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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Not really. It sets you back two years. And what difference does it make if Tepper’s still making the hires and the draft picks? None.
  2. I look forward to 205 yds, TD, INT, then seven different versions of “Is Bryce The Worst QB Who Ever Lived” threads with the same six posters in each one
  3. I mean I'm like that too. I want to win. But I was referring to the people who took last weekend off because Bryce played well and won, and who put up 30-40 posts within 2 hours of kickoff today. Can't be a coincidence all those guys were busy just one Sunday of the year.
  4. I don't even know who that is, man. But I know at least a dozen folks on here who were dead-silent at this time last week. Hard to take them seriously.
  5. Ask them. I'm here win or loss. Just laugh at how people who had 0 posts last week put up 50 today
  6. "Bryce played good, Imma skip this week and chill in the Canes forum" "Two pick sixes? My ass living here all night boiiii"
  7. Bryce sucked today and he needs to pick it up next week, but I gotta laugh at the dozens of accounts who didn't even post once last week, not once, but who've been here all evening lol
  8. I appreciate your Luvu enthusiasm. He's a great player and I'm thrilled to see him succeed. Again, your opinion is not fact.
  9. You're attempting to pass off your opinion as fact.
  10. Wait, how does Luvu being more impressive this year make him better last year? It doesn't.
  11. It'll take more than one win for Brown to get hired away, so I'm pumping the brakes until that's a reality. I did like the additional motion that was present, as well as a 95% reduction in unnecessary quick screens
  12. Just think — by the end of the year it’ll be 18 out of 51
  13. Won with a run "game" that produced 33 yards on 20 carries
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