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Everything posted by OldhamA

  1. I'm aware of the quote - it's revisionist bullshit. Also the fact he thinks it's acceptable to slink off back to College football without informing any of his players tells you everything you need to know about the man. An absolute scumbag that millionaire athletes didn't respect.
  2. After the underhand dealings of ESPN regarding the Big 12 got out last night, they can go eat poo as an organisation.
  3. Saban ran back to college because his little Napoleon complex doesn't fly with millionaire athletes.
  4. "I signed an extension that I didn't completely understand." Rather than asking for a trade he should be firing his agent.
  5. And avoided jail time for rape. He's winning at life.
  6. I still think you're wasting Pitts' skillset if you line him up as a TE (in-line). He's a big WR. Don't ask him to block LBs.
  7. If that's our worst contract then we're in great shape financially / Salary Cap wise. Fitterer could cut Erving tomorrow without batting an eye.
  8. Sad times. I'd completely fallen out of love with the franchise when we had that Amazon series so I've never watched it. A behind-the-scenes look at how Rhule runs things would have been fun.
  9. The money we're paying Darnold is irrelevant. If he's good we'd pay him whatever he wants - as any team does with their QB. If he's bad he's off the books next year.
  10. Nothing bloated about McCaffrey's contract. You're paying a premium price for a premium player.
  11. How do you win Rookie of the Year and get voted to the Pro Bowl from the bench? We took a risk on Bridgewater. It didn't work. We moved on.
  12. I mean by 'something to prove' he means 'I'm playing for a contract', right? Dude is a borderline NFL talent.
  13. Let's not talk about Jameis' victims at FSU.
  14. The current uniforms should be throwbacks. We badly need an upgrade. Move away from silver for a start. White, black and blue should be our colours.
  15. I can only assume Obada was missing his former teammates...
  16. Reid probably questioned Bell's parenting skills.
  17. You have to be able to win from the pocket. Everything else is gravy. Darnold has the mobility / ability to make plays outside of the pocket and off platform, but that can't be his bread and butter if we want him to be a success in the NFL.
  18. How very dare you. Darnold has a 50 yard TD run in the NFL. Does Fields have one of those? I think not.
  19. The bigger pay day is if he proves he can play LT in the NFL.
  20. Yeah about 50, but it's been that way for a number of years. I've never invested the time to learn the names of guys that only see the field sparingly.
  21. "One of the biggest tournaments in Europe called Euro’s. It’s like a mini World Cup for European teams only" You're a stereotypical soccer-ball Yank fan and I'm here for it.
  22. I dislike him for that cheap shot on Clausen when he was trying to sneak on the goalline too, but man, let it go. Life is too short to hate someone as inconsequential as Talib.
  23. You're looking for something that isn't there. They're rebuilding his confidence and his mechanics. Don't expect miracle results in Minicamp.
  24. The article that was posted earlier today had the most relevant info about Darnold. The new QB Coach is trying to fix his footwork. That's his big weakness - and it's going to take the entire offseason to sort. Fix that and we've got something special on our hands I feel.
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