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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Most of us would run it better. If an assistant coach came to me like that, I would shut it down and report it to the HC. That’s terrible culture building. Most of us would make mistakes, but it wouldn’t be this bad. This level of bad comes from huge ego and immaturity.
  2. How does an assistant coach feel comfortable texting the owner? I’ve never done something like that in my professional life unless FIRST approached by my superior. My money is Tepper going behind Franks back and asking Campen and Tabor.
  3. That’s the point…he’s not a mastermind. He’s an idiot and easily fooled by coach speak. It’s why his hiring is so bad.
  4. Frank came into his interview telling Tepper that we was going to hire a diverse and experienced staff. It’s why they went with him. They said so in the initial press conference. His plan for the staff was why he was hired.
  5. “The Athletic spoke to more than 20 Panthers coaches, players and other league sources” Woah….that’s a lot of leaks. Lots of unhappy people. “Coaches said they believed other staff members were text messaging Tepper behind Reich’s back about issues they saw with the team. In one instance, general manager Scott Fitterer and an offensive coach went to Tepper with a coaching suggestion for the quarterback.” What the actual f@&k. Tepper and Fitt are enabling that? Bunch of clowns. Scott needs to go. “Tepper told Reich to fix the rookie’s footwork. Fitterer and others had told Tepper that Young’s feet were the cause of some of the Panthers’ protection issues. They believed Young wasn’t dropping back deep enough on his pass sets.” Ok Tepp, we’ll just fix his footwork this week. Not hard at all. Good plan… Frank basically said in camp that footwork would not be a major emphasis at first. Prob a mistake, but he knew. Also, this stuff from Fitt and Tepp makes me think they are getting their info from YouTube ‘QB school vidoes’…lol.
  6. The team president thing just sounds like more cooks in the kitchen. All of that should be the GMs job. If Scott can’t ‘build a program’ then he needs to go. Tepper stays away and allows a GM+HC combo to build the team.
  7. He wants to win for once. I expect he’ll be gone.
  8. All offense. OL in the 2nd, WR in the 3rd, TE or OL 4th.
  9. Worse is having this same offense with a D that is giving up 30+ a game.
  10. Also from King… The Christian McCaffrey trade. Sunday was his 25th Niner game since the trade from Carolina last fall. He’s given San Francisco 2,920 rushing/receiving yards and 30 touchdowns, in exchange for the 61st, 93rd, 132nd picks in 2023 and approximately the 165th in 2024. Some trade, John Lynch.
  11. Was just about to post this. By firing Frank when he did, Tepper has made himself one of the most famous owners in the NFL…and not in a good way.
  12. Maybe she preferred Burns.
  13. So she went to the restroom or to find more ketchup for his steak?
  14. If we draft perfectly, we might have a mid tier OL in 3 years. My money is on the Panthers overpaying some free agent this offseason and watching them flop next year.
  15. I can’t imagine what worse looks like….
  16. Trying to make his case without being too obvious…but it’s obvious.
  17. The scariest situation for me is Tepper doubling down on his way, failing for years but eventually seeing a little success, and concluding his way works.
  18. Haha…perfect way to summarize it. Take the guy who couldn’t develop and Alabama QB to develop an Alabama QB.
  19. The starting point is Tepper stays away from the draft room and doesn’t talk to him during the season. He’ll want 6 years because it’s going to take a while to build up that O line, skill positions, and maybe a new QB.
  20. Tepper is going to have to settle for scraps. No one with name recognition is coming here. We need to build for 3-4 years before we have the talent to do anything.
  21. Bill couldn’t turn around his own franchise. Why would he be able to do that here?
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