain Remains" is album of the year in metal? Like is there truly a better product?
  22. That is bouncy as fug. I dig it. Reminds me of some of Crystal Lake's stuff a tad.
  23. What's just as bad is how the fight goes immediately after. Mantha doesn't indicate he wants a fight. He was being dirty and getting told off about it and basically sucker punches Marty. Like it's the most bullshit, bully thing I've seen in a while. The fact that nobody went after him after the box speaks to Rod's leadership and keeping guys calm because I'd have ran him the rest of the game. Every opportunity, running him as hard as possible.
  24. I want whichever QB that Reich believes can execute the type of offense he believes will lead us to a super bowl. The rest of it is just fans being fans. With the staff building being what it has been, I have total faith in Reich until he proves that I'm foolish to do so.
  25. Not for nothing, I'll sell you either or both of my r5 3600 and 5700xt for fairly cheap
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