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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Unfugging real...... We should not even be in this game. but DAYUM!!
  2. You just using singular "mistake?" Rhule is a walking mistake.
  3. You'd think Snow would know what personnel he has available to him though and TRY to coach to their strengths and not force feed his lame ass defensive schemes into the game plan? Hell, I would accept 1/3rd of Snow's salary and outperform him by not trying to run a 4-3 or a 3-3-5 with defensive players that aren't in the right positions.
  4. I think a lot of us knew that the Browns should and most likely would run it down our throats. I am shocked we are even talking about being in this game. I am also shocked the Browns have thrown it as much as they have. Stefanski must know Rhule will just fug it up for us anyways so he can give Jacoby some reps.
  5. We don't have the personnel for the 4-3....and that's due to Snow's genius (I am being sarcastic) and Rhule letting his boy do what he wants. They go 4 upfront and get pancaked - Burns is about 15 yards behind the QB every snap.
  6. If the Panthers D is smart they should know some runs are coming. Unless the Browns are just dumb af.
  7. Honestly, fire Rhule, Snow and the rest of the useless coaches and install a LEGIT NFL defensive scheme and play the year out like one big preseason. This is the most miserable I have ever been as a Panthers fan....at least when I knew we would suck we sucked or I was pleasantly surprised when they won or played well. Now it's like maybe these FA additions, trades, and decent draft picks and some tweaks can lead to some glimmer of hope. NOPE just fuggin pathetic, thanks Rhule and pecker head Tepper
  8. I never assured you....I assured everyone I talked to that he was a scapegoat and a sacrifice to the almighty Tepper.
  9. I mean we should help Ike out with our outstanding blocking TEs Ian Thomas and Tommy Tremble.
  10. I don't necessarily think this team is devoid of talent, but it is painfully obvious that the head coach sucks ass and has from Day 1. I mean even coaches we considered that were good additions during the off season have had their units look like pure clinched butt cheek today. WTF is this show and how long do we suffer before limp dick Tepper either does something or sells this damn team to someone who will??
  11. Ickey playing 1 v 1 against Garrett? I mean what did anyone expect?
  12. Why are we EVER running a 3-3-5 consistently in the fuggin NFL? They didn't address what a huge problem was last year on D and that was team's learning they could run on our asses all day long.
  13. I turned the game off....I can't take this garbage anymore. The whole projected starting offense should have played together in the preseason because what we are seeing is atrocious.
  14. EVERYONE Calm Down We have another 4 years to get this show together. 4 more drafts - Super Bowl bound!!
  15. It's the Offensive line again.... Why the hell didn't we sign Clowney to a prove it deal??
  16. Is Eflein snapping knuckle balls back to Baker or did Baker inherit Sam's butterfingers? This is pathetic.
  17. Utah pretty much tearing it all down and looking to the future. They better hope they can get a couple of legit NBA stars with those draft picks. This is a head scratcher for Cleveland though - do they think this does anything to get them out of the East with Boston and Milwaukee still strong for multiple years??
  18. Hell I'll take Simba from the Lion King at this point......
  19. Way to early to even discuss this. Limited reps in practice and in preseason. Bad break getting hurt....let's see what he looks like next year. The other rookies brought up played against other teams 2 - 4 string defensive players for the most part. Not as hard to look good when you've had more reps in practice and opportunities to play than what Corral had.
  20. I think Sam has a bad high ankle sprain - actually worse than just having a broken ankle. His freaking lower leg below the knee will be bruised like no one's business. At least 4-6 weeks out. Let's keep Baker upright for the love of God.
  21. and Ron wouldn't change that 10 yards of cushion even after the roster was turned over and he didn't have the DL to pressure the QB like he used to have. Good ole Ron.
  22. Hell, just take the pack of Gatorade and GTFOOT
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