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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Part of me is saying there's no shot those are actual questions asked. Part of me knows that's probably at least some of the questions asked. Lol.
  2. God help Boston in the regular season next year. I'm betting on their being several fights and one will be Svech for sure. People riding Tony still bother me. By all accounts he's been a great teammate. He's played well since being here. If we have fans with a hate boner for him still, I truly don't get it. If it's over his past, people need to grow up and offer grace to people that they can change until they prove they haven't. It's just mind numbingly stupid.
  3. So I missed the game but apparently canes fans on Twitter were bitching about Tony this whole game? Anybody care to explain?
  4. Corral could be that guy. We don't really know yet. Check back on it after he's had half a season to start.
  5. So it took a while, but we've started building this team correctly. OL and QB start, then you build around that. What comes next? Not screwing them up. We have to develop Icky and Corral correctly and not ask more of them than they can realistically offer right now. This team is still shaky if only because of the moves on the roster and the system changes between Rhule arriving and now. We need to develop our youth correctly and let the rest of the pieces come together. It's literally what New England has done. Peripheral pieces on offense can be plug and play provided they are just good enough. Defensively, you have to get pressure and you have to stop the run. If you do that, you can get creative to cover up defincies. Fortunately, I like our skill one the corners, safety is still a TBD situation but we're no worse now than we have been, at a minimum. This team can compete within the next couple of years if Rhule's staff can develop young guys. If not, you'll see the product we saw last year over and over. I'm banking on this being Tepper's thought process, which is why I don't think this is a make it or break it year for Rhule. He gets through next season provided we don't go winless. Scary thought, but I don't see him getting the axe without the chance to show he can develop guys across a couple years.
  6. Boston blew their load last night in the first. They tried to beat us at our own game and our speed and conditioning showed superior. They couldn't stay aggressive with us, which lead to their dirtier play as the game went on. They're frustrated and trying to get in our heads. Only shot they have. It's 100% on us to finish this in the next two and get a break. We're the superior team, so avoid injuries and ejections and get it done
  7. His name is Sam Darnold. He never believed in ghosts until he came face to face with one. So he set out on a quest to capture what he once saw onto video.
  8. Question is....how healthy is Raanta really and can he continue this level of play?
  9. I gotta be honest, thought we were screwed in this playoff run without Freddie but I'm glad I was wrong. My son celebrated his first Canes goal on Jarvis's tip and I've never been a prouder father.
  10. Honest question. Have we seen Corral make reads and work through progressions? Literally every highlight I see is RPO and timing throws. He excels at it, but in the NFL you have to be more than that
  11. Yeah but first three rounds for a QB are "we believe you could be the guy". Obviously the intensity of that sentence lessens with each round and the financial ties lessen, but you don't trade up into the 3rd for a "let's see" guy at QB. Just my opinion. Value wise? Love the pick. In terms of the team and the future? Idk about it.
  12. If Corral works out, cool. Good for us. If he doesn't, god we'll look dumb and desperate and be drafting a QB next year. I think we should have went with Darnold this year and bet on a stronger QB class next year. Don't see Corral being the guy. Like him, seems like he's got some tools, but so did tons of QB busts. I like the aggressiveness on draft day but it was misplaced here IMO
  13. Nah he'll be back. The whole goddamn team is his support system, aside from his family. If he doesn't, if this does him in, nothing would save him.
  14. Don't dare put that on me. You said I jinxed it by fuging with you about the pick being Ekownu and boom, it came to be. If anything, I'm the reason we're all so goddamn happy.
  15. His tweets when he was drunk were just sad. He's going through it. Hope he figures it out and gets through this thing. As much as he is a meme, we all love him
  16. Darnold is a guy that needs the team around him to be good to really flourish. He was never the put the team on his back guy. Everybody knows this. When we played well and were healthy, Sam was fun to watch. Once the team fell apart, he looked bad. Sam has the potential to make people eat their words. He'll just never bring that into reality. This league necessitates a QB that can carry an offense now. You're not going to win many games relying on the run and throwing off playaction anymore. Sam would have been the man in the 2000s.
  17. I've never watched soccer on tv. Went to games in college and enjoyed chirping the other team and the hype, but on tv it just seemed meh to me. I'm actually enjoying it. I think I just needed a team to care about.
  18. The Rams and Bengals both showed the value of going after the QB you really want and in drafting a solid QB to put pieces around. The Bengals literally demonstrated you can't win a Superbowl with a shoddy OL. Fix the OL first. Doesnt matter who the QB is if we can't protect him.
  19. How dare you disrespect Cole and Kendrick by putting them near the other two. Cole is gonna be considered legendary in time.
  20. Doesn't hurt to have an offensive philosophy and proper play calling which allows for open receivers and room to run after the catch. That's the big difference I notice between playoff teams and the Panthers. They're not throwing to blanketed receivers on every single throw.
  21. No shot we do it. They'll offload Jimmy G for somebody cheaper or draft picks. They're not paying a rookie contract to Trey and 18 mil to his backup that they have to know is damaged goods that needs a perfect situation and a therapist to be consistently good. We need to stabilize this organization. Rhule and Co gotta go.
  22. This Buffalo OL is so solid. Their execution in the run game is very old school. God I want this here so badly.
  23. This is why you don't base every football decision on analytics. It's why analytics are situationally useful but shouldn't be the deciding factor in pretty much anything. You're looking for guys that fit a certain mold and if they're outside of that, you discard them. So you pass on a pro bowler at a position, be it guard or tackle, that would have improved your team.
  24. That's fair. I think it is just hard to determine how good any QB is in NE if they're not putting up ridiculous numbers like Brady did in his time. He is just a rookie though. From what I can tell, given the situation around him, I think he can develop into a well rounded QB. He doesn't have crazy mobility but he has enough to not be a total statue. He has a downfield arm he just doesn't go for it much. He sticks safe and protects the ball, which is what Bill wants. I've seen him throw deep with some touch. I do think it's a valid criticism because his deep ball doesn't have much velocity, but he hits the outs with good zip on it consistently. I'd call him a middling QB right now with the potential to sniff the top third if he continues to develop and elevate his game and command of the offense. He could certainly be Alex Smith though.
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