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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. And meanwhile in Raleigh, Tom Dundon has done nothing but help the Carolina Hurricanes be perennial contenders and is hoping to bring MLB to the state. Tepper needs to just sell to Dundon. Dundon would then hire a president over the team who has knowledge and experience that he trusts. Because Dundon is one of the best owners in sports.
  2. Even with our offensive play calling, OL, WRs and general lack of fight in this team...Bryce is tracking statistically in nearly every single category with other very legitimate starters in the league. Bryce and CJ each have a single game winning drive. Bryce is sacked more than almost every QB in the league while having the lowest yards per attempted pass, and we know that's to do 100% with not having guys getting any separation because we've seen it on film again and again. Bryce hasn't been a world beater, but he's had a decent season all things considered. He's a rookie. Tua got the same talk early in his career that Bryce is getting now and he currently has thrown more TDs than every QB.
  3. Are you seriously going to say you wouldn't swap those three for Thielen, Chark and Mingo right fuging now? Because you're absolutely high if you say no.
  4. My mother birthed me. It's a decision I think she made well. There's a million others she absolutely botched.
  5. This is the only serious take (I stopped reading the thread because it's that good). If you don't think this, you're hurt over not having the shiny rookie QB of this draft in Stroud (I am too but sheesh people) or you are too drunk to be reasonable tonight. We're in the suck as a team. Nobody is going to see a well reasoned response as to why we have hope in a rookie who is struggling currently. All I can say is Tua. That's what we have to hope for out of Bryce. To track the way Tua did, let his game feel and decision making lead him where his physical tools lack. But to do that....we need weapons like Tua has. Fitt is our issue. Until he is gone this team is in the gutter.
  6. I'm glad we have another thread covering this exact topic. I didn't think the other 5 identical threads accurately covered this well either, so I'm glad this one was made so we can really FEEL the point here.
  7. A guy who is showing he's gonna be a top 10 guy, at minimum, for the rest of his career and a guy who is top 3 to many, top 5 to all currently are outperforming a rookie QB on a bad team? fuging outlandish that is.
  8. Stroud lit up the 5th worst pass defense in the league today and looked fuging meh against our top 10 passing defense. Bryce had a bad day overall for sure. I was pretty staunchly pro-CJ before the draft but the cards fell how they did and here we are.
  9. I'm not saying he needs a top 5 wr corps and a top 10 OL. But goddamn legitimate speed and a middle of the pack line would suffice. Stroud would suck here too and you know it. That's the point.
  10. I'm not saying he needs all the help, but fuging any would be great.
  11. Y'all are knee jerking like hell. Stroud comparison aside, Bryce is doing what he can with what we've got. He can't run routes for the receivers, block and catch. The two picks were awful, but correctable. The last was just an overthrow, which hasn't been a big issue of his especially on short throws. poo happens, it's football. The greats threw those some too. Now if that happens more often, we got issues
  12. It's almost like a replay from last week that I went through here. Burns. Ain't. That. Dude.
  13. Honestly, Fitterer is gonna sign Burns to whatever the fug he wants because letting Reddick walk, then have a 16 sack season and help the Eagles to a super bowl, then outpace Burns this season....I mean fug, Fitt HAD to think "Burns is the same player but younger" and that hasn't been the reality thus far. Granted it took Reddick a few years to become the sack monster he is now but poo.
  14. If Fitt is smart, we don't pay that. Paying that much for a sack specialist (which is all you can say of Burns' play) who has broken double digits once and maybe won't do it again this year is....fuging stupid.
  15. No he absolutely wanted to be here. Said as much. His quote is "they had other plans for the way they wanted to go". We released him as a casualty to keep Burns. It was a fuging huge blunder.
  16. Haason Reddick out there performing better at $15m/year right now. Sad world we live.
  17. He absolutely shouldn't be. 25 is as high as I'd feel comfortable going for his services. Parsons will command 30+, and that man faces far more double teams and puts up better numbers despite it.
  18. Yeah I'm a little surprised. I just know that I know what I'm watching from tv and I am not impressed this season. I had hopes that he'd build on last season and the Falcons game made me think maybe he would but since then he's been very, very average.
  19. 28% fewer snaps than Burns and has 63% of the sack totals. Give Burns $25 mil/year and call it done or trade him.
  20. I wish I could afford All 22 so I could go snap by snap, so YouTube highlights will have to do. First snap we see from Burns is a boot away from him. Second snap, he gets absolutely worked and forced to his inside knee. Third snap, quick hitter, no conclusions to draw. Fourth snap, works/gets worked way too far upfield. About 9 yards deep before he tries to pivot and spin out, and doesn't. 5: coverage 6: doesn't allow himself to go upfield too far, got handled by his lone blocker. 7: goal line, allows himself to get washed inside. Granted it appears we were selling out for the sneak or an A gap hit, so this may have been on the call rather than the performance. 8: decent off the line. Doesn't get home but it's a quick hitter. If this is a 5-7 step drop, he might get there. 9: sack. He gets isolated to the RB who can't pass pro well and Burns is good enough that a bad pass protecting RB isn't gonna stop him. We showed 6, brought 4....and they didn't slide protection to his side. Now this can be a mistake by the offense...or a "fug it, it's supposed to be a quick hitter, Burns won't get there even if we ignore him". Who knows? My guess is the shown blitz made them protect inside and Burns had a free run to the backfield with the RB being the only speed bump. Good play by Burns regardless. 10: dropped in coverage 11: comes off the edge, then tries to bend inside because he couldn't beat the tackle, which allows Stroud outside, which leads to a first down throw and catch. If Burns stays edge, this doesn't happen. 12: they ran trap at him. He gets a tad too far upfield but he's a good athlete, adjusts, goes around the pulling blocker looking for him, and has a chance to stop the play in the backfield. Misses the tackle. EVERY level of football I've ever seen talked about, when you have trap coming at you, you "wrong arm" (use your outside arm to rip through the blocker, as they want you outside, so you go inside to disrupt the play) and disrupt, maybe make the tackle, or you force them to bounce where pursuit is naturally coming. This is bad football by Burns on a play where he was relying on his athleticism and forgot tackle fundamentals. RB spins, stays inside, and gets a big gain. Burns had two ways to prevent this (wrong arm it or make the play he had a chance at) and failed. This is a Burns-caused play. 13: they run boot again but the effort from Burns is fuging awful off the line. Like I'd chew a high school kid for that kind of effort. Just piss poor. 14: busted play where the backside corner should've made the play, but again Burns is catching at the line instead of attacking and closing off. Literally just watched the play. Now, yes it went opposite side of the field, but all OL movement says this was coming to his side. He's not maintaining outside leverage, he has nobody blocking him. He is just flat footed at the line looking down the line. Piss poor. 15: another bad run play by Burns in the RedZone. He's not outside contain this play, the corner is. He does good initially and then tries to get upfield...which allows him to get washed out, RB cuts it inside and gets it to the 1. Burns stays down pressure, keeps his outside arm free, he can force it wide and pursue. This is bad, and it's on Burns once again because his play literally created the hole. Stay down pressure there and then it's the LB/S fault for not filling properly and getting downhill. 16: there was a missed goal line play that was a sneak, so we're skipping and going to the next play he's in which is where he gets disrupted by the TE delay route and bounced in and blocked. Nothing of note. 17: a play I can't tell if it's Burns or not but if it is...oof. bad. 18: arguably gets held, regardless gets a bit too deep here. There are 30 snaps not seen here that Burns is on the field for, but none of those made the highlight video I watched. So just over 1/3 of his snaps were on there and the above is....not great. His lone sack could've been anybody that can be a RB 1-on-1 to the QB and the rest is expected play from and DE/OLB or bad. Not conclusive, no, but I focus my watching of Panthers games on our guys, not the opposing QB. Burns is lacking severely for me. But I'm not coach or GM so who the fug am I?
  21. Awful take. Dude is a threat offenses account for. They don't fear him though. Has there been a single game where we went "oh fug he's taking poo over"? No. Not one. Elite level pass rushers have those games. Every one of them. Myles Garrett and Micah Parsons are planned for and game planned around. Mack, Watt, all the big names that Burns is likely trying to say he's in the same level of talent as, they're dominant and dangerous each snap, at least on passing downs. Burns gets a mention of "hey, just don't give him an easy time. Don't fug up and we'll be fine". They run at him. They play action him. They do whatever they want in their playbook because as long as the guy blocking him doesn't make a mistake, Burns is probably doing nothing. I wanna say half his sacks this year are from Luvu blitzes but I can't confirm that. Frankie is an impact guy. Frankie is a guy offenses scheme around. Frankie will fug your day up. Burns aint that guy and never has been.
  22. Burns is responsible for 3 tackles per game, on average, and less than a sack per game. His impact is fuging non-existent. The fact that he's our sack leader speaks of our inability to generate pressure in general. He's been roughly 1/3 of our sack production. That's why we're terrified to move on from him. He's not Micah Parsons. He's not Myles Garrett. He's not TJ Watt. He's not a dominant edge rusher. He's a sack specialist who has at least 20 guys better than him this season across the league. He disappears save for the random sack he gets on some meaningless second down in the second quarter.
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