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Everything posted by WarHeel

  1. Honestly shocked this hasn’t been brought up sooner. His ceiling is high. Would love to see what he could do with a change of scenery
  2. Are we talking about the two states logo or the helmet logo?
  3. Anyone currently grinding the demo?
  4. Like most veteran O-linemen I guess.
  5. Norwell was a friggin beast in his tenure here. Not sure how he has been since his departure but I miss that guy.
  6. Agreed. Wasn't this the case with drafting Haskins in Washington?
  7. I’m not going to get into what Biden or any politician does. I don’t tend to think the same way they do. But fact of the matter is you can’t ban something simply for the fact that a portion of the population abuses it. Are we going to ban cars because some people are reckless behind the wheel? Why not ban the internet because some folks use it for child pornography? Ban fast food because it’s bad for you and some people overeat? See my point?
  8. Blame the individual. Not the inanimate substance. Same argument with gun control. There’s plenty of people who drink responsibly. Plenty of responsible gun owners. Place the blame where it belongs...on the individual.
  9. I haven’t had any issues with the servers. A buddy and I switch between missions and competitive and seem to do fine with matchmaking and connectivity. Plus the 4K and 60 FPS with the series x has been nice.
  10. That’s because according to your buddy I must have served in the First World War because I refuse to make an account.
  11. What a lame ass I am for not creating a Twitter account.
  12. I’m sure they know a hell of a lot more than you give them credit for. I feel sorry for some of you. Spend some time soaking up information outside of your Twitter feed and you might actually learn something of real value.
  13. Universal Truth: Anyone who has to use WWI as a reference to someone’s age to prove how inept they are is the real douchebag. ie. Ageism. You’d think that someone so hellbent on eradicating racism would see the irony.
  14. If your definition of “inept” is based on ones resourcefulness of Twitter, that pretty much sums up which of us is actually inept.
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