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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. Only way that stands is if the ref decides Ginn landed on the guy's arm and not the ground.
  2. That's because you did see him. Igo's smiling mug was right there behind Olsen.
  3. Ginn wasn't even close to watching that call in... Cam threw it so hard that it stuck.
  4. This has nothing to do with context, but win or lose Jimmy Graham is still a whiny bitch.
  5. Great post, and the Jedi mind tricks only compound when teams realize that the FS (Coleman) is near the line while Roman "Lead Feet" Harper is being trusted with the deep coverage. Carolina looks like the guy who is so out of place that they must know something the rest of the world doesn't.
  6. Stellar, especially the pics of Delaire. Incredible work.
  7. But the refs were supposed to be out for blood after Cam's comments...
  8. He was in for 36 pass snaps and 29 run snaps, which means he's being asked to run block as half of his job. If they run to his side on a third of those snaps and he's terrible, that means that 10 plays are potentially out the window. Not an insignificant number. That said he had a fatastic game as a receiver and it did not go unnoticed. However, these ratings are on overall performance and we all mnow that Greg isn't a very good run blocker.
  9. After 6 years I'd hope they've buried any hatchet that needed burying, and if not that they can put it aside and go to work..
  10. More like Chicago Bears, Carolina's AAA farm team.
  11. My thought too, though he was in double-digits for sacks up until last year. However, last year wasn't great.
  12. Peanuts 'plural', not 'Peanut', though the thought did cross my mind :-) Agree with other posters that this does not bode well for CJ's injury/status. I wonder what roster move they're going to make to free up a spot.
  13. Not sure that he has much left in the tank, but will wait to see him on the field. Definitely seems like a one-year 'rental' though, so I bet G-Man got him for peanuts.
  14. But 370 yds and 4 TDs will be erased by phantom penalties.
  15. With your track record, this post almost ensures that Carolina will pull it together.
  16. And those threads will be full of folks who argue with the thread starters. Many Huddlers accepted the vision for the team at the time, but you aren't some kind of visionary for saying stuff like this after KB got hurt.
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