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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Billboards are not digital ads. You could run targeted display ads on the Charlotte observer, etc but something like that may not be approved. A facebook/insta ad targeted to all CLT residents would be funny too. You’d have to soften the message though as there is no way FB would approve a direct “fire Rhule” ad. They’d most likely ban you for it.
  2. Don’t forget. Our O line had the lowest grade in PFF history a few weeks back.
  3. Right before that final snap when he threw the pick, they zoomed in on his face. He looked scared to death.
  4. TBH…the QB of the future is probably still in middle school. Its going to be a long wait.
  5. Yep, that kind of bad press will do that. He needs to think long term and realize he’ll be under a national microscope next year with no QB and no Oline. He can guarantee himself millions of college dollars by quitting and saying something like “I realize now my talents, methods, and passions are in the college game.”
  6. For the sake of his own career, he should quit now. If he doesn’t turn things around next year (unlikely) he’ll find himself in Adam Gase territory. Un-hirable.
  7. Tbe

    Hey y'all

    I’m glad you finally stopped camming.
  8. My point is he’s making so much more elsewhere that the bottom line of this team doesn’t matter to him. I think he’s in this for bragging rights.
  9. You can’t equate team value and collected income. Also revenue does not equal profit. My home’s value jumped $50k this year, but I don’t have an extra $50k in the bank. There’s also no guarantee I’ll ever see that $50k if/when I sell. The $20 mil number I put out is prob a bit old. That comes from 2015 when Goodell was set to make $20-30 mil a year in his new contract and some owners were reportedly upset because some of them didn’t even make that much. All we know about team and owner income is what we see from the packers since all their info is public. The packers made a $70 mil profit in 2019 and had a loss of $40 mill in 2020. Im sure the panthers profit is less than what the packers pull in. Now, let’s look at Tepper. If he just generates a 5% return (very conservative) on his $12 billion in wealth, that would be $600 million a year in cash income. A nfl team is a solid investment but Tepper doesn’t need it and I doubt that income is important to him.
  10. I don’t buy this for one simple reason. Money. Before the panthers, Tepper had individual years where he made multiple billions. Most NFL owners make less than 40 mill a year from their teams. NFL money is small potatoes compared to what he was doing. He shut that business down (mostly) to focus on the panthers and charity work. The man clearly wants what money can’t buy. A legacy. He wants to win and he wants to be ‘that guy’ in the nfl. Will he ever become a nfl success story? Who knows.
  11. JR prob doesn’t know what day it is. All that money but can’t enjoy it.
  12. Hopefully this is Tepper pulling a Rhule. Praising and talking him up before trading him for a bag of beans.
  13. The Panthers are quickly getting the rep of a dysfunctional org. Tepper isn’t going to stand for that as it reflects directly on him.
  14. Yay…a new place to watch the team lose. Charlotte City Council members approved a petition Monday to rezone one of the largest pieces of land available for development around uptown — land that has been eyed as the new home of an NFL football stadium. Read more at: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/development/article256685457.html?ac_cid=DM581962&ac_bid=-1590787128
  15. He’ll make far more money from the panthers than that little soccer team will ever make him. Tell me different.
  16. He’s a massive hypocrite. Everything he preached teams shouldn’t do he did.
  17. This hasn’t been about culture and all that. This has been about Rhule and his staff’s inability to adjust and game plan for other teams. It’s about their inability to teach the nfl game to their players. They don’t have the experience to put guys in the right position to win. Rhule could turn into a great coach — in 10 years. Do we want to wait that long?
  18. They have generations of nfl ownership experience to pull from.
  19. I watched some of it but my 7 year old told me to turn it off. She couldn’t stand seeing the falcons win. Tepper’s lost the kids….
  20. His job is to win…he doesn’t do it well. I guarantee you he’s complained to a manager before about someone not doing their job. Since we can’t get refunds after watching him, booing is all we can do.
  21. This 100%. At this point, there is no chance of landing a quality OC.
  22. Luke said in an interview last year that he’d really like to be an OC. Thinks it would be fun to come up with ways to attack defenses.
  23. Tbe


    It is late in the season.
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