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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. What do you guys expect? This is a Clete Blakeman crew....screwing the Panthers since 2015.
  2. I think more of our guys may test positive too. I believe we are starting to see Omicron breakthrough all over sports and the country. Only a guess, but it's the best theory I have...
  3. Awesome game by the guys tonight. Vets stepped up and the kids played pretty damn well. KK played a damn good game too, his effort in keeping possession of the puck and then making that pass to Drury was a thing of beauty.
  4. Yeah, what the NHL did so well during 2020 leading the way for how to handle the pandemic in sports is now becoming a poo show in the US. Maybe that ESPN contract and the $$$ involved is driving this?
  5. Yes, the NHL is all over the place with postponement decisions and the ones they have made have no rhyme or reason. The Canes having to play with so many starters down and being a fully vaccinated team just seems wrong.
  6. Snow must go. We get gashed by teams running simple off tackle runs all the time. We can't stop a team with a running game and because we are trying to stop the run we can't blitz and pressure the QB against decent teams. All the NFL teams know how to beat our D now and no adjustments have been made.....he is just as bad as Rhule and Brady.
  7. If we play this will be the most ridiculous decision the NHL has made during the Covid era. Hard stop needed to stop the spread...any dummy could figure that out.
  8. More Bruins and Oilers going into the protocol. Should see some Canucks entering it soon.....what a mess.
  9. Started with many in Calgary....Canes play the Flames so all our players are in close contact. We travel to Edmonton and play with exposed players so I expect Edmonton to start seeing some of their players in the protocol. We then played Vancouver without Aho, but the rest of the Canes now in the protocol played against Vancouver so we should start seeing some Canucks going down to Covid shortly. Who knew Calgary would be a super spreader event? The league was smart to postpone their games, but as soon as they announced it I was very concerned about our guys. I wonder if this is Delta or is it Omicron? At any rate this has to have the league at least shut down common opponents of Calgary, Carolina, Edmonton, and Vancouver - just my opinion. The Bruins, Maple Leafs, and Blue Jackets better be concerned.
  10. Damn Flames bit us in the ass anyways.....
  11. I think Gardiner is on LTIR so he isn't counting against our cap this year (I may be totally wrong). Next year, totally different story. On another note I think the team did better than I expected without Pesce and TDA out and then of course Aho missing last night. Calgary has had games postponed now due to a Covid outbreak and we just played them last week.....hope they kept that stuff to themselves!
  12. Still think Henderson will be a good CB for us, just have to get Rhule and the college staff outta here.
  13. If Tepper has brass balls then Rhule gets the axe after this poo show..... but he won't do it.
  14. Possibly, but that happens to almost all teams once or twice a year. Eflien has been much better at Center.
  15. Daley and Erving need to be made to run suicides in downtown Charlotte for their disgraceful blocking. I heard Harris Teeter needs some produce stockers....
  16. Just being run over.... We don't learn anything - EVER
  17. If the Atlanta O-line is so bad why aren't we blitzing them more?? Are we scared of the running game?
  18. OMG what a BS call.....roughing the passer my arse.
  19. Nice drive, but can we make adjustments to their adjustments to our adjustments??
  20. Ian Thomas couldn't catch a cold...easier pass than Tremble caught and he drops it.
  21. Look I love Cam and have always supported him and am glad he's back but he's not the answer at QB, but he's thrown some real bad INTs. Of course no QB is behind this atrocious offensive line and the play calling we've had......
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