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Everything posted by KSpan

  1. The most unified this fanbase has ever been. Legend has it that Dameshek's sleep paralysis demon shows up wearing the Carolina alternate uniform.
  2. It's impossible to say anything definitive either way based off of one play in shorts beyond that Sanders and 'explosive' are two words that don't typically go together, which is why I worded it as I did. That said, Clowney did get trapped upfield (and looked a bit unhappy about one thing or another at the end), the guard did a god job of stopping and then getting around the DL to move 2nd level, the MLB sucked in/was a step late/got caught by the guard getting around that corner, and the lane created was a great one that any Huddler would have gained yards from as opposed to Sanders being 'explosive'. It's the exact type of defensive look that Carolina has deployed and been giving up yards in for years now. Will be interesting to see how things play out when everyone is in pads and going full speed.
  3. Oh good god, anyone here on the huddle would have had a 20 yard gain there too. With respect to the team, it's just one play but man, looking like that off-tackle/edge defense from years past on that one.
  4. Horn is 201... there is zero chance Bryce is 204 lbs. I wouldn't put him an ounce over 190, closer to 185 or less in-season.
  5. Moton at both left and right tackles? Bold AND daring.
  6. I bet Morgan and Canales have a "next man up" philosophy as well. Profound stuff.
  7. That's because he does look like a middle schooler. I have a kid on my son's 13U baseball team that is damn near his size. It is what it is.
  8. This whole 'Tom Brady had a weak arm' thing has always been laughable. No idea where it came from. Dude was slinging it 55+ air yards at 45 years old and could always fire rockets when it was appropriate. He is in no way an example of a weak-armed QB.
  9. Doesn't automatically mean it's a bad year of course as long as we see steady improvement, but wins will be tough to come by.
  10. Who brought those incompetent people in, thinking he was outsmarting the league? Wtfe Who has sure liked being in the spotlight when he thought he was doing something smart but then slinked to the shadows when he was revealed to have made yet another dumbass decision? Wtfe Will it change this year? Remains to be seen. But until it does yeah, the stench starts with Tepper, full stop.
  11. It's a truly shocking development for sure.
  12. True, but Young is small in comparison to pretty much every other QB as well.
  13. Not fake in any way, shape, or form. that pic is form near the end of the video, and the end where they're at their closest makes the size discrepancy starkly clear.
  14. Two outliers at opposite ends of the QB size spectrum. It is what it is.
  15. I understand soccer. It's still pretty boring. Some incredible athletes, but just not all that interesting. That's how it goes though. Not everything appeals to everyone.
  16. Our 3 boys are older now but there's only a 3.5 years spread total between them... there is no SUV in existence that can match convenience and ease that a van provides when it comes to small children. You made the right call.
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