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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. So in your world, the NFL will cease to exist after all the HCs die? You can't become a HC unless you're a coordinator first lol.
  2. That would be funny if Payton walking had to do with Tepper not wanting to pay Sean as much as Sean probably wanted ... and is now might hire two HCs who will not take a discount. If he ended up paying more for them ...
  3. Man, if it IS Reich, and he doesn't turn things around here, watching his full supporters turn on him will be quite the thing to witness! Meanwhile, those "meh" on him will be all ... And those against the hire will be ... Just another year in Panthers fandom.
  4. Nostradamus predicts our record ... Reich - 9-8 Wilks - 8-9
  5. So in nine seasons as a playcaller, his teams were in the top 10 four out of nine times. 4-5. I know top 10 is good and all ... but 4-5 could not be a more classic Panthers type number. Via a direct quote from Irsay? Or, another one of your Tweets? Lay off the Twitter, Scot.
  6. Good god, a staff with Reich and Wilks would be SO pathetic. Says the guy who slanders Sam. Then you are a lone wolf. Rhule was hated by just about everyone here. No one wanted him to be a success toward the end. Who is this "Wilkes" you speak of?
  7. Let's get back to back winning seasons first. Then we can talk about turning it around ... which I'd ask you, uh ... what are we turning it around to? Should I pick one of our rare Playoffs years?
  8. I've been thinking about it, why is it seen as bad that a new HC wants to bring in his own people? He has guys he likes to work with, that understand him, share his philosophy, etc. I'd much rather a HC bring in a group like that than force him to work with guys he doesn't know.
  9. No way, maaan! Albright has the super duper insider info! He should be the only one tweeting news! He knows all!
  10. Look, if AR can be taught better footwork, better aim, better pocket presence, better reads, better placement, better poise ... draft him. If not ... don't. And I'd lean toward him not gaining all of that. A QB needs to be a QB first and foremost. I don't care if he has the best arm, is fast, can truck someone, can make people miss, and is all about power. A freak athlete is not always going to make an elite QB. Jesus, if it did, or if you could easily teach it, every team would go ask their TEs to become the QB or they'd head over to the school gym and see which forwards on the basketball team wanted to put on the pads. So unless someone can convice me that this kid is going to be as talented as Mahomes is ... please don't gamble on this freakish physical superman.
  11. Subs, Hoagies, Heros ... not sure if I can pick a favorite. There's a few here that are the bee's knees. You can usually tell by their shop's name, workers, and menu though if it's going to be great or suuuuck.
  12. Young, Stroud, and Levis will all be gone by nine. Who really cares who gets who.
  13. Meh ... 19 is nothing to celebrate. I mean ... we're happy we're almost mediocre instead of a bottom feeder?
  14. Now that the thread has branched out into something ... it's simple really: People don't like mediocrity "because it's safe". People don't like mediocrity period. And it has nothing to do with us being a small market team. It has nothing to do with people willing to accept what they think they deserve, though that last part has some truth to it. Some think we deserve to be a dynasty. But ... It all boils down to a large percentage of Huddlers and Panthers fans being unable to admit to themselves that the franchise isn't good. Outside of a handful of seasons, it's never been good. Every year you have fans saying we're just a player away. Or, we're just a coach away. Or, if we draft this guy we're in the conversation. No. No we're not. We're never in the conversation. 2015 was an aberration. The Carolina Panthers are a bottom feeder NFL franchise. We're barely even "mediocre". What I'm trying to explain here is that no one is okay with mediocrity ... because people refuse to believe we can even be mediocre. The sooner people realize that the entire franchise needs a complete reboot, the sooner you can look forward to being a yearly competitor.
  15. Why is this a thread? It could've been a post in the coaching thread lol. There is nothing new here. Wilks sucks! I like Wilks! I want Steichen! I want Payton! The Panthers are mediocre!
  16. Man, if Steichen turns us down this place is going to be so sad.
  17. Also don't see the Eagles taking a RB, or the Bengals taking a TE.
  18. Why does ripp think Harbaugh is going to change his mind at the last second and peace out on Michigan again?
  19. I'm just here to read nothing but hate and jealousy.
  20. I said at the end of the year. He had three WRs really step up. If they can blossom next year, they're in a good spot. But anyone that wants Jones here will get the same result we had with Sam.
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