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Everything posted by BrianS

  1. Damn, Jeremy Chinn is so class. I wish he played QB. I'm done with the Panthers if we don't retain him.
  2. Had the WR kept going, I don't know that the hit would have been all that bad. The safety saw the ball the whole way and appeared to be playing it. There would have been a collision, yes, with both players playing the ball and trying to make a catch. Maybe a catch, maybe an INT, maybe incomplete. Worst hits happen when the defender is coming from the opposite direction to the motion of the offense player with no chance on the ball. The safety here was coming at a 90. This would have been a hard collision, but not among the worst because in this case the safety was not looking to make a hit, he was looking to make a catch.
  3. If we get to the point where we know Baker isn't the answer, we better be answering the question marks about Corral as well instead of waiting.
  4. So basically the national media have finally caught up to Panthers fans who have know for at least a year that Tepper was part of the problem.
  5. I don't need much knowledge to know that Baker's arm talent is top 20 in the league. Not saying he's a top 20 QB, but his arm talent if coupled with a processing mind like Rodgers would make him elite.
  6. Since 2000, it's around 50% on first round QB's, and around 10% for the rest of the rounds combined. (Very little difference after the first round). The mistake we made at QB is actually rather simple. And really it's only one. After Rhule's first year, we convinced ourselves we were better than we actually were. Instead of staying the course with our bridge QB and taking our lumps, we were cashed in assets and salary cap to try to shortcut the process. That's the mistake that started the avalanche.
  7. Only time Christensen ever looked good was when he was playing tackle. His game isn't strength. This is why I have trouble understanding why so many forum coaches want to put him inside. That's not his game. If you tell me we're going to use him as a swing tackle, I'm on board. Getting a quality swing tackle with a third round pick is good business. Look, if he works out at guard, I'm excited. I just don't see it.
  8. What I've seen is that a lot of pundits are fairly bullish on our roster. Not the best roster in the league, but far from the worst. So it all comes down to Coach 1000. Fail this year, and he better be unemployed by mid January or the Panthers will lose their fan base. Bare minimum is a winning record. Honestly, I think they should be challenging for a wild card, if not flat out getting in.
  9. I'm definitely rooting for him. I think there is a greater chance of Mayfield finally turning into a bona fide franchise guy than there ever was of Darnold doing it. Mayfield can actually point to success at both the college and NFL levels whereas Darnold cannot.
  10. I'm not sure if that's the case, but I'm willing to give him a chance. Remember, people outside the Panthers also had very unflattering opinions of CN1 as well, despite all his teammates saying they liked him. Hopefully that's what we are seeing here as well.
  11. Seeing as our TE's had 45 receptions and 452 yards last year, you're shooting low if you want to see improvements to be optimistic about. Show me 70-80 catches and 800 yards. Then I can get excited about our TE's producing something.
  12. It's utter madness to release Darnold at this point. I don't want to see him play another snap for us, but I also don't want to release him. It's highly unlikely, but we could end up getting something for him. Even getting a 6th rounder for him while we pay his salary is better than releasing him. Hurney would release him.
  13. Wait, what? Baker should be above the guy who just took his team on his shoulders to the Super Bowl, and below the guy who in just two seasons has more game winning drives than Baker has in four? Go watch some football man. Burrow and Herbert are the next generation unless something derails them. Those boys can play. Gimme some of what you're smokin I guess.
  14. That's a pop fly man. The 49ers traded three 1st round picks and a 3rd round pick for Trey Lance and paid JimmyG around $26 million last year. They also gave up a 2nd round pick for JimmyG when he was acquired. Pretty steep.
  15. Actually . . . yes. I would rather know what we have there before the next draft, not left wondering. PJ Walker tho . . . I will lose my (*@#ing mind if he sticks on the roster.
  16. He's Sam Darnold II. Maybe he finally puts it together, he's got all the incentive in the world to do so and a HUGE chip on his shoulder. I will say there is at least more good tape on Baker than on Sam. Full disclosure, I'm not one of those who hold last year against Baker. He should have tapped out, and didn't.
  17. Who do I want it to be? Corral, of course. Who do I think it will be? Horn.
  18. He would make a great coach, but if I was his age and financially set for life, I'm pretty sure the last thing I'd wanna do is throw all my time into my job.
  19. Actually, that's the old thinking. Can you name a QB who has sat a year and then succeeded in recent history? Burrow, Herbert, Murray, Jones all got thrown in immediately and succeeded. I think QB's come to the NFL now better prepared. Either they have it, or they don't. The only QB who sat a year and succeeded in recent memory is Mahomes. I'd argue he could easily have played his rookie year, but the Chiefs had Alex Smith coming off 12-4 and 10-6 seasons where they were top 10 scoring offenses. I think that used to be true, but I'm not convinced it is still true. I'm not saying we throw Corral out there week 1, I'm saying let him compete. If he's our best QB, he plays week 1. If the season is crap by week 8, he plays regardless. The worst case scenario with Corral is we get to the end of the season with a non-playoff team and still don't know what we have. It's Brady Christiansen all over again with the most important position on the team.
  20. You can't second guess against value like that, it's unfair. At the time they made the trade, it wasn't pick 70. It could have been pick 96! At the time, the FO was talking playoffs - right or wrong. They were thinking that pick was going to be mid 80's at best. This is nothing like the Anderson or Darnold deals. Anderson got paid for a career year while Coach 1000 was in full command. Yes, that was a bad deal. Darnold had no consistently good tape on him. Yes, he could make some eye popping plays, but those were both good and horrible plays. That was a bad deal. There was good tape on CJ Henderson, and the appearance was that he had fallen out of favor with the coaching staff. He was highly coveted out of college, and we got him for a steal. You also had to consider we just lost one starting CB for the year - and another left the same game with a foot injury which we didn't really know the extent of. If you want to criticize the Gilmore trade, ok, I can kinda see that. That one didn't make a lot of sense except in bringing a veteran to the room. Great player, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure it was a trade we needed to make.
  21. How do you figure? How could they know at the time they made that trade what Donte might be thinking as far as his value? If CJ turns into a starting CB, we can flip him for better than what we paid. In a league that values passing so much, having three good CB's is never a problem. Teams are playing nickel packages somewhere between 60 and 70 percent of the time. CJ becoming a starter can only benefit us in every way. It's a question of whether he does or not.
  22. If CJ can just turn into an average NFL starter for us, that pick we sent over was as good as gold. He doesn't need to be amazing, just good.
  23. It is very frustrating to a LOT of people how BC was used last year. It's nice to hear that he is looking good now, and surprise, he's being played in the position he excelled at in college. While it would kinda suck because of where we drafted him, at least Ickey has clear talent as a guard. I daresay he won't get walked back to the QB on the regular the way pretty much every guard we had last year did. I don't really care WHO plays LT or LG or whatever. I just want to see our coaches stop trying to impose their idea of where a player should play and instead observe the players and see where they can have the greatest impact on the game.
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