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Everything posted by PantherOnTheProwl1523

  1. If you were the owner and were to go to this event wouldn't you want to also see the prospect that would lead the team to the playoffs and possibly a SB. Also physically see what they can do with your own eyes right in front of you. Tepper may just want to be there to see his new QB without meddling.
  2. It is way to late for that part. We will continue to be just that until we can get our franchise QB and win games to remove that target from our backs being laughing stock to the NFL. Just hoping the pick will be between Stroud and Young.
  3. It don't matter which pick in the draft fi we are at the top of the whole thing. We can get any pick we want pretty much and still get who we want. We will not make any errors on who our pick will be. With the more competent staff we have now things should run smoothly and get what we actually need to fill the holes in both lines.
  4. SO far all I see on Twitter is we are reaching a deal with Chark. Just get it done so we can move on to other positions to fill holes.
  5. I see it and hopefully he will. We need as much firepower as we can get to win games this time around.
  6. Still a believe it till you see it until he actually does sign with us.
  7. It is still see it till you believe it though until he actually signs with us. If he does we fulfilled fixing the WR issue and it is great we got him.
  8. If true where is the the evidence of this happening. If it was true it would have been posted. Don't believe hearsay until you actually see it.
  9. Hopefully the picks will be between Young and Stroud for us.
  10. Now that would depend on what team they are going to and how good their staff and coaches will be. Good thing we have upgraded staff and coaches which is a plus for our new QB.
  11. Not going to sign a player that may demand a lot of money.
  12. We struck gold when we drafted Steve Smith Sr deep in the draft didn't we. If we can get a WR in the draft that has the skillset he has that will work with our scheme he can be a star player in time(but not to long)or a starter right out the gates and be our WR #1.
  13. This mock has us taking Stroud. https://draftwire.usatoday.com/lists/2023-nfl-draft-mock-update-stroud-jalen-carter/
  14. What will many here say if the pick was Richardson? We all thought the pick would be between Stroud and Young and get stunned getting Richardson.
  15. On "Airing it Out" Coach Charlie Weis said something about WR class in draft. "Any WR drafted in this draft class could become a #1 WR if his skillset was what that team that drafted him used could make him an elite WR". We could draft one but he would need to have a skillset that would fit our needs at the position.
  16. Why have Julio Jones on the list since he isn't the same WR he was in the past when he was a Falcon. His best days are behind him and he isn't exactly a player that can play at a high level anymore.
  17. Someone made an error on his height and he is 5' 10". With what he is able to do I am down for drafting him especially with many saying he has Brees abilities which is a plus for us.
  18. Getting a QB that is the mirror image of Brees gives us a plus and that alone could possibly get our first road to the SB win. I know it is a bit far fetched but nonetheless hopefully it does come true for us.
  19. After the trade to #1 draft spot I hope this trade was not done just to get Richardson. Hopefully the pick will be between Stroud and Young. After watching this it is looking like Young will get a lot of eyes on him(from Panthers) and bring him home.
  20. Now why would we want a WR that will complain about not getting him the ball all the time. Beckham is a diva and always wants the attention towards him which we do not need.
  21. We have no clue who the pick is yet. This just another opinion of some of the posters here nothing more of who they think he will be the pick.
  22. It is sarcasm. But not all QB prospects have concerns either. Look at Brees and what he did with his size and he took team to SB and won it and same goes for Wilson in a very short period. Both are short but managed to pull it off with little difficulty.
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