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  1. and rode the bench early on. it wasnt till year 3 that he broke out.
  2. something in the water here idk hornets have the same issue.
  3. they already know. if they are saying more test its just to confirm. not good.
  4. Idk what BY will end up being but he’s playing some quality football right now at the end of year two. Well enough to win a lot of football games with a few more pieces around him. It’s best case scenario considering how we all felt a few months ago. I’m just going to enjoy that and cheer for him over the remaining few games. He’s going to be the starter in 2025 and he earned it. I see no reason to not be excited about all that. But yall do you.
  5. Thatd be great for them share the position for four years. You need 2 back in the modern NFL. We got a stud prospect (that prob woulda been a rd 1 pick if not for injury) on a rookie deal with the best oline we've had in years. Its a great combo moving forward. Now they can go D heavy in the draft. Just to be clear - Im not into crowning anyone as anything on this team (cept JJ Jansen cause hes the GOAT LS) - Brooks is just an exciting prospect.
  6. A lot of people wondered why we picked him. It was never about this year. Kid was dynamite at Texas. Stash him in Dynasty if you can... draft him in rounds 6/7 in your home league FF redrafts next year. Profit.
  7. Im really sorry to hear that bro. Has to be a tough time for you and your family. Dont forget to eat and sleep. I know seems dumb but we neglect ourselves when we mourn which often just makes it worse. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
  8. What does the rule say now? Isn’t there something about control but the ball can move? Idk someone edumicate me plz.
  9. Sports - the one place in life where being completely irrational is acceptable.
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