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Move the Panthers to Raleigh

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Everything posted by Move the Panthers to Raleigh

  1. I should have clarified that the season being a trainwreck was not entirely on Wilks such as trades and injuries. He just screwed up our consolation prize for the offseason and could keep us mediocre if retained
  2. Totally! I made a thread on keeping Rhule for the year and got shot down
  3. As this season wraps up, I can't really think of a worse scenario than how it played out. They missed the playoffs, moved out of the top-5 draft, are in danger of keeping a mediocre coaching staff, the CMC draft picks will be nearly as late as possible, the Rams draft picks that could have been acquired will probably be really early picks, our top-8 CB looks to be made of glass. Thanks, Wilks. I am hoping that Tepper is not gun-shy on trying out new HC candidates because of Rhule. Playing it safe is not the direction this team needs, and it will keep this team at or below .500 if Wilks stays. It was clear as day yesterday that Wilks is not the calculated risk-taker that this team needs. We could all see that aggressiveness was needed when you are outmatched in a certain area, and you have to take advantage of any opportunity that is presented. Wilks and his staff can't see that, and I don't want to see any more of their brand of all-talk-no-walk, chickenshit football.
  4. Yes, people downplay the judgement of this forum, but overall we know when something is gonna work out or not. And I’m not counting the “forced optimism” posts in this
  5. Yea, I have a case for Wilks. A case to pack his poo and get the fug out of Charlotte
  6. Nah, those guys you mentioned were automatic game-changers. Burns doesn’t belong in the same sentence
  7. Sorry for your loss. Once I realized that I can never believe in this team, no matter what year, roster, HC, or owner, it makes the losses easier to take. This franchise does not deserve our emotional investment
  8. Just like Burns, his fanboys are nowhere to be found. Fitts is a dipshit
  9. I swear we have like 3 consistent players on this team. Luvu is one of them
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